The challenge involve simply toggling a string within another string.
If the toggle string is a substring of the main string, remove all instances of the toggle string from the main string; otherwise, append the toggle string at the end of the main string.
- All string are composed of printable ASCII characters
- The function should take two parameters: the main string and the toggle string.
- The main string can be empty.
- The toggle string cannot be empty.
- The result should be a string, which can be empty.
- The shortest answer wins.
function toggle(main_string, toggle_string){ ... }
toggle('this string has 6 words ', 'now')
=> 'this string has 6 words now'
toggle('this string has 5 words now', ' now')
=> 'this string has 5 words'
Tests cases
'','a' => 'a'
'a','a' => ''
'b','a' => 'ba'
'ab','a' => 'b'
'aba','a' => 'b'
'ababa', 'aba' => 'ba'