
Input: You are given two numbers n and m.

Create the snail: Given an n >= 3, fill an n * n grid with the numbers from 1 to n * n, starting at the top left, going clockwise to the middle like this (for n = 5):

 1  2  3  4  5
16 17 18 19  6
15 24 25 20  7
14 23 22 21  8
13 12 11 10  9

Calculate the sum of the neightbours of m: for 4*n – 4 < m <= n*n, calculate the sum of the eight neighbour numbers in the snail. In the 5 * 5 example, for m= 17, this would be:

1+2+3+16+18+15+24+25 = 104

Output: Only the sum

Test cases:

4,14 --> 64
5,17 --> 104
5,25 --> 164
6,24 --> 112
6,30 --> 176
6,32 --> 200
6,33 --> 234

Win by finding the shortest code for your language of choice!

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Are we allowed to use a 0-indexed spiral? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 23 at 6:34
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Mukundan314 Of course you can; then simply add 8 to the sum to get the correct result. You can even create no spiral at all if you find another way to get the correct sum. \$\endgroup\$
    – Philippos
    Commented Feb 23 at 6:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Related \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Feb 23 at 7:57
  • \$\begingroup\$ If you say that 0-indexed spirals are allowed, if only by adding 8, then what if the cell m has fewer than 8 neighbors like in the corner? \$\endgroup\$
    – Fmbalbuena
    Commented Feb 23 at 19:08
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Marius_Couet I added n>=3. Thank you. \$\endgroup\$
    – Philippos
    Commented Mar 7 at 14:12

12 Answers 12


R, 116 bytes


Attempt This Online!

Uses some code from the spiral challenge.


MATL, 19 bytes


Try it at MATL online!

How it works

UQ     % Implicit input: n. Square, add 1
G      % Push n again
1YL    % Generate spiral with side length n, from 1 to to n^2 outwards
-      % Subtract, element-wise. The spiral is now from 1 to n^2 inwards
t      % Duplicate
3Y6    % Push predefined literal: [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]
Z+     % 2D convolution, preserving size. This computes the sums
w      % Swap. This moves the spiral to the top of the stack
i=     % Input: m. Compare for equality, element-wise
*      % Multiply, element-wise. This keeps the wanted sum, and makes the rest 0
Xz     % Nonzeros. This keeps the only non-zero value. Implicit display
  • \$\begingroup\$ This assumes m is excluded, as in most of the test cases. To include it, 3 should be replaced by 4. The code works even if m is on the rim of the square (pending clarifications by Philippos) \$\endgroup\$
    – Luis Mendo
    Commented Feb 23 at 17:20
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ m was defined to always having eight neighbours, so your solution even over-targets the question. And it beats my expectations: I hoped I finally found a simple question which can't be solved with a few hand full of bytes, then you did even beat the 05AB1E answer. Congratulations to the clever implementation! \$\endgroup\$
    – Philippos
    Commented Feb 26 at 7:16
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Philippos Thanks! Having a spiral builtin (inherited from Matlab) helps :-) \$\endgroup\$
    – Luis Mendo
    Commented Feb 26 at 10:52

05AB1E, 31/32 bytes


Inputs in the order \$n,m\$.

31 bytes - sum including \$m\$: Try it online or verify all test cases.
32 bytes - sum excluding \$m\$: Try it online or verify all test cases. (Contains an additional trailing α.)


Step 1: Create the spiral matrix for the given \$n\$, taken from this answer of mine:

¯             # Start with an empty list []
 I·           # Push the first input n and double it
   F          # Pop and loop that many times:
    ā         #  Push a list in the range [1,length] (without popping the matrix)
     U        #  Pop and store this list in variable `X`
      øí      #  Rotate the matrix 90 degrees clockwise:
      ø       #   Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
       í      #   Reverse each row
        ¬     #  Push the first row (without popping the matrix)
         g    #  Pop and push its length
          +   #  Add that to each value in the matrix
           Xš #  Prepend list `X` as first row
   }          # Close the loop

Step 2: Create overlapping 3x3 blocks of this matrix:

2F            # Loop 2 times:
  ø           #  Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
   €          #  Map over each inner list:
    ü3        #   Create overlapping triplets
 }            # Close the loop

Step 3: Only keep the 3x3 block with \$m\$ in the center:

€`            # Flatten the matrix of 3x3 blocks one level down to a list of 3x3 blocks
  ʒ           # Filter this list by:
   ˜          #  Flatten the 3x3 block to a list of 9 values
    4è        #  Pop and leave the 0-based 4th item (the center)
      Q       #  Check whether it equals the second (implicit) input m
  }           # Close the filter

Step 4: Sum the found 3x3 block, and output the result:

˜             # Flatten the single wrapped 3x3 block to a list
 O            # Sum it together
  α           # (optionally) Take the absolute difference with the second (implicit)
              # input m to subtract m from this sum
              # (after which this is output implicitly as result)

Charcoal, 60/62 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Input n and generate the spiral using the method from my answer to Print a NxN integer involute except 1-indexed.


Input m and find the row containing m in the spiral.


Extract the neighbours of m and output the sum.

Note that the 5, 17 test case includes the 17 itself in the total; if this is not wanted then it can be subtracted at a cost of 2 bytes:


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code.


J, 55 54 bytes


Try it online!

Uses Bubbler's clever APL/Jelly method from an old problem for constructing the involute itself.

