
In today's episode of AAOD, we are going to construct a Chinese Shrine of varying heights.

Consider the following examples for height (N) 1 to 6

N = 1:

  .   ]#[   .
.    ]###[    .
  |___| |___|

N = 2:

    .   ]#[   .
  .    ]###[    .
.     ]#####[     .
  |__|_|   |_|__|

N = 3:

      .   ]#[   .
    .    ]###[    .
  .     ]#####[     .
.      ]#######[      .
  |__|__|     |__|__|

N = 4:

        .   ]#[   .
      .    ]###[    .
    .     ]#####[     .
  .      ]#######[      .
.       ]#########[       .
  |__|__|_|     |_|__|__|

N = 5:

          .   ]#[   .
        .    ]###[    .
      .     ]#####[     .
    .      ]#######[      .
  .       ]#########[       .
.        ]###########[        .
  |__|__|___|     |___|__|__|

N = 6:

            .   ]#[   .
          .    ]###[    .
        .     ]#####[     .
      .      ]#######[      .
    .       ]#########[       .
  .        ]###########[        .
.         ]#############[         .
  |__|__|__|__|     |__|__|__|__|

and so on.

Construction Details

I am sure most of the details about the pattern are clear. Here are some finer details:

  • The door at the bottom of the shrine can at minimum be of 1 _ width and at maximum be of 5 _ width.
  • There will always be two . directly above the pillars around the door (two vertical |).
  • The stairs start with the same width as the door and increase like show in the pattern
  • The ]##..##[ blocks above each roof level increase in size of 2 from top to bottom.
  • The \__...__/ roofs levels increase in size of 4 from top to bottom.
  • The walls blocks around the door should at minimum contain 1 _ and at maximum, 3 _ between the two |. Priority goes to the outer wall blocks so that the one closest to the door gets a varying size for each level.
  • The space between the . and the ] (or [) is filled by # in the roof just above the doors.

Challenge Details

  • Write a function or full program that reads a positive integer greater than 0 via STDIN/ARGV/function argument or closest equivalent and outputs (to STDOUT or closest equivalent) the Nth Chinese Shrine
  • Trailing newline is optional.
  • There should either be no trailing spaces or enough trailing spaces to pad the output in the minimum bounding rectangle.
  • There should not be any leading spaces that are not part of the pattern.


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To make sure that your answers show up, please start every answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:

# Language Name, N bytes

where N is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you can keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:

# Ruby, <s>104</s> <s>101</s> 96 bytes
  • \$\begingroup\$ The door width seems rather arbitrary to me - why is it 1 in the N=1 case? Why not 3 and have smaller side windows like in the N=2 case? \$\endgroup\$
    – Matty
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 13:49
  • \$\begingroup\$ Also, in the N=1 case, isn't the first rooftop too long (wide)? \$\endgroup\$
    – Matty
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 13:58
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Matty regarding door - if door was of width 3, then there would be no # beside the . to support the ] and [ above it. About the starting roof size - That is the roof size in each height's top roof. \$\endgroup\$
    – Optimizer
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 14:00
  • \$\begingroup\$ I was asking about the bottom most roof just above the windows. In all other cases it is the size of the roof above it +4 (+2 on either sides). But here it is +8. \$\endgroup\$
    – Matty
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 14:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Matty oh, you are right. Fixed. \$\endgroup\$
    – Optimizer
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 14:21

9 Answers 9


Perl, 332 316 294

y!a-f1-4!/.|\\[,#_ -!,/,/,s/(.*),(.*).{@{-}}/$2$1/,printf"%$:s%s

Try me.

C, 371

d,i,w;char s[1<<24];m(){v(w,13);}p(){puts(s+1);}
while(i--)s[w-i]=s[w+i]="# _-"[j/7];}

Try me.

JavaScript, 365

The above can be translated almost 1 to 1 into JavaScript:

while(i--)s[w-i]=s[w+i]="# _-"[j/7|0];};


  • \$\begingroup\$ The C version crashes for sizes above 12. Since it looks like you're using a fixed size string to hold temporary results, I think you'll always have an upper limit, no matter how you choose the size of s. Unless you allocate it dynamically, of course. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 24, 2015 at 15:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ @RetoKoradi, Yes you are right, I posted version with a small buffer by mistake. But in the end, unless it is dynamically allocated there always will be a limit. \$\endgroup\$
    – nutki
    Commented May 24, 2015 at 15:56

Python 2, 356 352 347 344 bytes

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I='_ |\/#.]['
def p(*S):
 for s in S:print(5+2*n-len(s)/2)*B+s
p(G,C,'.   ]#[   .')
for i in range(n):b=B*(4+i);p(D+A*(7+4*i)+E,G+b+H+F*(3+2*i)+I+b+G)

This basically builds the shrine line by line. The function p prints a string with the spaces needed to center it.

