Linked Questions

11 votes
4 answers

Period 2 Reversed Quine

Your task is to write a program that outputs its own source code in reverse. However, when the reversed code is run, it should output the source code, facing the correct direction. Example Say your ...
36 votes
21 answers

Write a Polyquine

A polyquine is both quine and polyglot.1 You are to write a quine which is valid in at least two different languages. This is code golf, so the shortest answer (in bytes) wins. 1 I made that up. Or ...
27 votes
7 answers

Mutual Negative Quines

This was inspired by Print a Negative of your Code and Golf a mutual quine. Consider a rectangle of characters, that meet the following restrictions: Consists solely of printable ASCII characters ...
22 votes
14 answers

Cheating Cyclic Quine

Concept Write a program that outputs code in its programming language. That code, when executed, must output the original program. Rules Since this is a cheating quine, you can read the original ...
36 votes
6 answers

Mutually Exclusive Quines

Your challenge is simple. Write two programs that share no characters which output each other. Example Two programs P and Q are mutually exclusive quines if: P outputs Q Q outputs P There is no ...
31 votes
21 answers

Interquine - Two programs that output each other in a loop

Program A outputs program B's code when run, and B outputs A's source. Requirements: Only one language across both programs Programs are different. One program that outputs itself does not qualify. ...
18 votes
2 answers

Quine that takes as input the name of a language and outputs the same thing implemented in the input language

From Quine central: Write a quine that takes as input the name of a language and outputs the same thing implemented in the input language. The source article has something you can work from, but as ...
4 votes
2 answers

Inter-language 2-cycle quine [duplicate]

Challenge Create 2 programs A and B The output of program A is exactly program B The output of program B is exactly program A Neither program should depend on inputs to yield the correct output A ...
12 votes
8 answers

Quine Challenge I

Challenge In this task you have to write a program that will take input an integer N (-1e9 <= N < 0 && 0 < N <= +1e9), then compute T = (abs(N) % M+1),if N is positive ...
8 votes
1 answer

Cyclic Weak Levenquine

This question asking us to make a "Cyclic Levenquine" has gone unanswered. So today we will ask a slightly simpler version. In this challenge we will define a K-Levenquine to be a program whose ...
13 votes
2 answers

Cyclic strings, hidden programs

Write 3 programs that do the following task: Let A, B, C source codes of those three programs; if A runs BC is produced as output, if B runs CA is produced, if C runs AB is produced; so each program ...
7 votes
2 answers

Golfing Relay Race

You need to write a program in any language that will produce (source code for) a program in a different language. That program will produce a 3rd program in another language and so on. You should ...
28 votes
6 answers

Can you Meta Quine?

Similar to other quine puzzles (more specifically, this one), write a program that produces the source for itself. Here's the new twist: The code produced should NOT be identical to the source. ...
17 votes
3 answers

Write a third order quine

This challenge is an extension of 'Golf a mutual quine'. Using three languages of your choice, create a third order Ouroboros program. That is, in language A, write a program pA which outputs ...
15 votes
3 answers

Codegolf: Quine and Antiquine

This challenge is similar to Can you Meta Quine? A quine is a program that produces itself on STDOUT. This challenge is to produce a program A which when run produces a program B on STDOUT. Program B ...

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