Given an input of a color in #rrggbb
hex format, output its RGB complement in
the same format.
The RGB complement R2G2B2 of any color R1G1B1 is defined as the color with R2 value 255 - R1, B2 value 255 - B1, and G2 value 255 - G1.
Hex digits may be either in uppercase (#FFAA20) or lowercase (#ffaa20). The case of the input and output need not be consistent (so you may take input in lowercase but output in uppercase, and vice versa).
Since this is code-golf, the shortest code in bytes wins.
Test cases (note that since giving your program/function its own output should result in the original input (it is involutory), the test cases should work in both directions):
In/Out Out/In
#ffffff #000000
#abcdef #543210
#badcab #452354
#133742 #ecc8bd
#a1b2c3 #5e4d3c
#7f7f80 #80807f