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Questions tagged [encryption]

This challenge is about or related to encoding a plaintext, usually with one or more keys.

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0 answers

Produce a secure block cipher round function (1 bit round key; 7 bit message) [closed]

We need to produce a block cipher round function with a 1 bit round key size and a 7 bit message size with the highest level of cryptographic security according to our measure of security. ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
11 votes
14 answers

Encrypting Emojis

Problem You are tasked with creating a program that performs emoji encryption on a given string of emojis. In this encryption scheme, each emoji is replaced by a unique character (from ...
3.14's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

Encrypt this Message [duplicate]

Given a permutation of the alphabet and an input string, encrypt the input string by replacing all characters with the one's you've been given. The capitalization should be kept the same and non-...
0xff's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

I Rot-13 the source code, you Rot-19 the output!

This is alternate of a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off. Go upvote those! Your task, if you accept it, is to write a program/function that outputs/returns its ...
okie's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

Let's Decrypt It!

Note This is the decryption challenge. The encryption challenge can be found here. Challenge The challenge is to decrypt a given string, using the rules as specified below. The string will only ...
Manish Kundu's user avatar
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34 votes
40 answers

Decode the Dreaded Alphabet Cypher™️

This challenge is inspired by one of my other challenges: Pointlessly make your way down the alphabet That challenge asked you to take a string of text, and for each letter produce a sequence of ...
AJFaraday's user avatar
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12 votes
8 answers

Russian Caesar cipher

The objective Given a Russian text, encrypt it with Caesar cipher with key 16. The basic Cyrillic alphabets The basic Cyrillic alphabets are: (U+0410 – U+042F) ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

Let's Encrypt It!

Note This is the encryption challenge. The decryption challenge can be found here. Challenge The challenge is to encrypt a given string, using the rules as specified below. The string will only ...
Manish Kundu's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Secret Message Part 1, Elements

You and your friend want to send each other secret messages. However, because you are conspiracy theorists and think that the government has a quantum computer that can crack any standard encryption. ...
Gryphon's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Codebreakers and Codewriters

Let's say you have some text, and you want it to send it to your friend, but you don't want anyone else to read it. That probably means you want to encrypt it so that only you and your friend can ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99.6k
20 votes
11 answers

Simple encryption for people on a byte budget

Overview Your goal is to implement RC4 encryption. RC4 encryption, invented by Ron Rivest (of RSA fame), was designed to be secure, yet simple enough to be implemented from memory by military ...
Daffy's user avatar
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20 votes
16 answers

Decrypt xor-encryption

Your task is to take an encrypted string as input, and output the string decrypted, to reveal its hidden message. The strings, both the input and output, will contain characters from this list of 64 ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Straddling Checkerboard Cipher

The Straddling Checkerboard is a method for converting letters to numbers and was part of a pencil an paper cipher known as VIC To convert letters to numbers first you have to make a checkboard like ...
marcosm's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Golfing end-to-end encryption

This challenge carries a bounty of 200 points for the first to answer and remain unbeaten for at least 3 days. Claimed by user3080953. There's a lot of talk lately about end-to-end encryption, and ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Keyboard Encryption [duplicate]

Challenge Given a string with any characters a-z or A-Z, return an 'encrypted' string, where all characters are replaced by the character next to it (assuming a QWERTY keyboard). Case (uppercase, ...
user avatar
13 votes
19 answers

Implement this key cipher

Implement this key cipher Goal Use the algorithm (explained in the Algorithm section) to implement a certain cipher. The program must read input from STDIN or the closest available equivalent, use the ...
m654's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Encrypting and Decrypting Challenge [closed]

Encrypting Challenge Your encrypting program must be able to do following things: Input password Generate random key Encrypt random key with set key Then, the decrypting program must be able to ...
univalence's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

Implement the Enigma Machine

The Enigma machine is a fairly complex cipher machine used by the Germans and others to encrypt their messages. It is your job to implement this machine*. Step 1, Rotation Our enigma machine has 3 ...
Nathan Merrill's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Find the smallest illegal (probable) prime

An illegal prime is a prime number which encodes information that is illegal to possess - specifically, in one case, a gzip file of the source code of DeCSS, a piece of software to decrypt copy-...
Joe Z.'s user avatar
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