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Questions tagged [image-processing]

These challenges involve processing pre-existing image files, by altering them in some way, gathering statistics, or other image processing tasks.

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15 votes
15 answers

Rotate an Image

This challenge is simple: Take a path to an png image file as input and overwrite that file with a copy of itself rotated 90 degrees clockwise. You may assume that ...
Ginger's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How Mondrian is your fine art collection? [closed]

For the purpose of this challenge a rectangular piece of ASCII art is Mondrian if it looks the same upside down. What does "looks the same" mean? A feature is any orthogonally connected ...
loopy walt's user avatar
  • 16.7k
8 votes
5 answers

Random Pixels Image Compression

Challenge: Given an integer \$n\$, guaranteed to be \$\geq2\$ and a power of 2, we are going to draw multiply boards either side-by-side or below one another, where the first has dimensions of \$n\$ ...
Kevin Cruijssen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Resize the image

Given an \$n\times m\$ matrix \$A\$ and two integers \$w,h\$, output a matrix of \$w\times h\$ called \$B\$, such that $$B_{i,j} = \int_{i-1}^i\mathbb dx\int_{j-1}^j A_{\left\lceil \frac xw\cdot n\...
l4m2's user avatar
  • 26.2k
7 votes
2 answers

Temporally Dither an Image (Image to PWM Image)

Background I want to display rich, vibrant images on my theoretical fancy custom display, but due to budget constraints, it displays everything in 3-bit colour! Whilst Regular Dithering would work, I ...
ATaco's user avatar
  • 10.9k
14 votes
3 answers

Recognize a Roboto Mono character

Your input will consist of an 18×18 image in any reasonable format, containing a horizontally and vertically centered 14px Roboto Mono character. This can be any of 94 printable ASCII characters (not ...
rydwolf's user avatar
  • 18.9k
12 votes
2 answers

Smallest image containing one of every RGB color

I'm not sure if this kind of golf is allowed, but here it is. Your objective is to create an image containing one pixel of every possible RGB color. The image with the smallest file size wins. Rules: ...
LostXOR's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Toroidally magnify-blur a matrix

Task Given a matrix of numbers \$M\$ with \$r\$ rows and \$c\$ columns, and the magnification factor \$n\$, build the matrix with \$rn\$ rows and \$cn\$ columns where the original elements are spaced ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.2k
19 votes
5 answers

Generate Green Spray Paint Patterns

This challenge is about creating these neat "green spray paint" patterns: (more pictures below) Loosely explained, they are generated by starting with a black image and a point in the center. ...
Discrete Games's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

Flag mashup generator

Part 2 of the challenge is here Flags Mashup Bot is a small Twitter bot that generates a new flag based on two random flags and tweets the result every couple of minutes. Task Your task is to ...
SztupY's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Draw these shapes

Given: a width, a height, and a set of sets of points. Output: An image where each set of points is connected and colored in (like a shape). Each shape must be a different color from all of the other ...
vityavv's user avatar
  • 779
1 vote
1 answer

(bit)Wise Images [closed]

Given a truth table and two images, use the truth table as a bitwise operation to the two images. For example with the truth table: 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 (Note that ...
MilkyWay90's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Hilbertize an image

For a computer vision app I want to do a mapping of an image, in such a way that every pixel fit hilbert curve, instead of conventional layout. So task could be as follows: Task description Given ...
xakepp35's user avatar
  • 313
10 votes
0 answers

Captcha Capture [closed]

Captchas aren't meant to be machine-readable, and that's terrible. It is time to end this obvious bout of unfounded hatred for machines just trying to let you know about great deals on ṗḧ@ṛḿ4ćëüẗ1ċäḷṡ ...
Twilight Sparkle's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Where's Blackhat?

Challenge Write code which, given an image of a panel from a random xkcd comic, returns a truthy value if Blackhat is in the comic or falsey if not. Who is Blackhat? Blackhat is the unofficial name ...
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
11 votes
5 answers

Tell me the Lunar Phase!

Challenge Given an image of the Moon as input, output the phase of the Moon. Phases of the Moon Your program will be supplied one of these images in png format and you must output the phase exactly ...
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
1 vote
0 answers

Render a monospaced bitmap font from image [closed]

Input is in this format: image fontwidth fontheight rowwidth xoffset yoffset xgap ygap non-existent charstart thetextitself thetextitself: The text that should ...
Piotr Grochowski's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Calculate the Peirce quincuncial projection of the Earth [closed]

The Peirce quincuncial projection is pretty neat. It actually tessellates the whole plane: Your job is to generate this map projection. To simplify things, you will only need to generate the ...
Christopher King's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Stereographic projection of polyhedra

You will create a program that generates the stereographic projection of polyhedra. In particular, to keep things simple, we'll only focus on n-chamfered dodecahedron. Given a natural number ...
Christopher King's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Happiness is Mandatory

If you're sad, that's wrong. We need to scrub out ALL sadness. This is a sad face, for reference: ...
Nissa's user avatar
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10 votes
11 answers

Generate a special period image

Construct a program or function that takes input in form of <width>, <height>, <color1>, <color2> and generates an output such that first ...
user avatar
21 votes
8 answers

Can you count the number of rectangles?

One of my favorite mathematical pastimes is to draw a rectangular grid, then to find all of the rectangles that are visible in that grid. Here, take this question, and venture for yourself! Can you ...
Frenzy Li's user avatar
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23 votes
12 answers

How Cloudy Is It?

