En garde!
My warrior combines unpredictability with a keen eye for weakness in his opponent's stance. He's pretty confident he'll be able to dispose of aggressive foes but his trainer (me) may have failed to anticipate certain scenarios or, perhaps more worrying, may have misinterpreted the rules (bugs!!).
Anyway I'm new so hopefully this is an ok format for the code:
from random import choice, random
def cleverly_pick_move(me_allowed,op_allowed,opp_last_move=None) :
""" Behold the genius you're up against!
Pretty much everything else is just flavour text or match rules
so you'll probably only want to read this...
heights = ['head','chest','feet']
rand_choice = lambda a,h : {'type':choice([t for t in a if a[t]]),
if opp_last_move is None or feeling_like_a_lucky_punk():
return rand_choice(me_allowed,heights)
if sum(1 for x in op_allowed if op_allowed[x]) == 3 :
for i in op_allowed:
if not op_allowed[i] :
weakness = i
return {'type':exploit_weakness(weakness,me_allowed),
return rand_choice(me_allowed,heights)
def exploit_weakness(weakness,me_allowed) :
moves = ['attack','parry','lunge','block']
for i,move in enumerate(moves) :
if move == weakness :
if me_allowed[moves[(i+1) % 4]] :
return moves[(i+1) % 4]
if me_allowed[weakness] :
return weakness
return choice([x for x in me_allowed if me_allowed[x]])
def feeling_like_a_lucky_punk() :
return random() > 0.8
def main():
this_round = 1
opp_last_move = None
score = {'myself':0, 'the blaggard':0}
quips = ['blaggard', 'fool', 'scum', 'raggamuffin']
adverbs = ['deftly', 'skillfully', 'gracefully', 'clumsily']
me_allowed = {'attack':True,'block':True,'lunge':True,'parry':True}
op_allowed = {'attack':True,'block':True,'lunge':True,'parry':True}
while (this_round <= 50 and
all([points < 3 for points in score.values()])) :
if this_round == 1 :
move = cleverly_pick_move(me_allowed,op_allowed)
move = cleverly_pick_move(me_allowed,op_allowed,
print "Our hero %s %ss at the %s's %s" % (
print "We await the %s's response..." % choice(quips)
print "Our hero's move: " + (move['type'][0]+move['height'][0]).upper()
opp_move = parse_move(raw_input("Opponent's move: "))
outcome,me_allowed,op_allowed = get_outcome(move,opp_move,me_allowed,
if outcome == 'WIN' :
print "Our hero pulls off an excellent round!"
score['myself'] += 1
elif outcome == 'LOSE' :
print "Never before have we seen such blatant cheating!"
score['the blaggard'] += 1
else :
print "Our hero is clearly toying with his opponent as he allows \
a drawn round."
print ("""The score after round %d:\nOur hero:\t%d\nHis opponent:\t%d"""
% (this_round, score['myself'], score['the blaggard']))
opp_last_move = opp_move
this_round += 1
print "Match over, surely the victory is mine!"
print """Final score:\n
Our hero:\t%d\nOpponent:\t%d""" % (score['myself'],
score['the blaggard'])
if score['myself'] > score['the blaggard'] :
print "My victory was inevitable!"
elif score['myself'] == score['the blaggard'] :
print "An even match! Huzzar!"
else :
print ""
def reset_allowed(dictionary) :
return dict((x,True) for x in dictionary)
def get_outcome(mymove,opmove,me_allowed,op_allowed) :
result = ''
if not me_allowed[mymove['type']] :
print "Whoops, I forgot I couldn't do that..."
result = 'LOSE'
if not op_allowed[opmove['type']] :
print "Haha! What a clutz!"
result = 'WIN'
if mymove['height'] != opmove['height'] :
print "The combatants flail at each other with little effect!"
print "They'll have to try something else next round!"
result = 'DRAW'
if mymove['type'] == opmove['type'] :
if mymove['type'] in ['attack','lunge']:
print "The combatants' blades clash dramatically!"
else :
print "Both combatants take a moment to practice their \
defensive stance..."
result = 'DRAW'
if result :
me_allowed, op_allowed = (reset_allowed(me_allowed),
if mymove['height'] != opmove['height'] :
me_allowed[mymove['type']] = op_allowed[opmove['type']] = False
return (result, me_allowed,op_allowed)
else :
return compare_attacks(mymove,opmove,me_allowed,op_allowed)
def compare_attacks(mymove,opmove,me_allowed,op_allowed) :
0 A > P 1
^ x v
3 B < L 2
print "Our hero %ss, his opponent %ss!" % (mymove['type'],opmove['type'])
move_val = {'attack':0,'parry':1,'lunge':2,'block':3}
result_num = (move_val[opmove['type']] - move_val[mymove['type']]) % 4
results = ['DRAW','WIN','DRAW','LOSE']
me_allowed, op_allowed = (reset_allowed(me_allowed),
if result_num == 1 :
print "Our hero easily outwits his foe! *Huge cheers from crowd*"
return ('WIN',me_allowed,op_allowed)
elif result_num == 3 :
print "Our hero graciously allows his opponent a charity point.\
*A torrent of boos from the crowd*"
return ('LOSE',me_allowed,op_allowed)
# Combatants drew and will have their moves restricted next round.
if mymove['type'] in ['attack','parry'] :
me_allowed['attack'] = me_allowed['lunge'] = False
me_allowed['parry'] = me_allowed['block'] = True
op_allowed['parry'] = op_allowed['block'] = False
op_allowed['attack'] = op_allowed['lunge'] = True
else :
me_allowed['parry'] = me_allowed['block'] = False
me_allowed['attack'] = me_allowed['lunge'] = True
op_allowed['attack'] = me_allowed['lunge'] = False
op_allowed['parry'] = op_allowed['block'] = True
return ('DRAW',me_allowed,op_allowed)
def parse_move(move_string) :
m_types = {'A':'attack','B':'block','L':'lunge','P':'parry'}
m_heights = {'C':'chest','H':'head','F':'feet'}
move_string = move_string.strip().upper()
if not move_string :
print "Couldn't understand your input: %s" % move_string
return parse_move(raw_input("Opponent's move: "))
if move_string[0] not in m_types :
move_string = move_string[::-1]
try :
move = {'type':m_types[move_string[0]],
return move
except KeyError :
print "Couldn't understand your input: %s" % move_string
return parse_move(raw_input("Opponent's move: "))
if __name__ == '__main__' :