Clean, score 25 in 231 seconds
1 < n <= 23
in4236 seconds on TIOn = 24 (2311294134347173535961967837989)
in3230 seconds locallyn = 25 (23112941343471735359619678378979)
in210160 seconds locallyn = 1
ton = 25
was found in 231 seconds for the official scoring (edited by maxb)
This uses a similar approach to Arnauld's JS solution based on recursive permutation rejection, using a specialized tree-set to gain a lot of speed.
For every prime that needs to fit in the number:
- check if the prime is a sub-string of another prime, and if so, remove it
- sort the current list of prime sub-strings, join it, and add it to the balanced tree set
- check if any primes fit on the front of any other ones, and if so, join them - ignoring adjacent already-ordered elements that are tested by the rejection step anyway
Then, for each pair of sub-strings that we joined, remove any sub-strings of that joined pair from the list of sub-strings and recurse on it.
Once no more sub-strings can be joined to any other sub-strings on any arm of our recursion, we use the already-ordered tree set to quickly find the lowest number containing the sub-strings.
Things to be improved / added:
- Some more intelligence in determining which numbers to try to merge, instead of going blind
- Multithreading, after determining a useful way to split work into threads
There were large performance drops between 19 -> 20
and 24 -> 25
due to duplicate handling by the merge trial step and the candidate rejection step, but these have been fixed.
module main
import StdEnv,StdOverloadedList,_SystemEnumStrict
import Data.List,Data.Func,Data.Maybe,Data.Array
import Text,Text.GenJSON
// adapted from Data.Set to work with a single specific type, and persist uniqueness
:: Set a = Tip | Bin !Int a !.(Set a) !.(Set a)
derive JSONEncode Set
derive JSONDecode Set
delta :== 4
ratio :== 2
:: NumberType :== String
:: SetType :== NumberType
//uSingleton :: SetType -> Set
uSingleton x :== (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)
// adapted from Data.Set to work with a single specific type, and persist uniqueness
uFindMin :: !.(Set .a) -> .a
uFindMin (Bin _ x Tip _) = x
uFindMin (Bin _ _ l _) = uFindMin l
uSize set :== case set of
Tip = (0, Tip)
s=:(Bin sz _ _ _) = (sz, s)
uMemberSpec :: String !u:(Set String) -> .(.Bool, v:(Set String)), [u <= v]
uMemberSpec x Tip = (False, Tip)
uMemberSpec x set=:(Bin s y l r)
| sx < sy || sx == sy && x < y
# (t, l) = uMemberSpec x l
= (t, Bin s y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceL y l r)
| sx > sy || sx == sy && x > y
# (t, r) = uMemberSpec x r
= (t, Bin s y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceR y l r)
| otherwise = (True, set)
sx = size x
sy = size y
uInsertM :: !(a a -> .Bool) -> (a u:(Set a) -> v:(.Bool, w:(Set a))), [v u <= w]
uInsertM cmp = uInsertM`
//uInsertM` :: a (Set a) -> (Bool, Set a)
uInsertM` x Tip = (False, uSingleton x)
uInsertM` x set=:(Bin _ y l r)
| cmp x y//sx < sy || sx == sy && x < y
# (t, l) = uInsertM` x l
= (t, uBalanceL y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceL y l r)
| cmp y x//sx > sy || sx == sy && x > y
# (t, r) = uInsertM` x r
= (t, uBalanceR y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceR y l r)
| otherwise = (True, set)
uInsertMCmp :: a !u:(Set a) -> .(.Bool, v:(Set a)) | Enum a, [u <= v]
uInsertMCmp x Tip = (False, uSingleton x)
uInsertMCmp x set=:(Bin _ y l r)
| x < y
# (t, l) = uInsertMCmp x l
= (t, uBalanceL y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceL y l r)
| x > y
# (t, r) = uInsertMCmp x r
= (t, uBalanceR y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceR y l r)
| otherwise = (True, set)
uInsertMSpec :: NumberType !u:(Set NumberType) -> .(.Bool, v:(Set NumberType)), [u <= v]
uInsertMSpec x Tip = (False, uSingleton x)
uInsertMSpec x set=:(Bin sz y l r)
| sx < sy || sx == sy && x < y
#! (t, l) = uInsertMSpec x l
= (t, uBalanceL y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceL y l r)
| sx > sy || sx == sy && x > y
#! (t, r) = uInsertMSpec x r
= (t, uBalanceR y l r)
//= (t, Bin sz y l r)
//= (t, if(t)(\y` l` r` = Bin sz y` l` r`) uBalanceR y l r)
| otherwise = (True, set)
sx = size x
sy = size y
// adapted from Data.Set to work with a single specific type, and persist uniqueness
uBalanceL :: .a !u:(Set .a) !v:(Set .a) -> w:(Set .a), [v u <= w]
//a .(Set a) .(Set a) -> .(Set a)
uBalanceL x Tip Tip
= Bin 1 x Tip Tip
uBalanceL x l=:(Bin _ _ Tip Tip) Tip
= Bin 2 x l Tip
uBalanceL x l=:(Bin _ lx Tip (Bin _ lrx _ _)) Tip
= Bin 3 lrx (Bin 1 lx Tip Tip) (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)
uBalanceL x l=:(Bin _ lx ll=:(Bin _ _ _ _) Tip) Tip
= Bin 3 lx ll (Bin 1 x Tip Tip)
uBalanceL x l=:(Bin ls lx ll=:(Bin lls _ _ _) lr=:(Bin lrs lrx lrl lrr)) Tip
| lrs < ratio*lls
= Bin (1+ls) lx ll (Bin (1+lrs) x lr Tip)
# (lrls, lrl) = uSize lrl
# (lrrs, lrr) = uSize lrr
| otherwise
= Bin (1+ls) lrx (Bin (1+lls+lrls) lx ll lrl) (Bin (1+lrrs) x lrr Tip)
uBalanceL x Tip r=:(Bin rs _ _ _)
= Bin (1+rs) x Tip r
uBalanceL x l=:(Bin ls lx ll=:(Bin lls _ _ _) lr=:(Bin lrs lrx lrl lrr)) r=:(Bin rs _ _ _)
| ls > delta*rs
| lrs < ratio*lls
= Bin (1+ls+rs) lx ll (Bin (1+rs+lrs) x lr r)
# (lrls, lrl) = uSize lrl
# (lrrs, lrr) = uSize lrr
| otherwise
= Bin (1+ls+rs) lrx (Bin (1+lls+lrls) lx ll lrl) (Bin (1+rs+lrrs) x lrr r)
| otherwise
= Bin (1+ls+rs) x l r
uBalanceL x l=:(Bin ls _ _ _) r=:(Bin rs _ _ _)
= Bin (1+ls+rs) x l r
// adapted from Data.Set to work with a single specific type, and persist uniqueness
uBalanceR :: .a !u:(Set .a) !v:(Set .a) -> w:(Set .a), [v u <= w]
uBalanceR x Tip Tip
= Bin 1 x Tip Tip
uBalanceR x Tip r=:(Bin _ _ Tip Tip)
= Bin 2 x Tip r
uBalanceR x Tip r=:(Bin _ rx Tip rr=:(Bin _ _ _ _))
= Bin 3 rx (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) rr
uBalanceR x Tip r=:(Bin _ rx (Bin _ rlx _ _) Tip)
= Bin 3 rlx (Bin 1 x Tip Tip) (Bin 1 rx Tip Tip)
uBalanceR x Tip r=:(Bin rs rx rl=:(Bin rls rlx rll rlr) rr=:(Bin rrs _ _ _))
