# BASH - 214 for h in {-4915..4915..200};do for g in {-8601..2867..115};do x=0;y=0;q=0 for((i=0;i<30&&q<=16384;i++));do((v=((x*x-y*y)>>12)+g));((w=((x*y)>>11)+h)) x=$v;y=$w;((q=(x*x+y*y)>>12)) done;printf $[i%10];done;echo;done This basically is the same code like below with calculations being replaced by hardcoded values and the image got flipped around the x axis. The output is similar to the one below. --- # BASH - 260 <s>261</s> <s>263</s> Use this source, Luke: a=-8601;b=2867;c=-4915;d=4915 ((e=(b-a)/99));((f=(d-c)/49)) for((h=d;h>=c;h-=f));do for((g=a;g<=b;g+=e));do x=0;y=0;q=0 for((i=0;i<30&&q<=16384;i++));do((v=((x*x-y*y)>>12)+g)) ((w=((x*y)>>11)+h));x=$v;y=$w;((q=(x*x+y*y)>>12)) done printf $[i%10] done;echo;done (no trailing newline) This code uses integer arithmetic only, so BASH does not need additional helpers for doing floating point maths... [![mb.bash run snapshot][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/4t15G.gif