Linked Questions

37 votes
70 answers

Cat goes "Meow"

cat goes "Meow" We are all familiar with the concept of a cat program. The user types something in, it is echoed back to the ...
user avatar
67 votes
33 answers

Print my clock's alarm sound

Write the shortest program that prints the sound my alarm clock makes, and stops after an inputted number of beeps. For reference, here is the sound my alarm makes: ...
Rydwolf Programs's user avatar
47 votes
45 answers

Extendify the ASCII Sun

Write a program that takes in (via STDIN/command line) a non-negative integer N. When N is 0, your program should print O (that's capital Oh, not zero). When N is 1,...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
85 votes
28 answers

You're on a 8 day streak!

Duolingo, the language learning app, has a lot of things going for it, but there is one major issue that drives me crazy. It tells me how many days in a row I've used the app with a message like You'...
Luke's user avatar
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55 votes
35 answers

Encode the date in Christmas Eve format

The day this post was published was Christmas Eve. Tomorrow will be Christmas. Yesterday was Christmas Eve Eve. In two days it will be ...
Christopher King's user avatar
39 votes
54 answers

List all possible titles for the Anno games

In the Anno video game series there are 6 games with a 7th one announced for early 2019. Their titles always feature a year in a specific pattern: ...
Laikoni's user avatar
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39 votes
53 answers

Determine the depth of an array

A simple challenge for your Monday evening (well, or Tuesday morning in the other half of the world...) You're given as input a nested, potentially ragged array of positive integers: ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
73 votes
27 answers

Write a program that downloads itself

Write a program that connects to this site, downloads the very answer in which it is posted, extracts its own source code and prints it out. The output must be identical to the source code. Shortest ...
aditsu quit because SE is EVIL's user avatar
49 votes
46 answers


Lots of people on this site use esoteric languages, and since these languages are unusual and hard to understand, they will frequently write an explanation in a certain format. For example, if the ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
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42 votes
46 answers

A Programming Puzzle of Mode Golf

Your task is to print the text Good morning, Green orb!, with every character repeated in place as many times as the most frequent byte in your source (the mode). ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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28 votes
63 answers

Write a "Hello" interpreter

Background Hello is a language "written" by Anne Veling, which errors if the program does not contain only h, and will print ...
the-cobalt's user avatar
35 votes
59 answers

Russian Roulette

Write a program which plays Russian Roulette! If the program is started, there should be a 5 in 6 chance of it ending normally after printing "I survived!" there should be a 1 in 6 chance of the ...
vsz's user avatar
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36 votes
49 answers

Generate Monday Numbers

Monday numbers, as defined by Gamow in this question over on Puzzling, are positive integers N with the following three properties: The decimal representation of N does not contain the digit 0 The ...
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
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56 votes
26 answers

DON'T... do NOT lowercase UPPERCASE this!

Write a program that outputs its input unchanged. However: If all uppercase characters are removed from the program, it lowercases all uppercase letters. If all lowercase characters are removed from ...
darrylyeo's user avatar
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34 votes
48 answers

Output the hours at 90 degrees

Today while playing with my kids I noticed that an apparently simple toy in the park hid a challenge. The wheel has a triangle that points to a number, but also has three circles that point to the ...
Charlie's user avatar
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