| rls < ratio*rrs
= Bin (1+rs) rx (Bin (1+rls) x Tip rl) rr
# (rlls, rll) = uSize rll
# (rlrs, rlr) = uSize rlr
| otherwise
= Bin (1+rs) rlx (Bin (1+rlls) x Tip rll) (Bin (1+rrs+rlrs) rx rlr rr)
uBalanceR x l=:(Bin ls _ _ _) Tip
= Bin (1+ls) x l Tip
uBalanceR x l=:(Bin ls _ _ _) r=:(Bin rs rx rl=:(Bin rls rlx rll rlr) rr=:(Bin rrs _ _ _))
| rs > delta*ls
| rls < ratio*rrs
= Bin (1+ls+rs) rx (Bin (1+ls+rls) x l rl) rr
# (rlls, rll) = uSize rll
# (rlrs, rlr) = uSize rlr
| otherwise
= Bin (1+ls+rs) rlx (Bin (1+ls+rlls) x l rll) (Bin (1+rrs+rlrs) rx rlr rr)
| otherwise
= Bin (1+ls+rs) x l r
uBalanceR x l=:(Bin ls _ _ _) r=:(Bin rs _ _ _)
= Bin (1+ls+rs) x l r
primes :: [Int]
primes =: [2: [i \\ i <- [3, 5..] | let
checks :: [Int]
checks = TakeWhile (\n . i >= n*n) primes
in All (\n . i rem n <> 0) checks]]
primePrefixes :: [[NumberType]]
primePrefixes =: Tl (Scan removeOverlap [|] [toString p \\ p <- primes])
removeOverlap :: !u:[NumberType] NumberType -> v:[NumberType], [u <= v]
removeOverlap [|] nsub = [|nsub]
removeOverlap [|h: t] nsub
| indexOf h nsub <> -1
= removeOverlap t nsub
| nsub > h
= [|h: removeOverlap t nsub]
| otherwise
= [|nsub, h: Filter (\s = indexOf s nsub == -1) t]
tryMerge :: !NumberType !NumberType -> .Maybe .NumberType
tryMerge a b = first_prefix (max (size a - size b) 0)
sa = size a - 1
max_len = min sa (size b - 1)
first_prefix :: !Int -> .Maybe .NumberType
first_prefix n
| n > max_len
= Nothing
| b%(0,sa-n) == a%(n,sa)
= Just (a%(0,n-1) +++. b)
| otherwise
= first_prefix (inc n)
mergeString :: !NumberType !NumberType -> .NumberType
mergeString a b = first_prefix (max (size a - size b) 0)
sa = size a - 1
first_prefix :: !Int -> .NumberType
first_prefix n
| b%(0,sa-n) == a%(n,sa)
= a%(0,n-1) +++. b
| n == sa
= a +++. b
| otherwise
= first_prefix (inc n)
// todo: keep track of merges that we make independent of the resulting whole number
mapCandidatePermsSt :: ![[NumberType]] !u:(Set .NumberType) -> v:(Set NumberType), [u <= v]
mapCandidatePermsSt [|] returnSet = returnSet
mapCandidatePermsSt [h:t] returnSet
#! (mem, returnSet) = uInsertMSpec (foldl mergeString "" h) returnSet
= let merges = [removeOverlap h y \\ [x:u=:[_:v]] <- tails h, (Just y) <- Map (tryMerge x) v ++| Map (flip tryMerge x) u]
in (mapCandidatePermsSt t o if(mem) id (mapCandidatePermsSt merges)) returnSet
containmentNumbersSt =: [ uFindMin (mapCandidatePermsSt [p] Tip) \\ p <- primePrefixes]
minFinder :== (\a b = let sa = size a; sb = size b in if(sa == sb) (a < b) (sa < sb))
Start = [(i, ' ', n, "\n") \\ i <- [1..] & n <- containmentNumbersSt]
Save to main.icl
and compile with: clm -fusion -b -IL Dynamics -IL StdEnv -IL Platform main
This produces a file a.out
which should be run as a.out -h <heap_size>M -s <stack_size>M
, where <heap_size> + <stack_size>
is the memory that will be used by the program in megabytes.
(I generally set the stack to 50MB, but I rarely have programs use even that much)