# [brainfuck], 79 bytes


[Try it online!][TIO-jf7nibd6]

[brainfuck]: https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck
[TIO-jf7nibd6]: https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fN9pOWxuCbGxsdEEg1g5E6gFFEEDPBigAEtGDcm0gtB1EDqQcpEvv/38A "brainfuck – Try It Online"

It's not the shortest brainfuck submission, that would be [@Sp3000's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/108062/78407), but frankly, I dont understand how his submission works anyways, and this was the best I could do.


The word "brainfuck" is 9 letters: b(98), r(114), a(97), i(105), n(110), f(102), u(117), c(99), and k(107)
Splitting these up into three groups by similar ascii values gives us our tape:

*`[Initial Count Cell] , [ABCF Cell] , [RU Cell] , [IKN Cell]`*

By using three cells instead of one to print the ascii characters, we cut down the number of bytes needed by nearly half.

    -[>++>++>++<<<-----]     Wrapped loop sets all three ascii cells to 102
    >----.                   print 'b'
    >++++++++++++.           print 'r'
    <-.                      print 'a'
    >>+++.                   print 'i'
    +++++.                   print 'n'
    <<+++++.                 print 'f'
    >+++.                    print 'u'
    <---.                    print 'c'
    >>---.                   print 'k'

-2 bytes thanks to [@ETHproductions](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/42545/ethproductions)