# [Hexagony], 161 bytes


[Try it online!][TIO-lk0c9k3u]

Layed out:
        ? { 1 0 ' ' d 0
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     3 7 2 4 4 7 6 ' * 0 {
      . > } { } 1 1 7 4 4
       . . = } & = { { {
        . . . . . . . .

My first go at a Hexagony program. I will return to this later to hopefully golf it down considerably. The precision is overkill and the layout is very lazy, so there should be lots of bytes to save. For now I'm just quite happy that it works.

Since there are no floats in Hexagony, input and output are both fixed point \$\lfloor n\cdot10^7\rfloor\$.

### The algorithm
(skip to the second paragraph if you don't care how I came up with it or why it works)

The algorithm used to approximate here is one I came up with myself. I'm sure something like it has been done before, but I'll go over how the constraints of Hexagony led me to this particular method. The first useful observation is that all logarithms are the same, at least up to a constant multiple. That is, \$\log_a(x)=\frac{\log_b(x)}{\log_b(a)}\$. This is nice because \$\log_{10}\$ is easier to work with when dealing with decimal representations. In fact, it's super easy. We can approxiamte the base ten logarithm just by taking the length of the decimal representation! Unfortunately, on the range \$[0.1, 100]\$ this give us 4 possible output values. Not quite good enough. We need a way to make our numbers longer, but longer in a very specific way. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, we can't even enter \$0.1\$ into Hexagony, so we pad the lengths and get some necessary input precision by multiplying everything by \$10^7\$. Then, we use another simple logarithm observation: \$\log(x)=\frac{1}{n}\log(x^n)\$. Which is to say, up to another constant multiple (which was already necessary), we can take our input to any power before taking the logarithm. Great, so we just take the input to some super high power, take the length of the result and multiply it by something. But there's still a problem. While this idea *technically* works, it means that we'd be multiplying and measuring the length of numbers millions of digits long. I'd never be able to verify any test cases. We've successfully made our numbers longer, now we need to make them shorter. So we break the large exponent into steps, and at each step we truncate the input. By looking at how much we truncate each time we can give an approximation for how long we think it would have gotten if it didn't truncate. This approxiamtion becomes our logarithm. So, for the actual algorihtm:

We take the input and keep a running count of how many digits long we think it is. We enter a loop. For each iteration, we square the input and double this running count (since squaring roughly doubles length). We then truncate the input to the first 7 digits, and add the number of digits we took off to our running count. Iterating 24 times gives us more than enough precision. We then take our predicted length, add a constant, multiply by a constant and print it out.

[Hexagony]: https://github.com/m-ender/hexagony
[TIO-lk0c9k3u]: https://tio.run/##TYzBCsIwEES/xSCJVrruttFCyUY/pFAERU96Vcb46zHVgz5YWIaZdzndD@fb9ZHzDsLOHVlhRRMQIBZaQe2afvRiXT/bly8Kb0ZuTf2CDURLE2Jt@mH@qfFEkaTGa5iCZ7mhuBS0Kltj3JQuQvxzj23XeN9tXcWgmJBEOu@JNJUZkHPDX94 "Hexagony – Try It Online"