Vim, 43, 41 bytes
qqSLoading... |<esc>:sl250m
Two bytes saved thanks to @Udioica!
Here's a (slightly outdated) animation of it happening in real time!
And here is an explanation:
qq " Start recording into register 'q'
SLoading... |<esc> " Replace all of the text in the buffer with 'Loading... |'
:sl250m " Sleep for 250 ms
r/ " Replace the bar with a slash
@: " Re-run the last ex command (sleeping)
r- " Replace the slash with a dash
@: " Re-run the last ex command (sleeping)
r\ " Replace the dash with a backslash
@: " Re-run the last ex command (sleeping)
@q " Run macro 'q' (the one we're recording)
q " Stop recording
@q " Call macro 'q', which will run forever because it's recursive