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Questions tagged [open-ended-function]

For challenges where an exact output is not required but some property must still be fulfilled.

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57 votes
39 answers

Turing-Complete Language Interpreter

A challenge I thought that would be very cool is to make an interpreter for a Turing-complete language of your choosing. The rules are simple: You may use any language to create this interpreter ...
9 votes
3 answers

Convert to Chomsky normal form

Let a context-free language be specified by its production rules and start symbol, e.g. S -> AbB | C C -> b | c B -> AA | AC A -> a | ε Here and in the ...
27 votes
7 answers

Golf a number bigger than Loader's number

As a follow up to Shortest terminating program whose output size exceeds Graham's number and Golf a number bigger than TREE(3), I present a new challenge. Loader's number is a very large number, ...
19 votes
8 answers

As close to flat as possible

Write a program or function that fulfills the following Scores less than 101 bytes under normal code-golf rules Takes no input1 and always outputs a single integer. Every integer is a possible output....
67 votes
168 answers

Print all integers

Write a program or function which will provably print all integers exactly once given infinite time and memory. Possible outputs could be: ...
22 votes
25 answers

Generate an arbitrary half of a string

Given a string \$ x \$, we say another string \$ y \$ is half of it, if both of the following properties are true: \$ y \$ is a (not necessarily continuous) subsequence of \$ x \$ - there exists a ...
28 votes
66 answers

Create an array with repeated numbers

Challenge Your task in this question is to write a program or a named function which takes a positive integer n (greater than 0) as input via STDIN, ARGV or ...
28 votes
12 answers

Infinite ordinals from a well-ordering

Your task is to write a short program that represents a large (infinite) ordinal, using a well-ordering of the set of positive integers. Your program will take two different positive integers and ...
39 votes
57 answers

Output a random unary string

Your task is simple: output the letter x a random number of times. Every possible length of xs must have a non-zero probability ...
82 votes
84 answers

Print some JSON

This challenge is straightforward, but hopefully, there are plenty of avenues you can approach it: You need to print/return a valid JSON object of at least 15 characters, not counting unessential ...
42 votes
70 answers

Infinitely many ℕ

Background: A sequence of infinite naturals is a sequence that contains every natural number infinitely many times. To clarify, every number must be printed multiple times! The Challenge: Output a ...
17 votes
14 answers

BigNum Bakeoff Reboot

Some of you may be familiar with the BigNum Bakeoff, which ended up quite interestingly. The goal can more or less be summarized as writing a C program who's output would be the largest, under some ...
21 votes
15 answers

Output a 1-2-3 sequence

For the purposes of this challenge, a 1-2-3 sequence is an infinite sequence of increasing positive integers such that for any positive integer \$n\$, exactly one of \$n, 2n,\$ and \$3n\$ appears in ...
10 votes
4 answers

Output a 1-2-3-5-7... sequence

Follow-up of my previous challenge, inspired by @emanresu A's question, and proven possible by @att (Mathematica solution linked) For the purposes of this challenge, a 1-2-3-5-7... sequence is an ...
12 votes
7 answers

Mapping Passing Through Point

(Inspired by this challenge.) Given six real values in three pairs: \$(x_1, x_2), (y_1, y_2),\$ and \$(x_0, y_0)\$, where \$x_1 < x_0 < x_2\$ and \$y_1 < y_0 < y_2\$, create a function ...
29 votes
20 answers

Transform characters of your choice into "Hello, world!"

Write a program or function that takes a character as input and outputs a character. Also, choose a list of 13 distinct ASCII printable characters (32-126). When a character from this list is passed ...
37 votes
20 answers

Egyptian fraction representations of 1

An Egyptian fraction is a representation of a rational number using the sum of distinct unit fractions (a unit fraction is of the form \$ \frac 1 x \$ where \$ x \$ is a positive integer). For all[1] ...
42 votes
21 answers

Three other numbers

Given three distinct numbers from \$1\$ to \$7\$, output three other distinct numbers from \$1\$ to \$7\$, that is having no numbers in common with the original numbers. Your code must produce a ...
12 votes
7 answers

Horsey sightseeing

A knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square only once. For those who are not aware of how knights in chess work, knights are capable of ...
19 votes
9 answers

Output an infinitely proportional sequence

In this challenge, an infinitely proportional sequence is defined as a infinite sequence of positive integers such that: All positive integers are contained infinitely many times within the sequence. ...
19 votes
22 answers

Be big more often

Related You are a manager at a large number factory. You want to show everyone your business is doing well, by showing randomly chosen samples. Unfortunately, your business is not doing that well. But ...
17 votes
12 answers

Encode the input to exclude a given character (part 1)

Your task is to write 2 functions/programs. They may share code. The first function must, given a string and a character, output a new string that does not contain that character. The second function ...
6 votes
0 answers

Give the best Chaitin incompleteness bound

This was originally a pure mathematics question, but I think I've got the best chance for an answer here. The Challenge For concreteness, consider Peano Arithmetic (PA). For some language L of your ...
9 votes
9 answers

Make a super fair number

An even distribution number is a number such that if you select any of it's digits at random the probability of it being any particular value (e.g. 0 or ...
15 votes
4 answers

Output a Steiner quadruple system

A Steiner quadruple system \$SQS(n)\$ is a collection of subsets (blocks) of size 4 of a set \$S\$ of size \$n\$ such that every subset of \$S\$ of size 3 is in exactly one block. It is easy to show ...
16 votes
3 answers

Convert numbers to dice patterns

The way points are assigned on a dice follows a regular pattern, the center dot is present if and only if the number is odd. To represent the even numbers, pairs of dots on opposite sides of the ...
13 votes
8 answers

Generate all linked chains

A followup to this challenge by Jeremy Collprav, inspired by DLosc solving this in Regenerate. Some sections copied from the linked challenge. Linking chains We define a chain to be a string ...
13 votes
9 answers

Give the fool's Fibonacci sequence

Recently I asked for tips on improving some code-golf of mine. The code was supposed to output every third value of the Fibonacci sequence starting with 2: ...
16 votes
5 answers

Prefix code generator

In this challenge, we consider an encoding from positive integers (up to a limit) to binary sequences. Some examples: ...
13 votes
14 answers

Generate a permutation from the high-water marks

Given a permutation, we can define its high-water marks as the indices in which its cumulative maximum increases, or, equivalently, indices with values bigger than all previous values. For example, ...
17 votes
15 answers

Enumerate all pure sets

In set theory, a set is an unordered group of unique elements. A pure set is either the empty set \$\{\}\$ or a set containing only pure sets, like \$\{\{\},\{\{\}\}\}\$. Your challenge is to write a ...
13 votes
10 answers

Adjacent Items Sorting

Given a list, L, of sets of numbers like this: [[1], [0,2,3], [3,1], [1,2,3]] Output a single list of numbers such that 2 ...
14 votes
5 answers

Sudoku as a SAT problem

Background An interesting way to solve a Sudoku puzzle is to represent it as a Boolean satisfiability problem, and then feed it to a SAT solver. A Boolean Satisfiability Problem (abbreviated as SAT ...
21 votes
13 answers

Output every sublist ... eventually

You will be given as input an infinite stream of positive integers. Your task is to write a program which outputs an infinite sequence of lists with two requirements: All lists in the output are ...
19 votes
10 answers

Enumerate the rationals

The cardinality of the set \$\mathbb Q\$ of rational numbers is known to be exactly the same as that of the set \$\mathbb Z\$ of integers. This means that it is possible to construct a bijection ...
22 votes
17 answers

Don't repeat yourself

In this challenge you will be tasked with implementing a sequence of natural numbers such that: Each number appears a natural number of times No two numbers appear the same number of times No two ...
7 votes
1 answer

Busy beaver in a coin

\$BB\$ is the busy beaver function, an uncomputable function. Write a program which when given an integer \$n\$ as input, will output \$BB(n)\$, with at least \$\frac 2 3\$ probability. You can do ...
24 votes
5 answers

Add two real numbers ... probably

The problem statement here is pretty simple, take two real numbers on the range [0,1) as input and output their sum, with probability 1. The catch here is that there are a lot of real numbers. There ...
8 votes
3 answers

Injectively saturate bit strings

It can be easily proven using Hall's marriage theorem that given fixed \$n\$ and \$k<n/2\$, there is an injective (one-to-one) function from all \$n\$-bit strings with \$k\$ ones to \$n\$-bit ...
0 votes
6 answers

Generate number from given range

Your function must accept three numbers in any order: A signed real number (or ±Infinity) - The number (N) for which you have ...
12 votes
6 answers

Approximate a root of an odd degree polynomial

Every odd degree polynomial has at least one real root. However this root does not have to be a rational number so your task is to output a sequence of rational numbers that approximates it. Rules ...
16 votes
8 answers

Code Golf: Mix the nuts so that none of the same kind are touching

Input: Input is a randomized array of nuts (in your language), the possible nuts follow. Your program must have a way of representing each kind of nut, such as an integer code. Program must be able ...
20 votes
9 answers

Split some points

proposed by @Adám in chat Given an even number of finite points return a line \$y=mx+b\$ that evenly splits the points on both sides. Specs Take a list of distinct points \$(x,y)\$ (or a list of x-...
8 votes
4 answers

Number-only switch

Write a function that takes an ASCII-printable-only (all charcodes ∈ [32..126]) string input x and provides an ASCII-printable-only output string ...
18 votes
9 answers

Surjection from one string to two strings

This is the inverse of negative seven's question. Write a program or function which, given any single, possibly-empty string of printable ASCII (codes \$[32,126]\$) outputs or returns two strings of ...
28 votes
17 answers

Give me odd, even, square, cube, prime and composite 3-digit numbers

Given a string which is guaranteed to be either odd, even, square, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Don't output the file 2

Last time you were required to write program that output a file, such that no byte is same as original file. The request meant to let everyone carry part of information, but it ends up that everyone ...
7 votes
5 answers

Generate number set with conditions using n numbers

Generate \$T=\{T_1,...,T_x\}\$, the minimum number of \$k\$-length subsets of \$\{1,...,n\}\$ such that every \$v\$-length subset of \$\{1,...,n\}\$ is a subset of some set in \$T\$ Here, \$n > k &...
27 votes
9 answers

Walk Across a Keyboard

Given a word (or any sequence of letters) as input, you must interpolate between each letter such that each adjacent pair of letters in the result is also adjacent on a QWERTY keyboard, as if you ...
4 votes
1 answer

Show a balanced binary tree

Given an integer \$n > 1\$, output a balanced binary tree with \$n\$ leaf nodes. The tree should be constructed out of (space), ...