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Jonathan Allan
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Jelly,  25  27 bytes

+2 bytes to fix a bug with my golfing :( hopefully I'll find a shorter way though.


A full program taking the bit-strings using 1 and 2* as lists. The arguments are from and to. The program prints a list of lists of the same.

* 0 and 1 may be used instead at the cost of a byte (add between L2ṗ and Œ!ç€... to decrement).

Try it online!



ṫi¥³ḣi - Link 1, getSlice: list of lists, bitstrings; list, toBitstring
   ³   - get 3rd command line argument (fromBitstring)
  ¥    - last two links as a dyad:
 i     -   index (of fromBitstring in bitstrings)
ṫ      -   tail (bitstrings) from (that) index
     i - index (of toBitstring in that result)
    ḣ  - head to (that) index

L2ṗŒ!瀵ạ2\S€ỊẠ×LµÞṪ - Main link: list, fromBitstring; list, toBitstring
L                    - length (of fromBitstring)
 2                   - literal two
  ṗ                  - Cartesian power (of implicit range(2)=[1,2] with L(fromBitstring))
                     - ...i.e. all unique bitstrings of the required length (using [1,2])
   Œ!                - all permutations (of that list)
     ç€              - call the last link (1) as a dyad (i.e. f(that, toBitstring))
       µ         µÞ  - sort by the monadic function:
         2\          -   2-wise reduce with:
        ạ            -     absolute difference
           S€        -   sum €ach
             Ị       -   insignificant (vectorises) (abs(z)<=1 - for our purposes it's really just used for z==1 since only positive integers are possible)
              Ạ      -   all truthy? (1 if so 0 otherwise)
                L    -   length
               ×     -   multiply
                   Ṫ - tail (the last one is one of the maximal results)
                     - implicit print
Jonathan Allan
  • 110.2k
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  • 282