Consider the following spiral of positive integers:
We now define grambulation as a binary operation \$\lozenge : \mathbb N \times \mathbb N \to \mathbb N\$, using this grid. Some example inputs and outputs for grambulation are:
\begin{align*} 1 & \lozenge 9 = 25 \\ 1 & \lozenge 2 = 11 \\ 11 & \lozenge 10 = 25 \\ 9 & \lozenge 1 = 5 \\ 19 & \lozenge 4 = 13 \\ 76 & \lozenge 6 = 62 \\ 17 & \lozenge 17 = 17 \\ 62 & \lozenge 55 = 298 \end{align*}
Feel free to try to figure out the pattern before continuing.
How to grambulate \$x\$ and \$y\$
The two coordinates of the inputs, \$x \lozenge y\$, in the spiral grid above are found, where \$1\$ is located at \$(0, 0)\$, \$2\$ at \$(1, 0)\$ and so on. For \$x \lozenge y\$, call these coordinates \$x'\$ and \$y'\$. You then find the vector from \$x'\$ to \$y'\$, and calculate the coordinates found by applying this vector to \$y'\$.
A worked example: \$3 \lozenge 11 = 27\$. First, we calculate our coordinates: $$x' = (1, 1), y' = (2, 0).$$ Next, we see that the vector from \$x'\$ to \$y'\$ is \$\vec v = (+1, -1)\$. Finally, we add this to \$y'\$ to get the coordinate \$(3, -1)\$, which is the coordinates of \$27\$.
Alternatively, a visual demonstration:
Note from the \$62 \lozenge 55 = 298\$ example above, our spiral is not limited to integers below \$121\$, and in fact, this binary operation is well defined for all pairs of positive integers.
Some properties of grambulation:
\$x \lozenge x = x\$
\$x \lozenge y = z \iff z \lozenge y = x\$
It is non-associative and non-commutative
It is non-injective but is surjective
\$x^2 \lozenge y^2 = z^2\$ where \$x < y\$ and \$x, y, z\$ all have the same parity
Additionally, \$x^2 \lozenge y^2 = z^2 - 1\$ where \$x\$ and \$y\$ have different parities
Further, \$x^2 \lozenge (x + 2c)^2 = (x + 4c)^2\$ for \$x, c \in \mathbb N\$.
Given two positive integers \$x, y \in \mathbb N\$, output \$x \lozenge y\$. You may take input and output in any reasonable format or method, and this is code-golf, so the shortest code in bytes wins.
Note that the order of inputs does matter (\$x \lozenge y \ne y \lozenge x\$ for most \$x, y \in \mathbb N\$), but you may take input in either consistent order.
Test cases
x y x◊y
1 9 25
1 2 11
11 2 1
11 10 25
9 1 5
19 4 13
76 6 62
17 17 17
62 55 298
3 11 27
16 400 1296
182 240 306
249 1 281
281 1 249
32 98 196
88 16 202
60 41 210
59 85 227
And, a visual guide for the last few, on a larger grid: