This contest is officially over, the winner is jimmy23013. Congratulations!
The challenge is to make a program that prints Hello World!
to stdout. The catch is that your program must have a Levenshtein distance of 7 or less from the program in the answer submitted before yours.
How This Will Work
Below I have already submitted the first answer using Python: print("Hello World!")
The next person to answer must modify the string print("Hello World!")
with up to 7 single character insertions, deletions, or substitutions so that when it is run in any language that hasn't been used so far (only Python in this case) the output is still Hello World!
For example the second answerer might use 1 substitution (r -> u
), 2 deletions (in
), and 1 insertion (s
) to make the string puts("Hello World!")
which prints Hello World!
when run in Ruby.
The third person to answer must do the same thing in a new language, but using the program of the second person's answer (e.g. puts("Hello World!")
) as their starting point. The fourth answer will be in relation to the third answer and so on.
This will continue on until everyone get stuck because there is no new language the last answer's program can be made to run in by only changing 7 characters. The communal goal is to see how long we can keep this up, so try not to make any obscure or unwarranted character edits (this is not a requirement however).
Please format your post like this:
# Answer N - [language]
[notes, explanation, observations, whatever]
Where N is the answer number (increases incrementally, N = 1, 2, 3,...).
You do not have to tell which exact characters were changed. Just make sure the Levenshtein distance is from 0 to 7.
The key thing to understand about this challenge is that only one person can answer at a time and each answer depends on the one before it.
There should never be two answers with the same N. If two people happen to simultaneously answer for some N, the one who answered later (even if it's a few seconds difference) should graciously delete their answer.
- A user may only submit one answer per 8 hour period. i.e. Each of your answers must be at least 8 hours apart. (This is to prevent users from constantly watching the question and answering as much as possible.)
- A user may not submit two answers in a row. (e.g. since I submitted answer 1 I can't do answer 2, but I could do 3.)
- Each answer must be in a different programming language.
- Different versions of the same language count as the same language.
- Languages count as distinct if they are traditionally called by two different names. (There may be some ambiguities here but don't let that ruin the contest.)
- You may only use tabs, newlines, and printable ASCII. (Newlines count as one character.)
- The output should only be
Hello World!
and no other characters (a leading/trailing newline is not an issue). - If your language doesn't has stdout use whatever is commonly used for quickly outputting text (e.g.
in JavaScript).
Please make sure your answer is valid. We don't want to realize there's a break in the chain five answers up. Invalid answers should be fixed quickly or deleted before there are additional answers.
Don't edit answers unless absolutely necessary.
Once things settle down, the user who submits the most (valid) answers wins. Ties go to the user with the most cumulative up-votes.
Leaderboard: (out of date)
(user must have at least 2 valid answers)
11 Answers
7 Answers
- Nit - APL, Clipper, Falcon, MUMPS, FreeBASIC, csh, Dart
- Timmy - Lua, Lisp, Oz, Algoid, KTurtle, Alice, OCaml
6 Answers
- Stacey - VHDL, GNU Octave, M4, Logo, Microsoft Batch, Matlab
- Dennis - Dash, tcsh, TeX, ///, HQ9+-, Alore
5 Answers
4 Answers
- ypnypn - NetLogo, Mouse, Salmon, Maple
- resueman - Clojure, Emacs Lisp, Vimscript, VBScript
- Timtech - AutoLisp, Geom++, BogusForth, owl
3 Answers
- BrunoJ - CoffeeScript, F#, Betterave
2 Answers
- Mig - Extended BF Type III, TCL
- Calvin's Hobbies - Python, E
- Sp3000 - Racket, Pyth
- grc - Haskell, Turing
- es1024 - Nimrod, ksh
- FireFly - FALSE, mIRC script
- g-rocket - AppleScript, LiveCode
- Oriol - AMPL, PARI/GP
- nneonneo - Boo, Caché ObjectScript
Languages used so far:
- Python
- CJam
- Pyth
- Perl
- Befunge 98
- Bash
- Nimrod
- Ruby
- GNU dc
- Golfscript
- Mathematica
- R
- Lua
- Sage
- Julia
- Scilab
- JavaScript
- HyperTalk
- Haskell
- M30W
- Stata
- TI-BASIC (NSpire)
- ActionScript 2
- J
- PowerShell
- K
- Visual FoxPro
- Extended BF Type III
- Zsh
- Dash
- Clojure
- NetLogo
- Groovy
- CoffeeScript
- Clipper
- B.A.S.I.C.
- fish (shell)
- GNU Octave
- E
- newLisp
- Lisp
- Racket
- Batsh
- tcsh
- AppleScript
- Mouse
- Pixie
- F#
- Falcon
- Burlesque
- M4
- TeX
- Forth
- Salmon
- Turing
- bc
- Betterave
- Scheme
- Emacs Lisp
- Logo
- AutoLISP
- ///
- Rebol
- Maple
- Vimscript
- ksh
- Hack
- mIRC
- Batch
- Make
- Markdown
- sh
- csh
- HQ9+-
- Postscript
- Matlab
- Oz
- VBScript
- QBasic
- Processing
- C
- Rust 0.13
- Dart
- Kaffeine
- Algoid
- Alore
- Forobj
- LiveCode
- Euphoria
- SpeakEasy
- MediaWiki
- SmallBASIC
- SQLite
- Geom++
- SQL (postgres)
- itflabtijtslwi
- RegXy
- Opal.rb
- Squirrel
- Pawn
- Scala
- Rebmu
- Boo
- Red
- Swift
- BeanShell
- Vala
- Pike
- Suneido
- Neko
- AngelScript
- gosu
- V
- BogusForth
- Flaming Thunder
- Caché ObjectScript
- owl
- Cardinal
- Parser
- Grin
- Kitten
- TwoDucks
- Asymptote
- Tiny
- Io
- Java
- Onyx
- JBoss
- S+
- Hexish
- yash
- Improbable
- wake
- brat
- busybox built-in shell
- gammaplex
- KTurtle
- AGOL 68
- Alice
- OCaml
- CDuce
- Underload
- Simplex v.0.6
- Minkolang 0.9
- Fexl 7.0.3
- Jolf
- Vitsy
- Y
- Retina
- Codename Dragon
- Seriously
- Reng v.3.3
- Fuzzy Octo Guacamole
- 05AB1E
(Feel free to edit these lists if they are incorrect or out of date.)
This question works best when you sort by oldest.
NOTE: This is a trial question for a new challenge type I have in mind where each answer depends on the last and increases in difficulty. Come discuss it with us in the chatroom for this question or in meta.