Challenge Given an image of the sky, you must output the cloud cover in oktas. The image supplied will be an image file (the type is up to you) and the output should be to STDOUT. Oktas In meteorology,...
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
23 votes
15 answers

The Chroma Key to Success

The RGB color value #00FF00 is a rather important one: it is used to make movies, TV shows, weather announcements, and more. It is the famous "TV green" ...
ckjbgames's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Knight-fill a grid

A knight fill is a flood fill using the connectivity of the knight chess piece. Specifically: 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 (0 is the initial point, 1s show the ...
Dave's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

I text the correct combo of ones and zeros

I recently listed to the song I'm a Textpert about texting while driving and one particular line in the song inspired this challenge. I never stoop so low as to text photos / Instead I text the ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Lazy Click and Drag

Your task is to write a program or function which, given two nonzero integers x and y, returns a truthy value if the image at ...
fireflame241's user avatar
  • 16.3k
11 votes
15 answers

What color is this?

You are to golf a program that will take a filename as input and you must output what color the file is. The file will have any one of these extensions but your program only needs to support one. ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Is it a bird, is it a plane? [closed]

Challenge Supplied an image, you must determine if the subject of the image is a bird or a plane. If the image is a bird, your program must output bird and if ...
user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

The Image of the Dragon

I saw a cool gif of the twin dragon curve made from a square, and wondered what would happen if we started from another base image. So I wrote a program to do this.                                    ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99.6k
10 votes
4 answers

"Monitorize" an Image

The Problem: This challenge comes from a real problem I was having. I have a dual monitor setup at work, and I wanted to use the following image as my wallpaper: However, my monitors have quite ...
dberm22's user avatar
  • 522
7 votes
1 answer

Count # of Cookie Chocolate Chips

Note: this is my first post here. The Challenge The challenge is to count the number of chocolate chips in a cookie. A cookie in this case is a circle with dots (the chips) in it. Given any square ...
Nobody's user avatar
  • 81
22 votes
16 answers

Extract an RGB channel of an image

Given an image, either as input (possibly in RGB triplets) or with the filename as input (you may assume the image has a specific filename, possibly without an extension), output an image representing ...
Riker's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Make a picture into a sliding puzzle

Summary The goal of this challenge is to create an undone image-version of a 15-puzzle / sliding puzzle also called taquin in french. Details: Given an input composed of: an image, an integer ...
Frédéric's user avatar
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29 votes
18 answers

XOR two monochrome images

Challenge: Take input of two black and white (monochrome) images and xor each pixel of the first, with each pixel of the second, add them to a new image and output the new image. Some clarifications:...
Offtkp's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Unpixellate an image [closed]

When you resize an image down to a very small size, it looks very blocky when you scale the pixels back up individually. In extreme cases, as above, you can no longer reconstruct the original image, ...
Photographer's user avatar
21 votes
8 answers

Arnold's Cat Map

Challenge Given a colour raster image* with the same width and height, output the image transformed under Arnold's cat map. (*details see below) Definition Given the size of the image ...
flawr's user avatar
  • 43.9k
8 votes
2 answers

Count the number of a number in the picture area

Your goal is to write a full program or function that takes 5 positive integers and a string with an image filename as input [X1,Y1], [X2,Y2], N, image.jpg in any ...
Mario's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Hilbertify an image

I like the Hilbert Curve. Your task for this challenge is to take an image (strictly a square image where all the sides are a power of two pixels wide) and unravel it line by line in a zig-zagging ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99.6k
28 votes
2 answers

Downgoat-ify Animals!

My Downgoat avatar has several distinct features These features can however also apply to any other animal. Specification Given an image of an animal (technically can be anything), you must apply ...
Downgoat's user avatar
  • 29.1k
5 votes
5 answers

Image Smoothie!

Input into your program a black and white image. (png, jpg, etc) Convert the image to a 2D matrix of pixels, where each index is the grayscale value of the image. Take each index of the matrix and ...
jacksonecac's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Braincopterify an image

Introduction Braincopter is an esoteric Brainf*** derivative that encodes a Brainf*** program as an image. As a 2D language, it uses two additional commands; they rotate the instruction pointer (...
Copper's user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

Quixels - Quantum Pixels

Introduction A quixel is a quantum pixel. Similar to a classical pixel, it is represented with 3 integer values (Red, Green, Blue). However, quixels are in a super position of these 3 states instead ...
NonlinearFruit's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Number Plate Golf: Recognition

See also: Parsing Introduction You're working on a government programming team, who have been programming the speed cameras. However, the group of people who have programmed the speed calculator ...
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
14 votes
2 answers

Blunt the Images

Introduction Sharp edges are, frankly, just plain dangerous so, given a PNG as input, blur the image using the method described below and blunt those damned sharp edges. Method To get the RGB value ...
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
2 votes
0 answers

100KB image compression [closed]

Your task is to, given an image, compress it to 100000 bytes or less, while following all of the below rules: No cheating/loopholes. Your code must not be optimized to work best only on the test set ...
CodingGolfHockey's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Reverse Bayer Filter of an image

Almost all digital camera sensors are organized in a grid of photosensors. Each photo sensor is sensitive for one of the primary colors: red, green and blue. The way those photo sensors are organized ...
agtoever's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Thwart Lepton compression

Dropbox recently released Lepton (GitHub), a method that losslessly compresses JPEG images round-trip, saving an average of 22%. Because of the pigeonhole principle, any general compression algorithm ...
Nick T's user avatar
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23 votes
8 answers

"Add one" to every color in an image

You would simply take this image and make every color added one to every hexadecimal digit. For example, #49de5f would become ...
bb216b3acfd8f72cbc8f899d4d6963's user avatar
45 votes
4 answers

Computer Generated Cracked Soil

Write a program that takes in an integer from 0 to 65535 (216-1) and generates a unique 500×500 pixel image that looks as similar as possible to these 6 real life images of cracked soil: These ...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar