C, 0.026119s (Mar 12 2016)
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define cache_size 16384
#define Phi_prec_max (47 * a)
#define bit(k) (1ULL << ((k) & 63))
#define word(k) sieve[(k) >> 6]
#define sbit(k) ((word(k >> 1) >> (k >> 1)) & 1)
#define ones(k) (~0ULL >> (64 - (k)))
#define m2(k) ((k + 1) / 2)
#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define ns(t) (1000000000 * t.tv_sec + t.tv_nsec)
#define popcnt __builtin_popcountll
#define mask_build(i, p, o, m) mask |= m << i, i += o, i -= p * (i >= p)
#define Phi_prec_bytes ((m2(Phi_prec_max) + 1) * sizeof(int16_t))
#define Phi_prec(i, j) Phi_prec_pointer[(j) * (m2(Phi_prec_max) + 1) + (i)]
#define Phi_6_next ((i / 1155) * 480 + Phi_5[i % 1155] - Phi_5[(i + 6) / 13])
#define Phi_6_upd_1() t = Phi_6_next, i += 1, *(l++) = t
#define Phi_6_upd_2() t = Phi_6_next, i += 2, *(l++) = t, *(l++) = t
#define Phi_6_upd_3() t = Phi_6_next, i += 3, *(l++) = t, *(l++) = t, *(l++) = t
typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;
struct timespec then, now;
uint64_t a, primes[4648] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }, *primes_fastdiv;
uint16_t *Phi_6, *Phi_prec_pointer;
static inline uint64_t Phi_6_mod(uint64_t y)
if (y < 30030)
return Phi_6[m2(y)];
return (y / 30030) * 5760 + Phi_6[m2(y % 30030)];
static inline uint64_t fastdiv(uint64_t dividend, uint64_t fast_divisor)
return ((uint128_t) dividend * fast_divisor) >> 64;
uint64_t Phi(uint64_t y, uint64_t c)
uint64_t *d = primes_fastdiv, i = 0, r = Phi_6_mod(y), t = y / 17;
r -= Phi_6_mod(t), t = y / 19;
while (i < c && t > Phi_prec_max) r -= Phi(t, i++), t = fastdiv(y, *(d++));
while (i < c && t) r -= Phi_prec(m2(t), i++), t = fastdiv(y, *(d++));
return r;
uint64_t Phi_small(uint64_t y, uint64_t c)
if (!c--) return y;
return Phi_small(y, c) - Phi_small(y / primes[c], c);
uint64_t pi_small(uint64_t y)
uint64_t i, r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) r += (primes[i] <= y);
for (i = 21; i <= y; i += 2)
r += i % 3 && i % 5 && i % 7 && i % 11 && i % 13 && i % 17 && i % 19;
return r;
int output(int result)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
printf("pi(x) = %9d real time:%9ld ns\n", result , ns(now) - ns(then));
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint64_t b, i, j, k, limit, mask, P2, *p, start, t = 8, x = atoi(argv[1]);
uint64_t root2 = sqrt(x), root3 = pow(x, 1./3), top = x / root3 + 1;
uint64_t halftop = m2(top), *sieve, sieve_length = (halftop + 63) / 64;
uint64_t i3 = 1, i5 = 2, i7 = 3, i11 = 5, i13 = 6, i17 = 8, i19 = 9;
uint16_t Phi_3[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8 };
uint16_t *l, *m, Phi_4[106], Phi_5[1156];
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &then);
sieve = malloc(sieve_length * sizeof(int64_t));
if (x < 529) return output(pi_small(x));
for (i = 0; i < sieve_length; i++)
mask = 0;
mask_build( i3, 3, 2, 0x9249249249249249ULL);
mask_build( i5, 5, 1, 0x1084210842108421ULL);
mask_build( i7, 7, 6, 0x8102040810204081ULL);
mask_build(i11, 11, 2, 0x0080100200400801ULL);
mask_build(i13, 13, 1, 0x0010008004002001ULL);
mask_build(i17, 17, 4, 0x0008000400020001ULL);
mask_build(i19, 19, 12, 0x0200004000080001ULL);