I used python 2 to save lots of bytes, because the python 3 map object doesn't trigger. I guess I should always golf in python 2, just saves a few more bytes (even if it's just to not have to parse the input to int). Hehehe, it's not like code's pretty for golfing in the first place.

Edit: and of course, I now don't need the map anymore...

Here's the code in ungolfed form:

n = int(input())

# A function to print strings centered
half_width = 5 + 2*n
def p(string):
    spaces = ' ' * (half_width - len(string) // 2)
    print(spaces + string)

# The rooftops
p('.   ]#[   .')
for i in range(n):
    p('\\' + '_'*(7 + 4*i) + '/')
    p('.{0}]{1}[{0}.'.format(' '*(i + 4), '#'*(3 + 2*i)))

# The bottom rooftop
door_width = 2 * min(3, n) - 1
# (11+4i - (3+2i) - 4) / 2 = (4 + 2i) / 2 = 2 + i
p('\{0}]{1}.{2}.{1}[{0}/'.format('_'*(2 + i), '#'*(1 + i - door_width // 2), '-'*door_width))

# The windows
w = '|__'*n
w = w[:4 + 2*i  - door_width // 2]
if w[-1] == '|':
    w = w[:-1] + '_'
w += '|'
p(w + ' '*door_width + w[::-1])
p(w + '_'*door_width + w[::-1])

# The foundation and the stairs
w = '#'*(4 + 2*i - door_width // 2)
p(w + '/' + '_'*(door_width) + '\\' + w)

# The remaining stairs
p('|' + '_'*(door_width + 2) + '|')
p('/' + '_'*(door_width + 4) + '\\')
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Since you're using Python 2 you can change print(B*(5+2*n-len(s)//2)+s) into print B*(5+2*n-len(s)/2)+s (remove parentheses and change // into /). \$\endgroup\$
    – user12205
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 19:22
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks @ace, didn't know python2 ignored float division. \$\endgroup\$
    – Matty
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 19:38
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Matty It doesn't ignore float division. You're performing division on integers, so the result is an integer. It only does float division if one or more operands is a float. \$\endgroup\$
    – mbomb007
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 21:58
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ If you rearrange the order of print B*(5+2*n-len(s)/2)+s to print(5+2*n-len(s)/2)*B+s, you can remove the space after print. \$\endgroup\$
    – isaacg
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 23:51

JavaScript (ES6), 440

Edit Fixed lintel bug

A function whith height as a parameter, output to console.

Using template string a lot, all newlines are significant and counted.

Run snippet to test in Firefox (with console output)

f=x=>{R=(n,s=0)=>' #_-'[s][Z='repeat'](n),M=c=>R(2)+'|__'[Z](z+1).slice(0,z-1)+'_|'+R(y,c)+'|_'+'__|'[Z](z+1).slice(1-z)

Output 1 to 6 in console

Ungolfed version for interactive test:

// Not so golfed

  R=(n,s=0)=>' #_-'[s].repeat(n); // base building blocks
  M=c=>R(2)+'|__'.repeat(z+1).slice(0,z-1)+'_|'+R(y,c)+'|_'+'__|'.repeat(z+1).slice(1-z); // manage door level

  z=x+x+(x<2)+(x<3); // door and stairs surroundings
  y=x>2?5:x>1?3:1; // door and stairs width
  o = `${R(x+x+5)}.\n${R(x+x+5)}|\n`; // top 
    o += `${ // even row
      t=R(x+x-l-l) // left padding
    }.\n ${ // end even row, start odd row
      t // left padding
      :`${t=R(x+1,2)}]${u=R(x<3||x-2,1)}.${R(y,3)}.${u}[${t}` // if last row before the door, insert lintel 
  o += `${
    M(0) // door level row 1
    M(2) // door level row 2
    R(2)}${t=R(z,1)}/${u=R(y,2)}\\${t  // stairs row 1
    R(1+z)}|__${u  // stairs row 2
    R(z)}/____${u // stairs row 3


<input id=I value=3><button onclick='f(+I.value)'>-></button><br>
<pre id=O></pre>


Vyxal, 280 bytes


Try it Online! No, I'm not explaining this.


