Lua 5.3, 57522
I actually started working on this back when the question was posted, but forgot about it until the Brain-Flak anniversary.
-- 64 gives all results through 10000 (should run in about 1 second)
-- 78 gives all results through 100000 (should run in about 20 seconds)
-- 90 gives all results through 1000000 (should run in about 200 seconds)
-- Note: Timings may not be accurate, as the are not updated every time new cases are added.
local k_max_len = 64
local k_limit = 10000
local pre = os.clock()
local function compute_multiplier_helper(prefix, suffix, m)
if m == 2 then
prefix[#prefix + 1] = "("
suffix[#suffix + 1] = "){}"
elseif m % 2 == 0 then
prefix[#prefix + 1] = "("
compute_multiplier_helper(prefix, suffix, m // 2)
suffix[#suffix + 1] = "){}"
suffix[#suffix + 1] = ")"
compute_multiplier_helper(prefix, suffix, m - 1)
prefix[#prefix + 1] = "("
suffix[#suffix + 1] = "{}"
local function compute_multiplier(m)
local prefix = {}
local suffix = {}
compute_multiplier_helper(prefix, suffix, m)
return table.concat(prefix), table.concat(suffix)
local multipliers = {}
for m = 2, k_limit do
-- Including all factors, not just primes.
-- This did improve a few numbers, although none in the ppcg test set.
local prefix, suffix = compute_multiplier(m)
local mult = {prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, m = m, cost = #prefix + #suffix}
table.insert(multipliers, mult)
table.sort(multipliers, function(a, b) return a.cost < b.cost end)
local poly_multipliers = {}
poly_multipliers[1] = {m = 1, s = "({})", l = 4}
for m = 2, k_limit do
local prefix, suffix = compute_multiplier(m)
local s = prefix .. "({})" .. suffix
assert(#s <= 4 * m)
poly_multipliers[m] = {m = m, s = s, l = #s}
poly_multipliers[k_limit + 1] = {m = 0, s = "", l = 0}
table.sort(poly_multipliers, function(a, b) return a.l < b.l end)
local pcache = {}
local plen_cache = {}
local function register_push(prefix, suffix, value, pvalue)
if value > 1500000 or value < -1500000 then return end
local old_res = pcache[value]
if old_res == nil then
local res = {prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix, value = value, pvalue = pvalue}
pcache[value] = res
local length = #prefix + #suffix
local lcache = plen_cache[length]
if lcache == nil then
lcache = {}
plen_cache[length] = lcache
lcache[#lcache + 1] = res
local function get_pushes(length)
return ipairs(plen_cache[length] or {})
register_push("", "()", 1, 0)
register_push("", "<()>", 0, 0)
local function triangle(n)
return (n * (n + 1)) // 2
local function process(length)
-- basic
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 2) do
register_push(res.prefix, res.suffix .. "()", res.value + 1, res.pvalue)
register_push(res.prefix, "[" .. res.suffix .. "]", -res.value, res.pvalue)
-- multiplication by constant (precomputed)
for _, mult in ipairs(multipliers) do
local cost = mult.cost
if length - cost >= 4 then
local m, prefix, suffix = mult.m, mult.prefix, mult.suffix
for _, pus in get_pushes(length - cost) do
local name = prefix .. pus.suffix .. suffix
register_push(pus.prefix, name, pus.value * m, pus.pvalue)
-- residue 2 mod3 trick (Neil)
-- ((n)()){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ()) -- push n + 1
-- {}{} -- (n + 1) + (n + 1) + n
if length - 10 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 10) do
local name = "((" .. res.suffix .. ")()){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 3 * res.value + 2, res.pvalue)
-- residue 1 mod3 trick (Wheat Wizard)
-- ((n)()()){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ()()) -- push n + 2
-- {}{} -- (n + 2) + (n + 2) + n
-- not useful, but fast...