sieve[i] = ~mask;
limit = min(halftop, 8 * cache_size);
for (i = 21; i < root3 + 1; i += 2)
if (sbit(i))
for (primes[t++] = i, j = i * i / 2; j < limit; j += i)
word(j) &= ~bit(j);
a = t;
for (i = (root3 + 1) | 1; i < root2 + 1; i += 2)
if (sbit(i)) primes[t++] = i;
b = t;
while (limit < halftop)
start = 2 * limit + 1, limit = min(halftop, limit + 8 * cache_size);
for (p = &primes[8]; p < &primes[a]; p++)
for (j = max(start / *p | 1, *p) * *p / 2; j < limit; j += *p)
word(j) &= ~bit(j);
P2 = (a - b) * (a + b - 1) / 2;
for (i = m2(root2); b --> a; P2 += t, i = limit)
limit = m2(x / primes[b]), j = limit & ~63;
if (i < j)
t += popcnt((word(i)) >> (i & 63)), i = (i | 63) + 1;
while (i < j) t += popcnt(word(i)), i += 64;
if (i < limit) t += popcnt(word(i) & ones(limit - i));
else if (i < limit) t += popcnt((word(i) >> (i & 63)) & ones(limit - i));
if (a < 7) return output(Phi_small(x, a) + a - 1 - P2);
a -= 7, Phi_6 = malloc(a * Phi_prec_bytes + 15016 * sizeof(int16_t));
Phi_prec_pointer = &Phi_6[15016];
for (i = 0; i <= 105; i++)
Phi_4[i] = (i / 15) * 8 + Phi_3[i % 15] - Phi_3[(i + 3) / 7];
for (i = 0; i <= 1155; i++)
Phi_5[i] = (i / 105) * 48 + Phi_4[i % 105] - Phi_4[(i + 5) / 11];
for (i = 1, l = Phi_6, *l++ = 0; i <= 15015; )
Phi_6_upd_3(); Phi_6_upd_2(); Phi_6_upd_1(); Phi_6_upd_2();
Phi_6_upd_1(); Phi_6_upd_2(); Phi_6_upd_3(); Phi_6_upd_1();
for (i = 0; i <= m2(Phi_prec_max); i++)
Phi_prec(i, 0) = Phi_6[i] - Phi_6[(i + 8) / 17];
for (j = 1, p = &primes[7]; j < a; j++, p++)
i = 1, memcpy(&Phi_prec(0, j), &Phi_prec(0, j - 1), Phi_prec_bytes);
l = &Phi_prec(*p / 2 + 1, j), m = &Phi_prec(m2(Phi_prec_max), j) - *p;
while (l <= m)
for (k = 0, t = Phi_prec(i++, j - 1); k < *p; k++) *(l++) -= t;
t = Phi_prec(i++, j - 1);
while (l <= m + *p) *(l++) -= t;
primes_fastdiv = malloc(a * sizeof(int64_t));
for (i = 0, p = &primes[8]; i < a; i++, p++)
t = 96 - __builtin_clzll(*p);
primes_fastdiv[i] = (bit(t) / *p + 1) << (64 - t);
return output(Phi(x, a) + a + 6 - P2);
This uses the Meissel-Lehmer method.
On my machine, I'm getting roughly 5.7 milliseconds for the combined test cases. This is on an Intel Core i7-3770 with DDR3 RAM at 1867 MHz, running openSUSE 13.2.
$ ./timepi '-march=native -O3' pi 1000
pi(x) = 93875448 real time: 2774958 ns
pi(x) = 66990613 real time: 2158491 ns
pi(x) = 62366021 real time: 2023441 ns
pi(x) = 34286170 real time: 1233158 ns
pi(x) = 5751639 real time: 384284 ns
pi(x) = 2465109 real time: 239783 ns
pi(x) = 1557132 real time: 196248 ns
pi(x) = 4339 real time: 60597 ns
0.00572879 s
Because the variance got too high, I'm using timings from within the program for the unofficial run times. This is the script that computed the average of the combined run times.
all() { for j in ${a[@]}; do ./$1 $j; done; }
gcc -Wall $1 -lm -o $2 $2.c
a=(1907000000 1337000000 1240000000 660000000 99820000 40550000 24850000 41500)
all $2
r=$(seq 1 $3)
for i in $r; do all $2; done > times
awk -v it=$3 '{ sum += $6 } END { print "\n" sum / (1e9 * it) " s" }' times
rm times
Official times
This time is for doing the score cases 1000 times.
real 0m28.006s
user 0m15.703s
sys 0m14.319s
How it works
Let \$x\$ be a positive integer.
