# [eacal](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/eacal), noncompeting, 386 bytes

    init .
    define @ curry push .
    define ~ curry exec .--func
    alias $ strap
    alias ' string
    set n set m cast number arg number 0
    set s empty string
    label l
    @ get n
    set n ~ dec
    @ space
    @ get n
    $ ~ repeat
    $ ' /----/
    @ space
    @ get m
    @ get n
    @ ~ sub
    @ ~ dec
    @ number 2
    @ ~ mul
    $ ~ repeat
    $ ' \
    $ newline
    @ get n
    @ number 0
    if ~ more
    goto l
    @ $
    @ regex gm '   ( {4})(?=.$)
    @ '  \$1
    print ~ replace

<s>I have officially made the most verbose language possible.</s> I made the comment in jest and in sarcasm. Please calm down. Instructions on how to run in the github repo linked in the header.

## Ungolfed

    init .
    set n set m cast number arg number 0
    set s empty string
    label loop
        push . get n
        set n exec .--func dec
        push . space
        push . get n
        strap exec .--func repeat
        strap string /----/
        push . space
        push . get m
        push . get n
        push . exec .--func sub
        push . exec .--func dec
        push . number 2
        push . exec .--func mul
        strap exec .--func repeat
        strap string \
        strap newline
        push . get n
        push . number 0
        if exec .--func more
            goto loop
    push . strap
    push . regex gm string   ( {4})(?=.$)
    push . string  \$1
    print exec .--func replace