.•5Ç¿ÆΓ•2ô.•1ÒKá ¸ΓìŸÆt`ô_zTºγ„KRI‰ι놽òι•4ô«UI'b¡εg>}s£εXsk}h2ôJHçJ
Input is in lowercase.
For some reason 'b¡εg>}s£ε.•5Ç¿ÆΓ•2ô.•1ÒKá ¸ΓìŸÆt`ô_zTºγ„KRI‰ι놽òι•4ô«sk}h2ôJHçJ
doesn't work. There seems to be some kind of weird bug/behavior with the second mapping. I also can't get a test suite for all test cases up and running..
Also, can definitely be golfed with something smarter than the huge compressed strings. Will take another look later on.
.•5Ç¿ÆΓ• # Compressed string "bibabobu"
2ô # Split in parts of 2
# → ["bi","ba","bo","bu"]
.•1ÒKá ¸ΓìŸÆt`ô_zTºγ„KRI‰ι놽òι•
# Compressed string "bidibidabidobidubadibadabadobadubodibodabodobodu"
4ô # Split in parts of 4
# → ["bidi","bida","bido","bidu","badi","bada","bado","badu","bodi","boda","bodo","bodu"]
«U # Merge both together, and save it in variable `X` (work-around)
# → ["bi","ba","bo","bu","bidi","bida","bido","bidu","badi","bada","bado","badu","bodi","boda","bodo","bodu"]
I'b¡ # Take the input and split on 'b'
# i.e. "bidibadibidobidabidobodibidobodibidoboduboba"
# → ["idi","adi","ido","ida","ido","odi","ido","odi","ido","odu","o","a"]
εg>} # Map each to its length+1
# i.e. ["idi","adi","ido","ida","ido","odi","ido","odi","ido","odu","o","a"]
# → [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,2,2]
s£ # Split the input-string into parts of that size
# i.e. "bidibadibidobidabidobodibidobodibidoboduboba" and [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,2,2]
# → ["bidi","badi","bido","bida","bido","bodi","bido","bodi","bido","bodu","bo","ba"]
ε } # Map each to:
Xsk # The index in variable `X`
# i.e. ["bidi","badi","bido","bida","bido","bodi","bido","bodi","bido","bodu","bo","ba"]
# → [4,8,6,5,6,12,6,12,6,15,2,1]
h # Convert everything to hexadecimal
# i.e. [4,8,6,5,6,12,6,12,6,15,2,1]
# → ["4","8","6","5","6","C","6","C","6","F","2","1"]
2ôJ # Split it in parts of 2 and join them together
# i.e. ["4","8","6","5","6","C","6","C","6","F","2","1"]
# → ["48","65","6C","6C","6F","21"]
H # Convert that from hexadecimal to an integer
# i.e. ["48","65","6C","6C","6F","21"] → [72,101,108,108,111,33]
ç # And take its ASCII value
# i.e. [72,101,108,108,111,33] → ["H","e","l","l","o","!"]
J # Then join everything together (and output implicitly)
# i.e. ["H","e","l","l","o","!"] → "Hello!"