It's become somewhat of a tradition in PPCG that some users temporarily change their names by an anagram (a new name formed by reordering the letters of the old).
Sometimes it gets difficult to find out who is who. I could use a program or function to tell if two phrases are anagrams of each other.
The challenge
The program or function should take two strings and produce a truthy result if they are anagrams of each other, and falsy otherwise.
- Input will only contain letters (ASCII 65 to 90 and 97 to 122), digits (ASCII 48 to 57) or space (ASCII 32).
- The anagram relation is independendent of case. So "Arm" and "RAM" are anagrams.
- Spaces don't count either. So "keyboard" and "Barked Yo" are anagrams
- All builtins allowed
- Input format is flexible (two strings, an array of two strings, a string containing both phrases with a suitable separator ...)
Code golf. Fewest bytes wins.
Test cases
Lynn, Nyl N
Digital Trauma, Tau Digital Arm
Sp3000, P S 3000
Manage Trash So, Those anagrams
Calvins Hobbies, Helka Homba
Android, rains odd
In between days, bayed entwine
Code golf, cod elf got
Manage Trash So, Those anagrams
. Nice. \$\endgroup\$So, the anagrams...