
Challenge: Print the entire printable ASCII charset (not just a range!) in order.


Rules: read closely

  • No other characters allowed in the output.

  • Program/function does not accept input.

  • Try not to hardcode/embed the output.

  • This is code golf, shortest answer wins.

  • 7
    \$\begingroup\$ Well they are a couple main things about this challenge that are why it's getting downvoted. A) the community really doesn't like it when you ban golfing language (whether or not I agree with this is a different matter) B) it's rather simple but I wouldn't say it's exactly trivial (kinda on the edge). Also saying "Try not to ..." usually isn't a good sign because it's not actually enforcing it (because it's hard to enforce this objectively), and it might mean your challenge may not be found that interesting (therefore getting downvotes). \$\endgroup\$
    – Downgoat
    Jul 11, 2016 at 0:38
  • 10
    \$\begingroup\$ I'm not sure how to interpret try not to hardcode the output here. For a constant output challenge, that's the only way... \$\endgroup\$
    – Dennis
    Jul 11, 2016 at 0:50
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Do we have to print the output from a function or is returning a string acceptable? \$\endgroup\$
    – Dennis
    Jul 11, 2016 at 5:53
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Does "no other characters" include embedded newlines? \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Jul 11, 2016 at 7:48
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ This is NOT a duplicate of that challenge! Programs there had to accept input and print only part of the table. This challenge is easier and different. \$\endgroup\$
    – anna328p
    Jul 11, 2016 at 23:23

87 Answers 87

1 2

Scala, 25 bytes

()=>' 'to'~'foreach print

Anonymous function with no args which prints given range

See it online: https://ideone.com/fX2rwf


Lua - 41 bytes

for i=32,127 do io.write(("").char(i))end
  • \$\begingroup\$ You also have to print #127. Not collecting everything in a variable seems to be shorter: for i=32,127 do io.write(("").char(i))end \$\endgroup\$
    – manatwork
    Jul 11, 2016 at 8:51

2sable, 8 bytes


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Same as for 05AB1E


95Ý       Push [0..95]
   32+    Add 32 (vectorizes)
      ç   chr (vectorizes)
       J  Join by empty string

3var, 20 bytes


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iiss                 Increment A twice, square A twice (set a to 16)
    +                Add A to B (set R to 16)
     <               Set B to R
      +<>            Add A and B (16 + 16 = 32), store to A and B
         +<+<        Add 32 to B twice more (B = 96)
             kk      Decrement B twice (B = 94)
               F[  ] Do B times
                 Pi  Print A as character and increment A

Actually, 12 bytes


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:95r          Push [0 .. 95]
    :32+      Add 32
        ♂┌    Map chr over TOS
          εj  Join by empty string

VBA (Excel), 28 bytes

using immediate window.

for i=32to 126:?chr(i);:next


Perl 5, 21 bytes

print map{chr}32..127

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Swift 4, 57 bytes

for i in 32...126{print(UnicodeScalar(i)!,terminator:"")}

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Stax, 2 bytes


Run and debug it


Jelly, 2 bytes


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Yep, it's included, but here's an answer without the builtin:

Jelly, 7 bytes


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95Ḷ        create lowered range, from 0 to 94 inclusive
   +32     add 32 to every element in the range
      Ọ    cast the entire list to characters and implicitly print

Yabasic/VBA, 29 bytes

An anonymous function that takes no input and outputs to the console.

Note that the VBA answer could be 1 byte shorter by using Chr instead of Chr$.

For i=32To 126:?Chr$(i);:Next

Yabasic: Try it online!

VBA:      There is no TIO for VBA :(


JavaScript (Node.js), 47 bytes


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  • \$\begingroup\$ I'm pretty sure Node.js doesn't have alert. \$\endgroup\$
    – Leaf
    Jul 29, 2022 at 20:58

Prolog (SWI), 80 68 67 62 45 bytes


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Befunge-93, 18 bytes


You can try it here. The leading space is important!