Each positive integer \$n \le x\$ satisfies exactly one of the following conditions.
\$n = 1\$
\$n\$ is divisible by a prime number \$p\$ in \$[1, \sqrt[3]{x}]\$.
\$n = pq\$, where \$p\$ and \$q\$ are (not necessarily distinct) prime numbers in \$(\sqrt[3]{x}, \sqrt[3]{x^2})\$.
\$n\$ is prime and \$n > \sqrt[3]{x}\$
Let \$\pi(y)\$ denote the number of primes \$p\$ such that \$p \le y\$. There are \$\pi(x) - \pi(\sqrt[3]{x})\$ numbers that fall in the fourth category.
Let \$P_k(y, c)\$ denote the amount of positive integers \$m \le y\$ that are a product of exactly \$k\$ prime numbers not among the first \$c\$ prime numbers. There are \$P_2(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x}))\$ numbers that fall in the third category.
Finally, let \$\phi(y, c)\$ denote the amount of positive integers \$k \le y\$ that are coprime to the first \$c\$ prime numbers. There are \$x - \phi(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x}))\$ numbers that fall into the second category.
Since there are \$x\$ numbers in all categories,
$$1 + x - \phi(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x})) + P_2(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x})) + \pi(x) - \pi(\sqrt[3]{x}) = x$$
and, therefore,
$$\pi(x) = \phi(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x})) + \pi(\sqrt[3]{x}) - 1 - P_2(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x}))$$
The numbers in the third category have a unique representation if we require that \$p \le q\$ and, therefore \$p \le \sqrt{x}\$. This way, the product of the primes \$p\$ and \$q\$ is in the third category if and only if \$\sqrt[3]{x} < p \le q \le \frac{x}{p}\$, so there are \$\pi(\frac{x}{p}) - \pi(p) + 1\$ possible values for \$q\$ for a fixed value of \$p\$, and \$P_2(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x})) = \sum_{\pi(\sqrt[3]{x}) < k \le \pi(\sqrt{x})} (\pi(\frac{x}{p_k}) - \pi(p_k) + 1)\$, where \$p_k\$ denotes the \$k^{\text{th}}\$ prime number.
Finally, every positive integer \$n \le y\$ that is not coprime to the first \$c\$ prime numbers can be expressed in unique fashion as \$n = p_kf\$, where \$p_k\$ is the lowest prime factor of \$n\$. This way, \$k \le c\$, and \$f\$ is coprime to the first \$k - 1\$ primes numbers.
This leads to the recursive formula \$\phi(y, c) = y - \sum_{1 \le k \le c} \phi(\frac{y}{p_k}, k - 1)\$. In particular, the sum is empty if \$c = 0\$, so \$\phi(y, 0) = y\$.
We now have a formula that allows us to compute \$\pi(x)\$ by generating only the first \$\pi(\sqrt[3]{x^2})\$ prime numbers (millions vs billions).
We'll need to compute \$\pi(\frac{x}{p})\$, where \$p\$ can get as low as \$\sqrt[3]{x}\$. While there are other ways to do this (like applying our formula recursively), the fastest way seems to be to enumerate all primes up to \$\sqrt[3]{x^2}\$, which can be done with the sieve of Eratosthenes.
First, we identify and store all prime numbers in \$[1, \sqrt{x}]\$, and compute \$\pi(\sqrt[3]{x})\$ and \$\pi(\sqrt{x})\$ at the same time. Then, we compute \$\frac{x}{p_k}\$ for all \$k\$ in \$(\pi(\sqrt[3]{x}), \pi(\sqrt{x})]\$, and count the primes up to each successive quotient.