Charcoal, 404 bytes

≔Nν≔⁺⁵ײνη≔× ⁻η⁻∕¹¦²¦¹τ⁺⁺⁺⁺⁺τ.¶τ|¶× ⁻η⁻∕¹²¦²¦¹“±∨N"G:W⮌+”Fν«≔⁺⁺\×_⁺⁷×⁴ι/ε≔× ⁻η⁻∕L岦¹τ⁺⁺τε¶≔⁺⁺⁺⁺.× ⁺ι⁴]×#⁺³×²ι⁺⁺[× ⁺ι⁴.ε≔× ⁻η⁻∕L岦¹τ⁺⁺τ嶻≔⁻ײ⌊⟦³ν⟧¹δ≔∕δ²ζ≔×#⁺¹⁻νζσ≔⁺⁺⁺⁺⁺\×_⁺ν¹]σ.⁺×-δ⁺.⁺σ⁺[⁺×_⁺ν¹/ε≔× ⁻η⁻∕L岦¹τ⁺⁺τε¶≔×|__νε≔⁻⁻⁺⁴ײνζ¹τ≔✂ε⁰τ¦¦ε≔Lεα≔⁻Lε¹β¿⁼✂εβᦦ|«≔⁺✂ε⁰⦦_ε»≔⁺✂ε⁰ᦦ|ε≔⁺⁺ε× δ⮌εα≔⁺⁺ε×_δ⮌εβM⁼ν¹¦⁰⁺⁺⁺⁺  ᶦ  βM±⁼ν¹¦⁰M±Lα⁰≔×#⁻⁺⁴ײ⁻ν·⁵ζε⁺¶⁺⁺ε⁺/⁺⁺×_δ\ε¶≔⁻⁻⁺⁴ײ⁻ν·⁵ζ¹ψ⁺× ψ⁺|⁺×_⁺δ²|¶⁺× ⁻ψ¹⁺/⁺×_⁺δ⁴\

Try it online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ The roofs can be done in 36 bytes: Nθ.¶|¶F⊕θ⪫⟦×#⊕ι[× ⁺³ι.¶×_⁺⁴⊗ι/¶⟧ω‖B←. Not sure about the door and walls though. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Aug 18 at 9:25

CJam, 200 bytes


Newlines added to avoid scrolling. Try it online

Brief explanation:

The program builds the left half of the shrine (including the middle), then reverses it and replaces some characters to get the right half. A series of n spaces is represented as the number ~n (bitwise "not") during construction, and replaced with the actual spaces at the end.

The program starts with the top 2 lines, then for each roof level, it prepends all the previous lines with 2 spaces and adds the new roof (2 lines). The last roof is modified to add the "above door" part.

Next, the upper wall is built by repeating "|__" and truncating at the right length, followed by a fixed "_|" and spaces. The wall is then duplicated and the door spaces are replaced with underscores. Finally, the lower part is constructed line by line.


Haskell, 473 bytes

g '\\'='/'
g '/'='\\'
g '['=']'
g ']'='['
g x=x
d=min 3
m n s=putStrLn$(6+2*n+1-length s)#' '++map g(z s)++tail s
n#c=replicate n c
t 0=".";t n=n#'#'++"["++(2+n)#' '++"."
r 0="|";r n=(2+2*n)#'_'++"/"
q n=d n#'-'++"."++max(n-2)1#'#'++"["++(n+1)#'_'++"/"
e i n=d n#i++"|_"++z(take(max(n+2)(2*n-1))(cycle"|__"))
b n=d n#'_'++"\\"++max(2*n)(3+n)#'#'
w i n=(d n+1+i)#'_'++["|","\\"]!!i
f n=mapM_(m n)$[u k|k<-[0..n],u<-[t,r]]++(t(n+1):map($n)[q,e ' ',e '_',b,w 0,w 1])
  • \$\begingroup\$ OK thanks. Looks correct now \$\endgroup\$
    – Damien
    Commented May 23, 2015 at 13:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think it's OK now. btw, the base in your N=1 shrine has one more # \$\endgroup\$
    – Damien
    Commented May 23, 2015 at 13:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ Yup, works now. Fixed that extra unintended # \$\endgroup\$
    – Optimizer
    Commented May 23, 2015 at 13:52

Vyxal, 120 113 107 bytes


Try it Online!

Posting this as a separate answer because it's so golfed, and uses the latest version of Vyxal.


----------------- TOP ------------
3∵£                                  # Store min(input, 3) into the register for later use 
   \.\|                              # Push a . and a |
       ?›ƛ                       ;   # Map 1...input+1 to
          ⇧\.$꘍                      # That+2 spaces after a dot
               \[+                   # Append a [
                  \#n*+              # Append that many #
                         \_n›d*      # That+1 underscores
                       \\      +"    # Appended to a \ and paired with the previous
                                  f÷ # All of that flattened and each pushed to the stack
------------------- Doorway ------------------
?⇧Ẏ                                       # To the last of what was pushed in the previous, take the first input+2 characters
   \]+                                    # Append a ]
      ?⇩1∴\#*+                            # Append max(input-2,1) hashes 
              \.+                         # Append a .
                 ¥-                       # Append min(input,3) -
                          ?₌⇧d‹∴          # max(input+2, 2*input-1)
                   `‛_|:ǏǓ      Ẏ         # Repeat '|__' to that length
                    ‛_|          p        # Append '_|'
                                  ¥꘍      # Append min(input,3) spaces
                                    :ð\_V # Make a copy, and replace spaces with underscores 

---------- Entrance ------------
ȮȧL                      # Length of top part of doorway with whitespace removed
   ‹\#*\/+               # That-1 #, plus a /
          ‛|/fJ          # Append ['|','/']
               2ʀ¥+      # [a,a+a,a+2] where a = min(3,input)
                   \_*+  # That many underscores appended to each of previous
                       ÷ # Iterate out those on the stack

- Final magic bit -
W       # Get the stack
 vøM    # Palindromise each, mirroring brackets
    øĊ  # Center each
      ⁋ # Join on newlines

C, 660 bytes

The pattern just seemed to be too irregular to come up with anything fancy, particularly in a language without string processing. So here is my brute force approach:

m,d,w,k,j;r(n,c){for(j=0;j++<n;)putchar(c);}c(char*s){for(;*s;)putchar(*s++);}f(n){m=n*2;d=n<3?m-1:5;w=m-d/2+2;r(m+5,32);c(".\n");r(m+5,32);c("|\n");for(;;){r(m-k*2,32);c(".");r(k+3,32);c("]");r(k*2+1,35);c("[");r(k+3,32);c(".\n");if(k==n)break;r(m-k*2+1,32);c("\\");r(k++*4+7,95);c("/\n");}c(" \\");r(n+1,95);c("]");r(n-d/2,35);c(".");r(d,45);c(".");r(n-d/2,35);c("[");r(n+1,95);c("/\n");for(k=0;k<2;){c("  ");for(j=0;j<w/3;++j)c("|__");c("|_|"-w%3+2);r(d,k++?95:32);c(!w%3?"|":w%3<2?"|_":"|_|");for(j=0;j<w/3;++j)c("__|");c("\n");}c("  ");r(w,35);c("/");r(d,95);c("\\");r(w,35);c("\n");r(w+1,32);c("|");r(d+2,95);c("|\n");r(w,32);c("/");r(d+4,95);c("\\\n");}

Before golfing:

#include <stdio.h>

void r(int n, int c) {
    for (int i = 0; i++ < n; )

void c(char* s) {
    for (; *s; ++s) putchar(*s);

int f(int n) {
    int m = n * 2;
    int d = n < 3 ? m - 1 : 5;
    int w = m - d / 2 + 2;

    r(m + 5, 32);

    r(m + 5, 32);

    for (int k = 0; ; ++k) {
        r(m - k * 2, 32);
        r(k + 3, 32);
        r(k * 2 + 1, 35);
        r(k + 3, 32);

        if (k == n) break;

        r(m - k * 2 + 1, 32);
        r(k * 4 + 7, 95);

    c(" \\");
    r(n + 1, 95);
    r(n - d / 2 , 35);
    r(d, 45);
    r(n - d / 2 , 35);
    r(n + 1, 95);

    for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
        c("  ");
        for (int j = 0; j < w / 3; ++j)
        c("|_|" - w % 3 + 2);
        r(d, k ? 95 : 32);
        c(!w % 3 ? "|" : w % 3 < 2 ? "|_" : "|_|");
        for (int j = 0; j < w / 3; ++j)

    c("  ");
    r(w, 35);
    r(d, 95);
    r(w, 35);

    r(w + 1, 32);
    r(d + 2, 95);

    r(w, 32);
    r(d + 4, 95);

    return 0;

Not much to explain here. It just goes line by line, and generates the necessary count of each character. I tried to keep the code itself compact, but it still adds up. d is the width of the door, w the width of each brick wall.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ c(char*s){for(;*s;)putchar(*s++);} ==> #define c printf; r(n,c){for(j=0;j++<n;)putchar(c);} ==> r(n,C){while(n--)putchar(C);} \$\endgroup\$
    – user12205
    Commented May 23, 2015 at 22:47

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