if length - 12 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 12) do
local name = "((" .. res.suffix .. ")()()){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 3 * res.value + 4, res.pvalue)
-- residue 2 mod5 trick (tehtmi)
-- (((n)){}()){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ) -- push n
-- ( {}()) -- push 2n + 1
-- {}{} -- (2n + 1) + (2n + 1) + n
-- [[
if length - 14 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 14) do
local name = "(((" .. res.suffix .. ")){}()){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 5 * res.value + 2, res.pvalue)
-- ]]
-- residue 4 mod5 trick (tehtmi)
-- (((n)()){}){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ()) -- push n + 1
-- ( {}) -- push 2n + 2
-- {}{} -- (2n + 2) + (2n + 2) + n
-- [[
if length - 14 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 14) do
local name = "(((" .. res.suffix .. ")()){}){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 5 * res.value + 4, res.pvalue)
-- ]]
-- residue 6 mod7 trick (tehtmi)
-- ((((n)())){}{}){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ()) -- push n + 1
-- ( ) -- push n + 1
-- ( {}{}) -- push 3n + 3
-- {}{} -- (3n + 3) + (3n + 3) + n
-- [[
if length - 18 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 18) do
local name = "((((" .. res.suffix .. ")())){}{}){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 7 * res.value + 6, res.pvalue)
-- residue 4 mod7 trick (tehtmi)
-- ((((n))()){}{}){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ) -- push n
-- ( ()) -- push n + 1
-- ( {}{}) -- push 3n + 2
-- {}{} -- (3n + 2) + (3n + 2) + n
-- [[
if length - 18 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 18) do
local name = "((((" .. res.suffix .. "))()){}{}){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 7 * res.value + 4, res.pvalue)
-- residue 2 mod7 trick (tehtmi)
-- ((((n))){}{}()){}{}
-- (n) -- push n
-- ( ) -- push n
-- ( ) -- push n
-- ( {}{}()) -- push 3n + 1
-- {}{} -- (3n + 1) + (3n + 1) + n
-- [[
if length - 18 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 18) do
local name = "((((" .. res.suffix .. "))){}{}()){}{}"
register_push(res.prefix, name, 7 * res.value + 2, res.pvalue)
-- triangle numbers (?)
--(n) -- push n
-- { } -- sum and repeat
-- ( ) -- push
-- {}[()] -- top - 1
-- {} -- pop 0
if length - 14 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 14) do
if res.value > 0 then
local code = "{({}[()])}{}"
register_push(res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")", code, triangle(res.value - 1), res.pvalue + res.value)
register_push(res.prefix, "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, triangle(res.value), res.pvalue)
register_push("", res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, triangle(res.value) + res.pvalue, 0)
-- negative triangle numbers (tehtmi)
--(n) -- push n
-- { } -- sum and repeat
-- ( ) -- push
-- {}() -- top + 1
-- {} -- pop 0
if length - 12 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 12) do
if res.value < 0 then
local code = "{({}())}{}"
register_push(res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")", code, -triangle(-res.value - 1), res.pvalue + res.value)
register_push(res.prefix, "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, -triangle(-res.value), res.pvalue)
register_push("", res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, -triangle(-res.value) + res.pvalue, 0)
-- cubic (tehtmi)
-- (n){(({}[()])){({}[()])}{}}{}
-- (n^3-3*n^2+8*n-6)/6
-- (-6 + n*(8 + n*(-3 + n)))/6
--[[ superceded by negative cubic because
it is the same cost of -ncubic(-n)
if length - 28 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 28) do
if res.value > 0 then
local code = "{(({}[()])){({}[()])}{}}{}"
local v = res.value + 1
v = (-6 + v*(8 + v*(-3 + v)))//6
register_push(res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")", code, v - res.value, res.pvalue + res.value)
register_push(res.prefix, "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, v, res.pvalue)
register_push("", res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, v + res.pvalue, 0)
-- negative cubic (tehtmi)
-- (n){(({}())){({}())}{}}{}
-- (n^3-3*n^2+8*n-6)/6
-- (-6 + n*(8 + n*(-3 + n)))/6
-- [[
if length - 24 >= 2 then
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 24) do
if res.value < 0 then
local code = "{(({}())){({}())}{}}{}"
local v = -res.value + 1
v = (-6 + v*(8 + v*(-3 + v)))//6
v = -v
register_push(res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")", code, v - res.value, res.pvalue + res.value)
register_push(res.prefix, "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, v, res.pvalue)
register_push("", res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. code, v + res.pvalue, 0)
-- polynomial (Wheat Wizard, modified by tehtmi)
-- <(n)>{A({}[()])B}{} where A, B are ({})({})({})... repeated a, b times
-- <(n)> -- push n (without adding)
-- { } -- repeat until top is zero
-- A -- top * a
-- ({}[()]) -- top = top - 1; += top - 1
-- B -- (top - 1) * b
-- {} -- pop 0
-- triangular numbers are with a = b = 0
-- from B and base:
-- (n - 1) * (B + 1) * (n - 2) * (B + 1) * ...