Also, \$\sum_{\pi(\sqrt[3]{x}) < k \le \pi(\sqrt{x})} (-\pi(p_k) + 1)\$ has the closed form \$\frac{\pi(\sqrt[3]{x}) - \pi(\sqrt{x}))(\pi(\sqrt[3]x) + \pi(\sqrt{x}) - 1}{2}\$, which allows us to complete the computation of \$P_2(x, \pi(\sqrt[3]{x}))\$.
That leaves the computation of \$\phi\$, which is the most expensive part of the algorithm. Simply using the recursive formula would require \$2^c\$ function calls to compute \$\phi(y, c)\$.
First of all, \$\phi(0, c) = 0\$ for all values of \$c\$, so \$\phi(y, c) = y - \sum_{1 \le k \le c, p_k \le y} \phi(\frac{y}{p_k}, k - 1)\$. By itself, this observation is already enough to make the computation feasible. This is because any number below \$2 \cdot 10^9\$ is smaller than the product of any ten distinct primes, so the overwhelming majority of summands vanishes.
Also, by grouping \$y\$ and the first \$c'\$ summands of the definition of \$\phi\$, we get the alternative formula \$\phi(y, c) = \phi(y, c') - \sum_{c' < k \le c, p_k \le y} \phi(\frac{y}{p_k}, k - 1)\$. Thus, precomputing \$\phi(y, c')\$ for a fixed \$c'\$ and appropriate values of \$y\$ saves most of the remaining function calls and the associated computations.
If \$m_c = \prod_{1 \le k \le c} p_k\$, then \$\phi(m_c, c) = \varphi(m_c)\$, since the integers in \$[1, m_c]\$ that are divisible by none of \$p_1, \cdots, p_c\$ are precisely those that are coprime to \$m_c\$. Also, since \$\gcd(z + m_c, m_c) = \gcd(z, m_c)\$, we have that \$\phi(y, c) = \phi(\lfloor \frac{y}{m_c} \rfloor m_c, c) + \phi(y % m_c, c) = \lfloor \frac{y}{m_c} \rfloor \varphi(m_c) + \phi(y % m_c, c)\$.
Since Euler's totient function is multiplicative, \$\varphi(m_c) = \prod_{1 \le k \le c} \varphi(p_k) = \prod_{1 \le k \le c} (p_k - 1)\$, and we have an easy way to derive \$\phi(y, c)\$ for all \$y\$ by precomputing the values for only those \$y\$ in \$[0, m_c)\$.
Also, if we set \$c' = c - 1\$, we obtain \$\phi(y, c) = \phi(y, c - 1) - \phi(\frac{y}{p_c}, c - 1)\$, the original definition from Lehmer's paper. This gives us a simple way to precompute \$\phi(y, c)\$ for increasing values of \$c\$.
In addition for precomputing \$\phi(y, c)\$ for a certain, low value of \$c\$, we'll also precompute it for low values of \$y\$, cutting the recursion short after falling below a certain threshold.
The previous section covers most parts of the code. One remaining, important detail is how the divisions in the function Phi
are performed.
Since computing \$\phi\$ only requires dividing by the first \$\pi(\sqrt[3]{x})\$ prime numbers, we can use the fastdiv
function instead. Rather than simply dividing an \$y\$ by a prime \$p\$, we multiply \$y\$ by \$d_p \approx \frac{2^{64}}{p}\$ instead and recover \$\frac{y}{p}\$ as \$\frac{d_py}{2^{64}}\$. Because of how integer multiplication is implemented on x64, dividing by \$2^{64}\$ is not required; the higher 64 bits of \$d_py\$ are stored in their own register.
Note that this method requires precomputing \$d_p\$, which isn't faster than computing \$\frac{y}{p}\$ directly. However, since we have to divide by the same primes over and over again and division is so much slower than multiplication, this results in an important speed-up. More details on this algorithm, as well as a formal proof, can be found in Division by Invariant Integers using Multiplication.