Linked Questions

523 votes
1k answers

"Hello, World!"

So... uh... this is a bit embarrassing. But we don't have a plain "Hello, World!" challenge yet (despite having 35 variants tagged with hello-world, and counting). While this is not the most ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
550 votes
243 answers

Showcase of Languages

Notes This thread is open and unlocked only because the community decided to make an exception. Please do not use this question as evidence that you can ask similar questions here. Please do not ...
237 votes
372 answers

Is this number a prime?

Believe it or not, we do not yet have a code golf challenge for a simple primality test. While it may not be the most interesting challenge, particularly for "usual" languages, it can be nontrivial in ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 211k
145 votes
581 answers

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Your task is to create the shortest infinite loop! The point of this challenge is to create an infinite loop producing no output, unlike its possible duplicate. The reason to this is because the code ...
user41805's user avatar
  • 13.2k
146 votes
339 answers

Shortest code to produce infinite output

Write the shortest code you can that produces an infinite output. That's all. You code will only be disqualified if it stops producing output at some point. As always in code golf, the shortest code ...
tbodt's user avatar
  • 2,434
112 votes
336 answers

Simple cat program

One of the most common standard tasks (especially when showcasing esoteric programming languages) is to implement a "cat program": read all of STDIN and print it to STDOUT. While this is ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
112 votes
288 answers

Output with the same length as the code

In this challenge, you should write a program or function which takes no input and prints or returns a string with the same number of bytes as the program itself. There are a few rules: You may only ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
131 votes
211 answers

Sing Happy Birthday to your favourite programming language

Your favourite programming language has just had a birthday. Be nice and sing it the Happy Birthday song. Of course you should accomplish this by writing a program in that language. The program takes ...
David Frank's user avatar
  • 2,504
173 votes
98 answers

Tips for golfing in JavaScript

What general tips do you have for golfing in JavaScript? I'm looking for ideas that can be applied to code golf problems in general that are at least somewhat specific to JavaScript (e.g. "remove ...
mellamokb's user avatar
  • 6,093
88 votes
232 answers

Count up forever

Write a program that counts up forever, starting from one. Rules: Your program must log to STDOUT or an acceptable alternative, if ...
vrwim's user avatar
  • 2,519
137 votes
29 answers

Making Future Posts Runnable Online with Stack Snippets [closed]

Stack Snippets were recently added to PPCG! Reminiscent of JSFiddle, Stack Snippets allow HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to be run directly in posts! Here is a very simple Stack Snippet: ...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
37 votes
73 answers

Randomizing until 0

Challenge Sandbox post Given a positive integer (K) Output a uniformly-random integer (Y) between ...
Luis felipe De jesus Munoz's user avatar
32 votes
57 answers

Internal Truth Machine

It's a normal truth machine but instead of taking input, it uses the first character of the program. Thus, internal. The 0 and 1 are plain characters, i.e. ASCII code 0x30 and 0x31 respectively. ...
PkmnQ's user avatar
  • 2,693
99 votes
15 answers

Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable

Robbers' challenge thread is here. Cops' challenge: Design a programming language that appears to be unusable for programming, but admits computation (or at least completion of the task) through some ...
feersum's user avatar
  • 31.5k
28 votes
41 answers

Swap, delete and repeat

Introduction Let's observe the following string: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP If we swap the ends of the string, which are these: ...
Adnan's user avatar
  • 44.5k

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