Write a program or function that takes input and outputs/returns a full program (in the same language) that outputs said input. Note that the input may contain any printable ASCII character or newline (AKA 0x20-0x7f and 0x0a). However, the input will not have trailing whitespace nor preceding whitespace, nor will it be empty.
Test cases (Javascript):
cat => console.log("cat")
fish => console.log("fish")
m(newline)ta-c t => console.log("m\neta-c t")
m"'`\c => console.log("m\"'`\\c")
Example program
function metaCat(text){
return "console.log(\"" + text.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/"/g,"\\\"").replace(/\n/g,"\\n") + "\")"
Score is the sum of your code size and the size of the output for each test case
isn't printable ASCII, I'm assuming that's a half-open range? \$\endgroup\$