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10 of 12
replaced with

Perl 5 x 65 = 325 - 65(20%) = 260 chars!!

Clean, circular, with a second tick and updated every seconds.

perl -E '
$r=11;$p=atan2(1,1)/7.5;sub c{($A,$R,$C)=@_;$a[$r-$R*cos($A*$p)][
$r+$R*sin($A*$p)]=$C." "x($C!~/../)};while(::){@a=map{[map{"  "}(
|H:6:5:2 M:8:1:1 s:9:1:0 |){($S,$P,$F,$T)=split":",$i;map{c$F*$t[
$T],$_,$S}(do{$T?1:$P}/10*$r..$P/10*$r)};map{say@{$_}}@a;sleep 1}

On a 24 lines console look good (It's 00:12:56):

          11                    1             
  10                  H                 2     
                      H           M M         
                      H     M M M             
                      M M M                   
9                                           3 
  8                                     4     
          7                     5             

And there is a colored, nicer and smarter version:

#!                               /usr/bin/perl
                        use Time::HiRes qw|sleep time|
                 (1,1)/7.5;$V =4*$h; $v= 2* $h+ 1;@r=(0..2*$v)
              ;sub p{printf @_       }sub        b{ return"\e[1m"
            .pop."\e[0m"              };$              |=p"\e[?25".
           "l\e[H\e[" ."J"            ;$             SIG{ 'INT'}=sub
         {p"\e[?1"    ."2l"                        ."\e"     ."[?25h".
      "\e[%dH"        ."\e"                       ."[J"      ,$v+2;exit;
      };@z=map                                                  {[map{" "
     }@r] }(0                                                     ..2*$v);
    @Z=map{[@                                                  {$z[$_]}]}@r
   ;sub c{($A,$r ,$s                                       )=@_;$z[$h-$r*cos
  ($A*$P)    +.5 ][$h+$                                 r*sin($A*$P)+.5]=$s;}
  for$x(        0..$h) {$y=                         int(sqrt($h**2     -$x**2
 )+.5);$         z[$h-$x][$h-$                  y]=".";$z[$h+$x        ][$h-$y
 ]=".";             $z[$h-$x][$h+$           y]=".";$z[$h+$x            ][$h+$
y]=".";                $z[$h-$y][$h-$    x]=".";$z[$h+$y                ][$h-$x
]=".";                    $z[$h-$y][$h+$x]=".";$z[$h+                    $y][$h
+$x]="."};map{               c$_*5,$h,b$_}(1..12);                @R=map{[@{$z[
$_]}]}@r;while                (::){@t=localtime;                   p"\e[H\e[1;$
{V}H%0"                       ."2d\e[${v}H%02d\e"                        ."[${v
};${ V                         }H%02d",$t[2],$t[                         1],$t[
 0];@z=                         map{[     @{$R[                         $_]}]}(
 0..2*$                                                                 v);for
 $i('H:'                                                              .'65:5:'
  .'2:4',     ""                                               x1    .'M:78:'
   ."1:1" .":2",                                               "s:8". "7:1:"
    .'0:6'){($                                                  l,$p,$F,$u,$
     c)=split                                                    ":",$i;map
      {c$F*$t                                                     [$u],$_
       ,b("\e["                                                ."3${c}m$
        l")}(do{$u     ?1:$                         p} /     100*$h..$p
          /100*$h);}  $z[$            h][            $h]=  b((".","+"
            ,"*","o","O")             [$t             [0]%5]);for$x
              (@r){for$y(@r           ){$           Z[$x][$y]ne$z
                 [$x][$y]?p"\e[%d;%dH".$z  [ $x] [$y],$x+1,2*$
                        if time=~/(\..*)$/;p"\e[H\e[7m"

This version is strongly linked to this other answer, with the main advantage: You could run this quietly, for a while! So you could find an upgraded version there or on this ascii-clock for geeks web page.

As a demonstration that doing approx same in require less resources:

$ 7

After     PMem   PCpu      Mem
    0' 0"  0.0%   0.0%    23.5M 
   10'30"  0.0%   0.0%    23.5M 
 1h 0' 0"  0.0%   0.0%    23.5M 
 2h 0' 0"  0.0%   0.0%    23.5M 

for approx same features:

  • wait for begin of each seconds for doing a refresh
  • draw with color and bold attributes
  • draw full circle with dots, hour tick, hour and minutes full path and a s dot for second handler.
  • draw digital clock prompting hour at top right, minutes at bottom left and seconds at bottom right.
  • prompt a S at top left, when sleeping (look for difference with version)


  • The upgraded version authorize -a argument for drawing hour and minute path in fraction (11h59 place hour path approx at 12h).

Let another perl version!!!

Using the following (beautiful) picture:

A wonderful representation of perl code

Than you could simply:

curl |
  perl -e 'use GD;GD::Image->trueColor(1);$i=GD::Image->newFromPng(
      STDIN);my($x,$y)=$i->getBounds();for my$k(0..$x-1){for my$l(0

Ok, this require having gd2-perl installed. But you could replace curl by wget -O - ;-)

( Note: This picture is near 1.5Kb. I've built another same picture, but 900 bytes length. You may find this picture, well as a version of same at ascii-clock for geeks :-)