Consider input 17 f 5:

  • +:@<:_&(]#\,#+|:@|.),.@1 Construct the involute iteratively using Bubbler's method (see link above for explanation):

    1  2  3  4 5
    16 17 18 19 6
    15 24 25 20 7
    14 23 22 21 8
    13 12 11 10 9
  • = Where does the left input equal that?

    0 0 0 0 0
    0 1 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
  • [:+/(>,{;~i:1)|. Rotate that in the 8 neighbor directions, and sum the planes:

    1 1 1 0 0
    1 1 1 0 0
    1 1 1 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0
  • 1#.]#&,~ Filter using that mask and sum:

  • [-~ Subtract the left input (17):


JavaScript (ES6), 174 bytes

Derived from this answer by tsh to this other challenge.

Expects (n)(m).


Try it online!


Google Sheets, 423 bytes

Assuming \$n\$ is in A1 and \$m\$ is in A2.

=SUMPRODUCT(LET(n,A1,s,SEQUENCE(n,n),t,TOCOL(SPLIT(REDUCE(s,s,LAMBDA(x,_,LET(r,INDEX(x,1),a,FILTER(x,r),HSTACK(JOIN(",",r),SORT(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(a,"offset 1")),SEQUENCE(COLUMNS(a)),))))),","),3),p,XLOOKUP(s,{t;INDEX(t,n*n-1)+IF(ISODD(n),1,-1)},TOCOL(s)),x,TEXTJOIN(,,IF(p=A2,SEQUENCE(n)&","&SEQUENCE(1,n),)),i,SPLIT(x,","),r,INDEX(i,1),k,INDEX(i,2),p*MAKEARRAY(n,n,LAMBDA(i,j,ISBETWEEN(i,r-1,r+1)*ISBETWEEN(j,k-1,k+1)))))-A2


// Create the spiral

               SORT(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(a,"offset 1")),SEQUENCE(COLUMNS(a)),))))),

// Find the coordinates of m 


// Assign them to (r,k)  

// Create a nxn array composed of 1s in the 3x3 array around (r,k) and 0s everywhere else and multiply it by the spiral


// Array enabling sum on the above result to which we subtract m


Uiua SBCS, 47 bytes


Try it!

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for your contribution. Could you please add some explanation? \$\endgroup\$
    – Philippos
    Commented Feb 26 at 7:18

APL+WIN, 106 bytes

Prompts for n followed by m:

a←1 1⍴1⋄i←1⋄⍎∊(¯1+n←⎕)⍴⊂'a←(⍳i+1)⍪⌽⍉(i+1)+(⍳i)⍪⌽⍉a+i⋄i←i+1⋄'⋄+/((,a)[(k-n),(k+n),(k←((,a)⍳m)+¯1 0 1)])~m←⎕

Try it online! Thanks to Dyalog Classic


JavaScript (Node.js), 137 bytes


Try it online!

g() gets the number at position (x,y)


Q, 169 Bytes


b:1 0 -1 0;d:0;c:0 0;s:n#(,)n#0;a:{c+{x d}'[(0,b;b)]};{.[`s;c;:;x];if[x=m;l::c];if[0<>.[s;n:a[]];d::mod[d+1;4];n:a[]];c::n}'[1+til n*n];sum[(s/')[(cross/){x+3#b}'[l]]]-m


snail: n#enlist n#0;   // create an n x n array (the "snail") where each cell has value 0; it's populated properly below
direction: 0;          // 0=right, 1=down, 2=left, 3=up 
current_cell: 0 0;     // the row/column of the current cell to populate in the n x n array
m_cell: -1 -1;         // the row/column of the cell in the n x n array whose value is m

// given a 2-item list returns the value of the snail cell at the row & column; returns null (0N) if there is no such row or column
read_cell: { .[snail; x] };

// returns the row + index (2-item list) of the cell after "current_cell" that should be populated given the current value of "direction"
get_next_cell: { (current_cell[0] + (0 1 0 -1)[direction]; current_cell[1] + (1 0 -1 0)[direction]) };

// loop through integers in range [1..n x n] to populate the snail
    // set value of current_cell in the snail to the current integer in the loop
    snail:: .[snail; current_cell; :; x];
    // record m_cell if the current integer in the loop is "m
    if[x=m; m_cell:: current_cell];

    // calculate the next cell
    next_cell: get_next_cell[];

    // if the calculated next cell has a non-zero value, either:
    //      * the value is 0N, meaning we've gone past the bounds of the n x n array or
    //      * the value is a positive integer, meaning the cell has already been populated
    // in which case we change direction and re-calculate the next cell
    if[read_cell[next_cell] <> 0;
        direction:: (direction + 1) mod 4;
        next_cell: get_next_cell[];

    current_cell:: next_cell;
    } each 1+til n*n;

// "return" the difference between (a) the sum of all 9 cells in the 3x3 square centered on m_cell and (b) m
sum[read_cell each .[cross]{x + -1 0 1} each m_cell] - m

AWK, 216 212 193 bytes

func f(){r=$2-(g[x,y]=++c)?r:-g[m=x,n=y]}{for(x=y=0;i++<$1;y++)f();for(y--;s++<$1;){for(i=s;i++<$1;)f(x+=t=s%2?1:-1);for(i=s;i++<$1;)f(y-=t)}for(i=m-2;++i<m+2;)for(j=n-1;j<n+2;)r+=g[i,j++]}$0=r

Try it online!

  • -4 bytes, used ternary operator (exp?a:b) instead of if statement and replaced == with - expression.
  • -19 bytes, replaced ternary operation with function.

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