
This challenge is inspired by this other.

The challenge

Write a program or a function in any programming language that given as input a string representing a time in English (see below, for further details) it outputs or prints the equivalent in the 24 hours "digital" format HH:MM.

Shortest code in bytes wins, standard loopholes are forbidden.

Input format

Your program should be able to handle all this kind of inputs:

one minute past 'HOUR'
'MINUTES' minutes past 'HOUR'
quarter past 'HOUR'
half past 'HOUR'
one minute to 'HOUR'
'MINUTES' minutes to 'HOUR'
quarter to 'HOUR'

where: MINUTES is a number from 1 to 59 written in English with hyphen; HOUR is the name of an hour in one of the formats:

'HOUR24' o'clock
'HOUR12' o'clock AM
'HOUR12' o'clock PM

HOUR12 is a number from 1 to 12 written in English with hyphen; and HOUR24 is a number from 1 to 23 written in English with hyphen.

Some examples

midnight                                  ->   00:00
midday                                    ->   12:00
twelve o'clock                            ->   12:00
quarter to midnight                       ->   23:45
twenty-two minutes past eight o'clock PM  ->   20:22
thirty-four minutes to fifteen o'clock    ->   14:26
six o'clock AM                            ->   06:00
one minute to twenty-one o'clock          ->   20:59
seven thirteen AM                         ->   07:13
nine fourteen PM                          ->   21:14

Good luck!

  • \$\begingroup\$ So is 'MINUTES' minutes past 'HOUR24' o'clock a valid time? \$\endgroup\$
    – Blue
    Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 15:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ @muddyfish Yes, it is. \$\endgroup\$
    – Bob
    Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 15:08
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Should HOUR24 be a number from 0 to 23? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 15:21
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @ETHproductions No, from 1 to 23. "zero o'clock" doesn't sound well. \$\endgroup\$
    – Bob
    Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 16:41
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Bob neither does "24 o-clock" or "23-oclock" \$\endgroup\$
    – cat
    Commented Jul 7, 2016 at 13:30

1 Answer 1


Ruby, 653 597 Bytes

P=/ past | to /;T=%w{q twen thirty fourty fifty sixty el twe thi fourte fifte sixt sevent eighte ninet o tw th fo fi si s e n t}.zip([15,*(2..6).map{|i|i*10},*11..19,*1..10]).to_h;D={'middnight'=>0,'midday'=>12,'noon'=>12};n=->s{s.split('-').reduce(0){|p,v|(Array(T.find{|k,_|v.start_with? k}).last||0)+p}};i=->s{m=0;s=s.gsub(/^\s+|\s+$/,'');c=s.split(P);(c.reverse! if s.match(P));h=D[c[0]]||n.(c[0].gsub(/ o\'clock (A|P)m/,''));h+=(s.end_with?('PM') ? 12 : 0);m=n.(c[1]||c[0].split(' ')[1]) if c[1]||c[0].match(/^\w+ (?!o'clock)/);(m=60-m;h=(h-1)%24)if s.match(/ to /);(sprintf '%02d:%02d',h,m)}


P=/ past | to /
# configuration for translating english words to numbers
T=%w{q twen thirty fourty fifty sixty el twe thi fourte fifte sixt sevent eighte ninet o tw th fo fi si s e n t}.zip([15,*(2..6).map{|i|i*10},*11..19,*1..10]).to_h

# proc for translating english word groups to a number
n=-> s {
  s.split('-').reduce(0) { |p,v|
    (Array(T.find {|k,_| v.start_with? k}).last || 0) + p

i=-> s {
  (c.reverse! if s.match(P))

  # set the hour
  h=D[c[0]]||n.(c[0].gsub(/ o\'clock (A|P)m/,''))
  h+=(s.end_with?('PM') ? 12 : 0)

  # set the minute
  m=n.(c[1]||c[0].split(' ')[1]) if c[1]||c[0].match(/^\w+ (?!o'clock)/)

  # adjust for 'past'
  (m=60-m;h=(h-1)%24)if s.match(/ to /)

  sprintf '%02d:%02d',h,m

Verification script used:

examples = <<EXAMPLES
midnight                                  ->   00:00
midday                                    ->   12:00
twelve o'clock                            ->   12:00
quarter to midnight                       ->   23:45
twenty-two minutes past eight o'clock PM  ->   20:22
thirty-four minutes to fifteen o'clock    ->   14:26
six o'clock AM                            ->   06:00
one minute to twenty-one o'clock          ->   20:59
seven thirteen AM                         ->   07:13
nine fourteen PM                          ->   21:14

examples.split("\n").each do |example|
  text, expected = example.split(/\s+->\s+/)
  r = i.(text)
  raise "Unexpected result for \"#{text}\". Got \"#{r}\", expected \"#{expected}\"" unless r == expected
  print "."

Thank you to Kevin Lau for 47 bytes of optimization

  • \$\begingroup\$ [15,*(2..6).map{|i|i*10},*11..19,*1..10] is a much more concise representation of the numbers you are using to construct your hash. Also, there's a lot of whitespace you can remove between brackets, and using Ruby interpolation within regex patterns allows you to replace v.start_with? k with v=~/^#{k}/ \$\endgroup\$
    – Value Ink
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 0:43
  • \$\begingroup\$ I should have thought of the ranges and splats, thanks! Also removed some unnecessary whitespace. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 4:27

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