Linked Questions

115 votes
90 answers

Draw the national flag of Iceland

This year's UEFA Euro 2016 is over and besides a couple of negative headlines there has been a very positive surprise as well – the Iceland national football team. Let's draw their national flag. ...
insertusernamehere's user avatar
107 votes
98 answers

Draw the national flag of France

There have been many other flag challenges posted but not one for the national flag of France. This week seems like an appropriate time. Produce this flag in the fewest bytes possible: The image must ...
steve's user avatar
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48 votes
55 answers

Draw the Swiss Flag

Task: Output the Swiss flag. Happy Swiss National Day / Schweizer Bundesfeiertag / Fête nationale suisse / Festa nazionale svizzera / Fiasta naziunala svizra! Details: The flag consists of a white ...
flawr's user avatar
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40 votes
29 answers

Happy Birthday, Finland!

Introduction As is known, in 2017, Finland celebrates its 100 years of independence. To mark the occasion, it is your job to produce a Finnish flag for everyone's enjoyment. Challenge Create a ...
Antti29's user avatar
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63 votes
12 answers

Draw the South Korean flag

When I stumbled upon this question I remembered that I had also once seen precise rules for the construction of the South Korean flag. And this is quite a different construction. Source: Wikipedia ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

Print the American Flag!

Special Independence Day (USA) themed challenge for you today. You must write a program that prints this ascii-art representation of The American Flag. ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
29 votes
6 answers

Let's draw the flag of Nepal

Nepal’s flag (Wikipedia, Numberphile) looks very different from any other. It also has specific drawing instructions (included in the Wikipedia article). I want you guys to make a program which will ...
ST3's user avatar
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10 votes
8 answers

Print the British Flag!

Inspired by Print the American Flag! this is a direct copy but with the British flag as it has some symmetries but is still quite complex! Your challenge is to produce the following ASCII-Art in as ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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11 votes
9 answers

Draw the Union Jack

Preface There are many "draw x flag" challenges, and upon searching it turns out there are no challenges to draw the union Jack! I feel like this would be a harder flag to draw but it should ...
Shaun Wild's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Print the Australian Flag!

Here we go again! This is my last flag for now! I originally wanted to do my national flag but I thought the stars were too hard so I posted Print the British Flag! instead, which itself was inspired ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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