Write a function (or equivalent subprogram) to accept a single integer valued argument and return a (similarly typed) value found by reversing the order of the base-10 digits of the argument.
For example given 76543 return 34567
Write a function (or equivalent subprogram) to accept a single integer valued argument and return a (similarly typed) value found by reversing the order of the base-10 digits of the argument.
For example given 76543 return 34567
replace n
with your number
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Dec 1, 2013 at 12:20
Shorter solution as suggested by @gnibbler:
or, if above is unclear:
is a lot faster than ''.join(reversed(s))
Universal (language agnostic/independent)
If you want to use only numbers (avoid converting the number to string) and don't want to use some specific library (to be universal for any language):
x = 76543 # or whatever is your number
y = 0
while x > 0:
y *= 10
y += ( x %10 )
x /= 10 # int division
This is python, but it could be done in any language, because it's just a math method.
with %
, it's valid Python ;)
a - (n * int(a/n))
instead of a mod n
. Also, if you look here, the modulus operation is implemented differently in every language. (See the table on the right.)
for dynamically typed code.
Numbers got string methods due to language design.
Where y is your value.
"reverse under do" which is pretty much a literal translation of the task.
:se ri<CR>C<C-R>"
To do it short where N
is a constant:
Complete runnable program:
Where N
is your number. Rules say "accept a single integer valued argument"; In Befunge you can only enter integers from 0 to 9.
Inspired by Kiril Kirov's answer above. I got curious about the mathematical properties of reversing a number, so I decided to investigate a bit.
Turns out if you plot the difference n - rev(n)
for natural numbers n
in some base r
, you get patterns like this ((n - rev(n)) / (r - 1)
, for r=10
, wrapped at r
columns, red denotes negative number):
This sequence could be generated as such (pseudocode):
for i=1 to r:
output 0
for m=0, 1, …
for k=1 to (r-1):
for d=1 to r^m:
for i=0 to (r-1):
output (r-1) * (r+1)^m * (k - i)
If you store these values in a list/array, then n - arr[n]
would get you the reversed form of n
. Now, to "mathematically golf" this, we'd ideally want a closed-form expression that gives us the n:th value in the sequence, so that we could have a closed-form expression for solving the entire task. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find such an expression... but it looks like it should be possible. :(
So yeah, not so much a code-golf as a mathematical curiosity, but if there is a closed-form expression of the above sequence it might actually be useful in proper PL golf submissions.
: Legit man! Though technically you don't need the .(+0)
at all, as f
would be more polymorphic than what the problem requires (it is allowed to return a 'similarly typed' output). I would shave off those 5 characters.
Aug 10, 2011 at 22:14
Scala - 33 Chars
def r(a:Int)=(a+"").reverse.toInt
r=lambda i:int(str(i)[::-1])
I consider some of the other Python examples to be cheating, or at least cheap, due to using hardcoded input and/or not fully satisfying the requirements.
x = 13456
to comply with spec.
Dec 29, 2012 at 16:48
It is possible to convert a number a string, then reverse the string and then convert that string back to number. This kind of feature is probably available in all language. If you are looking for a more mathematical method then this might help:
int n = 76543;
int r = 0;
while (n > 0) {
r *= 10;
r += n % 10;
n /= 10;
This takes an argument on the stack and leaves the result on the stack. I'm exploiting the "subprogram" option in the spec: if you insist on a function, that's four chars more leaving it on the stack:
rather than `-1$~
(and I've taken the liberty of editing your answer to say so).
Mar 7, 2012 at 19:47
In shell scripting :
echo "your number"|rev
Hope this was useful :)
, e.g. rev<<<132
(for bash/zsh, not per POSIX though)
is enough, the question doesn't say it has to be a function. You could compare rev
to a built-in function, even though it's not one.
Kinda late but
If you insists on a function
This is not competing, because this function was only added in last week's 10.3 release, but for completeness I thought I'd add the only ever (I think?) built-in for this task.
You could do the following in Java. Note that this converts to String and back and is not a mathematical solution.
public class test {
public static int reverseInt(int i) {
return Integer.valueOf((new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(i))).reverse().toString());
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 1234;
System.out.println("reverse("+i+") -> " + reverseInt(i));
Depends on what you mean by short (javascript):
Numbers and strings are interchangeable, so this is trivial
This one ACTUALLY takes an input, unlike some of the rest:
Python btw.
43 characters. num as the parameter to the function:
r={"$it".reverse() as BigDecimal}
assert r(1234) == 4321
assert r(345678987654567898765) == 567898765456789876543
assert r(345346457.24654654) == 45645642.754643543
The p
flag is needed for this to work, included in the count.
$ echo 76543 | perl -pE '$_=reverse'
flag is included in the count
#(->> % str reverse(apply str)read-string)
Example usage:
(#(->> % str reverse(apply str)read-string) 98321)
returns 12389
(first(list(parse-integer(reverse(write-to-string '4279)))))
will get you 9724.
? parse-integer
already returns the number.
Jul 4, 2015 at 18:26
Replace 76543 with any number.