-- (B + 1) * (1 + ... + n - 1)
-- (B + 1) * n * (n - 1) / 2
-- from A:
-- n * A + (n - 1) * A + ...
-- A * (1 + ... n)
-- A * (n + 1) * n / 2
-- total: (B + 1) * n * (n - 1) / 2 + A * (n + 1) * n / 2
-- [(A + B + 1) * n^2 + (A - B - 1) * n] / 2
-- S := 4 * (A + B)
-- [[
if length - 18 >= 2 then
for S = 4, length - 14, 4 do
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 14 - S) do
if res.value > 0 then
for _, A in ipairs(poly_multipliers) do
if A.l > S then
for _, B in ipairs(poly_multipliers) do
if A.l + B.l < S then
-- continue
elseif A.l + B.l > S then
local a = A.m
local b = B.m
local logic = "{" .. A.s .. "({}[()])" .. B.s .. "}{}"
local v = res.value
v = ((a + b + 1) * v * v + (a - b - 1) * v) // 2
register_push(res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")", logic, v, res.pvalue + res.value)
register_push(res.prefix, "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. logic, v + res.value, res.pvalue)
register_push("", res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. logic, v + res.value + res.pvalue, 0)
-- negative polynomial (tehtmi)
-- <(n)>{A({}())B}{}
-- [[
if length - 16 >= 2 then
for S = 4, length - 12, 4 do
for _, res in get_pushes(length - 12 - S) do
if res.value < 0 then
for _, A in ipairs(poly_multipliers) do
if A.l > S then
for _, B in ipairs(poly_multipliers) do
if A.l + B.l < S then
-- continue
elseif A.l + B.l > S then
local a = A.m
local b = B.m
local logic = "{" .. A.s .. "({}())" .. B.s .. "}{}"
local v = -res.value
v = ((a + b + 1) * v * v + (a - b - 1) * v) // -2
register_push(res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")", logic, v, res.pvalue + res.value)
register_push(res.prefix, "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. logic, v + res.value, res.pvalue)
register_push("", res.prefix .. "(" .. res.suffix .. ")" .. logic, v + res.value + res.pvalue, 0)
-- addition
-- [[
if length >= 4 then
for part1 = 4, length // 2, 2 do
for _, res1 in get_pushes(part1) do
for _, res2 in get_pushes(length - part1) do
register_push(res2.prefix .. res1.prefix, res1.suffix .. res2.suffix, res1.value + res2.value, res1.pvalue + res2.pvalue)
-- pseudo-exponentiation (tehtmi)
-- (n)<>(m){({}[()])<>(({}){})<>}{}<>{}
-- (n)<>(m) -- push n and m on opposite stacks
-- { } -- sum and repeat
-- ({}[()]) -- top(m) - 1
-- <>(({}){})<> -- n = 2*n; += n
-- {} -- pop 0
-- <> -- swap to result
-- {} -- pop and add n
-- [[
if length - 34 >= 4 then
local subl = length - 34
for part1 = 2, subl - 2, 2 do
for _, res2 in get_pushes(part1) do
local b = res2.value
if b > 0 and b < 55 then -- overflow could be a problem, so bound...
