

Given the roots of a polynomial separated by spaces as input, output the expanded form of the polynomial.

For example, the input

1 2

represents this equation:


And should output:


The exact format of output is not important, it can be:



0 0 0


3 14 15 92


  • eval and likes are disallowed.
  • You may use any version of Python or any other language.
  • \$\begingroup\$ What about built-ins like numpy.poly? \$\endgroup\$
    – Dennis
    Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 5:41
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Dennis numpy is not built-in i think! \$\endgroup\$
    – aliqandil
    Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 6:40
  • \$\begingroup\$ Python + NumPy answers are generally accepted, but that's beside the point. Can I use a function that turns roots into polynomial coefficients? I'm asking since you banned eval, and that's considerably more powerful than eval. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dennis
    Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 6:42
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Dennis That pretty much the whole think! But go ahead! Since the same function is built-in in most languages. \$\endgroup\$
    – aliqandil
    Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 9:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ can we assume the roots are integers? can we assume they are nonnegative integers? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 21:10

8 Answers 8


MATL, 29 bytes


Input is an array with the roots.


  • (May 20, 2016): the X+ function has been removed, as Y+ includes its functionality. So in the above code replace X+ by Y+.
  • (September 29, 2017): due to changes in the YD function, w in the above code should be removed.

The following link includes those changes.

Try it online!


This applies repeated convolution with terms of the form [1, -r] where r is a root.

l          % push number 1
jU         % take input string. Convert to number array
"          % for each root r
  1        %   push number 1
  @_       %   push -r
  h        %   concatenate horizontally
  X+       %   convolve. This gradually builds array of coefficients
]          % end for each
tn:Pq      % produce array [n-1,n-2,...,0], where n is the number of roots
v          % concatenate vertically with array of coefficients
'+%gx^%g'  % format string, sprintf-style
w          % swap
YD         % sprintf. Implicitly display

Jelly, 15 bytes


This uses Æṛ to construct the coefficients of a monic polynomial with given roots. Try it online!

How it works

Æṛ‘Ė’Uj€“x^”j”+  Main link. Argument: A (list of roots)

Æṛ               Yield the coefficients of a monic polynomial with roots A.
  ‘              Increment each root by 1.
   Ė             Enumerate the roots, yielding
                 [[1, coeff. of x^0 + 1], ... [n + 1, coeff. of x^n + 1]].
    ’            Decrement all involved integers, yielding
                 [[0, coeff. of x^0], ... [n, coeff. of x^n]].
     U           Upend to yield [[coeff. of x^0, 0], ... [coeff. of x^n, n]].
      j€“x^”     Join each pair, separating by 'x^'.
            j”+  Join the pairs, separating by '+'.

Alternate version, 24 bytes


This uses no polynomial-related built-ins. Try it online!

How it works

1WW;ð0;_×µ/‘Ė’Uj€“x^”j”+  Main link. Argument: A (list of roots)

1WW                       Yield [[1]].
   ;                      Concatenate with A.
    ð    µ/               Reduce [[1]] + A by the following, dyadic chain:
     0;                     Prepend a zero to the left argument (initially [1]).
                            This multiplies the left argument by "x".
        ×                   Take the product of both, unaltered arguments.
                            This multiplies the left argument by "r", where r is
                            the root specified in the right argument.
      _                     Subtract.
                            This computes the left argument multiplied by "x-r".
           ‘Ė’Uj€“x^”j”+  As before.

Ruby, 155 bytes

Anonymous function, input is an array of the roots.

Prints from lowest power first, so calling f[[1,2]] (assuming you assigned the function to f) returns the string "2x^0+-3x^1+1x^2".


Python 3, 453 bytes (Spaces removed and more) -> 392 bytes

import functools
import operator
print([('+'.join(["x^"+str(len(R))]+[str(q)+"x^"+str(r)if r>0else"{0:g}".format(q)for r,q in enumerate([sum(functools.reduce(operator.mul,(-int(R[n])for n,m in enumerate(j)if int(m)==1),1)for j in[(len(R)-len(bin(i)[2:]))*'0'+bin(i)[2:]for i in range(1,2**len(R))]if sum(1-int(k) for k in j)==p)for p in range(len(R))]) ][::-1]))for R in[input().split()]][0])

Check This link, Will help understand the reason behind those two imports.

  • \$\begingroup\$ You could get rid of a lot of extra whitespace \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 25, 2016 at 9:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ @proudhaskeller You're right! I changed the rules kinda forgot to change my own answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – aliqandil
    Commented Mar 25, 2016 at 10:10
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ from operator import*, from functools import* save a few bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – shooqie
    Commented Mar 25, 2016 at 11:01
  • \$\begingroup\$ import functools,operator \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 26, 2016 at 22:11

Haskell, 99

f e='0':do(c,i)<-zip(foldl(%)[1]e)[0..];'+':show c++"x^"++show i

prints the lower powers first, with an additional 0+ at the start. for example:

>f [1,1]

The function computes the coefficients by progressively adding more roots, like convolutions, but without the builtin.

Then we use the list monad to implicitly concat all of the different monomials.


Sage, 38 bytes

lambda N:prod(x-t for t in N).expand()

Try it online

This defines an unnamed lambda that takes an iterable of roots as input and computes the product (x-x_n) for x_n in roots, then expands it.


Mathematica, 26 bytes


Mathematica has powerful polynomial builtins.


  f = Expand@Product[x-k,{k,#}]&
  f@{3, 14, 15, 92}
x^4 - 124 x^3 + 3241 x^2 - 27954 x + 57960

JavaScript (ES6), 96 bytes


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