                     The current character to be printed/checked, starts loop with a space
  g                  Push character from (0|0) onto stack(using the implicit 0s on the empty stack)
   :"~"`#@_          Check whether the char on (0|0) is over ~, if yes then end
           :,1+00p   Duplicate current char for output and incrementation
                  #  Since the code is a torus, it would continue at (0|0) so we skip it, since it could break the code.

Python - 41 bytes

for i in range(32, 127, 1):

Python has a built-in ASCII function, so we can use that and print all 95 characters in a loop, one at a time.

No newlines - 50 bytes

for i in range(32, 127, 1):
 x = x + chr(i)

This is just in case newlines aren't allowed, so this entry still gets in.


naz, 32 bytes


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Explanation (with 0x instructions removed)

4a5m6m6a2x1v   # Set variable 1 equal to 126
1x1f           # Function 1
    1a1o       # Add 1 to the register, then output
        3x1v1l # Goto the start of the function if the register is less than variable 1
4d             # Integer divide by 4, setting the register to a value of 31
1f             # Call function 1

Pxem, 17 bytes (filename) + 0 bytes (content) = 17 bytes.

  • Filename (some unprintables are escaped): ~.z.c\001.-.c\037.a.s.p
  • Content: empty.

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With comments

.a~.zXX.z # push 127; while size<2 || (pop!=pop); do
  .a.cXX.z # dup
  .a\001.-XX.z # push 1; push abs(pop-pop) iff size>=2
  .a.cXX.z # dup
.a\037.aXX.z # push 31; done
.a.s.pXX.z # pop (* to remove 31 *); while size>0; do printf "%c", pop; done

Factor, 18 bytes

32 126 [a,b] write

Works in any modern version of Factor that supports printing non-string sequences directly. (i.e. not TIO.)


Kotlin, 27 bytes

(' '..'~').joinToString("")

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Knight, 23 bytes

;=a 31W>127=a+1aO+Aa"\"

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; = a 31
: WHILE (> 127 (= a (+ 1 a)))
    : OUTPUT (+ (ASCII a) "\")

Ly, 7 bytes

' '~R&o

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' '~     - push first (" ") and last ("~") printable characters
    R    - generate a rage of codepoints
     &o  - print the stack as characters

Z80Golf, 9 bytes

00000000: 3e 20 06 5f ff 3c 10 fc 76                     > ._.<..v

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Assembler source (z80asm):

    ; start at space
    ld      a, ' '
    ; loop counter 
    ; I could also cp 0x7f; jr nz, .loop but this is faster to TOTALLY make up for below
    ld      b, 0x7F - ' '
    ; Call 0x38, then nop slide to 0x8000 to print A to stdout
    ; only has a 130842 cycle overhead, which is worth the 2 bytes it saves
    rst     0x38
    ; set A to the next char
    inc     a
    ; Decrement b, then loop if non-zero
    djnz    .loop
    ; Exit

Pretty straightforward loop approach.


Knight (v2), 23 bytes


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Another Alternative is


Pascal, 66 B

This program requires to be run on a processor using the ASCII character set (or a binary-compatible superset). The output will look quite different for instance on an IBM mainframe using EBCDIC.

program p(output);var c:char;begin for c:=' 'to'~'do write(c)end.

Note, in Pascal for-loop limits are inclusive. During the final iteration c assumes the specified value '~'.


Alice, 14 bytes

' w.oh.'~h-$K@

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' w.oh.'~h-$K@   Full program
'                Adds 32 (space) on the stack
  w        $K@   Repeat until...
      .'~h-      ...we reach 126 (~)
   .oh           Print and increase the current character

Go, 45 bytes

func(){for i:=32;i<127;i++{print(string(i))}}

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Prints to STDERR.


International Phonetic Esoteric Language, 21 bytes



{3j}{w}   ( loop bounds: 32 w <= e < 127 3j )
ɑ         ( loop )
 e        ( push index )
  χ       ( ord index )
   u      ( pop-output without newline )
    e1sø  ( increment index )
        ɒ ( end loop )
1 2

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