for _, res1 in get_pushes(subl - part1) do
-- 2n + 4n + 8n + ... + (2^m)*n + 2^m * n
-- n( 2 + 4 + 8 + .. 2^m + 2^m)
-- n( 3 * 2^m - 2 )
local a = res1.value
local body = "(" .. res1.suffix .. ")<>" .. res2.prefix .. "(" .. res2.suffix .. "){({}[()])<>(({}){})<>}{}<>{}"
local v = a * (3 * (1 << b) - 2) + b * (b - 1) // 2 + a + b + res2.pvalue
register_push(res1.prefix, body, v, res1.pvalue)
register_push("", res1.prefix .. body, v + res1.pvalue, 0)
--print(os.clock(), "seconds (startup)")
local start = os.clock()
for i = 2, k_max_len - 2, 2 do
plen_cache = nil
local final = {}
for i = 1, k_limit do
if pcache[i] ~= nil then
final[i] = pcache[i].prefix .. "(" .. pcache[i].suffix .. ")"
pcache = nil
-- hard coded to 10000 for ppcg test
local sieve = {}
for i = 1, 10000 do sieve[i] = true end
for i = 2, 10000 do
for j = i * i, 10000, i do
sieve[j] = false
--print(os.clock() - start, "seconds (calculation)")
--local bf = require("execute2")
local count = 0
local sum = 0
local sum2 = 0
local maxlen = 0
local pcount = 0
for i = 1, k_limit do
local res = final[i]
final[i] = nil
--print(i, #res, res)
--local ev = res and bf.eval1(bf.compile(res)) or -1; assert( res == nil or ev == i, string.format("Failed %d %s %d", i, res or "", ev))
if sieve[i] and i > 1000 then
sum = #res + sum
pcount = pcount + 1
if res then
sum2 = #res + sum2
maxlen = math.max(maxlen, #res)
count = count + 1
print("sum", sum)
--print("coverage", count / k_limit, "missing", k_limit - count)
--print("sum2", sum2)
--print("maxlen", maxlen)
assert(pcount == 1061)
Similar idea to the other answers where known-useful functions are used to build up larger numbers from good representations of simpler numbers.
One difference is that instead of solving subproblems in terms of smaller numbers, I'm solving subproblems in terms of numbers with shorter representations. I think this makes it more elegant to take advantage of negative numbers as well as handling the case where smaller numbers are represented in terms of larger numbers.
Also, trying to find all numbers that can be represented in a certain size rather trying to represent a particular number as shortly as possible actually simplifies certain calculations. Instead of working a formula in reverse to see whether it can be applied to a number, the formula can be worked forwards and applied to every number.
Another difference is that known solutions are stored in two pieces -- an (optional) "prefix" and a "suffix" (more like an infix). The valuation of the prefix is expected to be ignored when calculating the given number -- the prefix just contains code that sets up the suffix to run (generally by pushing one or more things to the stack). So, given a prefix and a suffix, the corresponding number can be pushed onto the stack with prefix(suffix)
This split basically solves the same problem as the unpack
function in Wheat Wizard's answer. Instead of wrapping code with <...>
only to undo this later, such code is simply added to the prefix.
In a few cases, the prefix actually does get evaluated (mainly for the pseudo-exponentiation operation), so its valuation is also stored. However, this doesn't really cause a big problem, as the generator isn't trying to construct specific numbers. It seem to theoretically imply that there could be two pieces of code of the same length and generating the same number that wouldn't be redundant in the cache due to having different prefix valuations. I didn't bother accounting for this though, as it doesn't seem to matter much (at least in this domain).
I imagine it would be easy to whittle down the byte count just by adding more cases, but I've had enough for the moment.
I've run to 1000000, but only done sanity checking up to 100000.
Pastebin of output on given primes.
is4^n catalan(n)
. \$\endgroup\$(()()()...())
. Plus, if you just use prime numbers, that might miss out on some optimizations possible for composites. \$\endgroup\$[]
undefined for this challenge? I find it strange to implement 7 of the 8 operators. Either way, cool challenge, I'm honored someone would write a challenge inspired by my own language! \$\endgroup\$[]
in their answer. \$\endgroup\$