#JavaScript (ES6), <s>&nbsp;106 104&nbsp;</s> 100 bytes

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We first update the original input array `a[]` by iterating on a copy of it. During this step, all values 'attracted' by other ones are set to \$0\$.

Because the array is parsed from left to right, we can just add \$a_i\$ to \$a_{i+1}\$ whenever a value is attracted by its right neighbor.

Example: \$4\rightarrow5\rightarrow6\$ is transformed as \$[0,\color{red}9,6]\$ and then \$[0,0,\color{red}{15}]\$.

But we need to add \$a_i\$ to the highest previous value \$a_k\$ (with \$k<i\$) when several values in a row are attracted by their left neighbor.

Example: \$6\leftarrow5\leftarrow4\$ is transformed as \$[\color{red}{11},0,4]\$ and then \$[\color{red}{15},0,0]\$.

    [...a]                 // create a copy of a[]
    .map((v, i) =>         // for each value v in a[] at position i:
      a[                   //   this statement updates a[i]:
        a[                 //     this statement updates either a[i] or an adjacent value:
          p > v &          //       if the previous value p is greater than v
          (n = ~~a[i + 1]) //       and the next value n
          < p ?            //       is less than p:
            k              //         use k
          :                //       else:
            i + (          //         use either i or i + 1:
              k = i,       //           set k to i
              n > v &      //           use i + 1 if n is greater than v
              p < n        //           and p is less than n
            )              //
        ] += x = a[i],     //     add x = a[i] to the entry defined above
        p = v,             //     update the previous value to v
        i                  //     actual index to update a[i]
      ] -= x,              //   subtract x from a[i]
      p = 0                //   start with p = 0
    )                      // end of map()

We then filter out all entries equal to \$0\$.

    a.filter(n => n)