# [R], <s>112</s> <s>107</s> 103 bytes

Non-recursive approach. We generate all 2^2n 2n-character strings of "(" and ")" using `expand.grid` (via their ASCII codes 40 and 41) and then grep to see which combinations give balanced parentheses.

Via http://rachbelaid.com/recursive-regular-experession/

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[Try it online!][TIO-jotuoag1]


    "^(\\((?1)*\\))(?1)*$" = regex for balanced parens
    ^ # match a start of the string
      ( # start of expression 1
        \\( # open parens
    	   (?1)* # optional repeat of any number of expression 1 (recursive)
      # allows match for parentheses like (()()())(()) where ?1 is (\\((?1)*\\))
    	\\) # close parens
      ) # end of expression 1
      (?1)* # optional repeat of any number of expression 1
    $ # end of string

        grep("^(\\((?1)*\\))(?1)*$", # search for regular expression matching parens
            expand.grid(rep(list(41:40),2*n)) # generate 2^(2n) 40, 41 combinations
          ,1,intToUtf8) # turn into all 2^(2n) combinations of "(",")"
        ,,T,T) # return the values that match the regex
      ) # sort them

[R]: https://www.r-project.org/
[TIO-jotuoag1]: https://tio.run/##HcpNCsIwEAbQuxQX85VRjHQhIniJ1FUQSpuUQJmEdATr5ePP7i1eqeG6r@Epo8YkJFhTUZqLz9Q8yDmim0HrHPDHruEh52Uj/8qDTIe5xIl@eYmrUmcu3RF8agVgw1HUpl7DGcyWLVDvftRU4ttTAH0z6gc "R – Try It Online"

# [R], 107 bytes

Usual recursive approach.

-1 thanks @Giuseppe
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[Try it online!][TIO-jor09nco]

[R]: https://www.r-project.org/
[TIO-jor09nco]: https://tio.run/##HYxBCsIwEEWvM4MjpNCFFHoEd@q6pWZgIEzSZCrRy8fo23ze4r/cGs986GYSFZTq7KYBF@GlS4nZ4FDZD98nSDG4rgmY9DxQWFMKbyh@h4rUxeuz3yu9/okfJGq3eDe@QD2NDrE9/GYxy8cDI7hpxPYF "R – Try It Online"