Given an input of a string representing a function definition, output the string with newlines and spaces inserted so that the function's arguments are newline-separated and aligned.
The input string will follow the following pattern:
First, it will start with a prefix, which is always at least one character long and does not contain any of the characters
.An open parenthesis (
) will then mark the beginning of the argument list.A list of zero or more arguments will then follow. These are separated by the string
", "
(a comma and then a space). None of the arguments will contain any of the characters,()
.A close parenthesis (
) will mark the end of the argument list.Lastly, a postfix may be found, which is zero or more characters long and may contain the characters
The input string will consist solely of printable ASCII (which means it will never contain a newline).
The output must be:
The prefix, copied down verbatim, and the open parenthesis.
The argument list, this time separated not by
", "
but by a comma, newline, and as many spaces as is needed to vertically align the first character of each argument.The close paren and postfix (if it exists) verbatim.
Since this is code-golf, the shortest code in bytes will win.
Test cases (format: single-line input followed by output followed by double newline):
def foo(bar, baz, quux):
def foo(bar,
int main() {
int main() {
fn f(a: i32, b: f64, c: String) -> (String, Vec<i32>) {
fn f(a: i32,
b: f64,
c: String) -> (String, Vec<i32>) {
function g(h) {
function g(h) {
def abc(def, ghi, jkl, mno)
def abc(def,
x y z(x, y, z) x, y, z)
x y z(x,
z) x, y, z)