

Given a permutation of 4 distinct items, classify the permutation by the normal subgroup(s) it belongs.

Input/Output Format

You gotta choose the followings as the hyperparameters for your submission:

  • The 4 distinct items.

  • The permutation serving as the identity permutation.

The input format is to accept a permutation of the items you chose. The items must be computably distinguishable.

The output format is flexible; you can output anything as long as the classes are computably distinguishable.

Standard loopholes apply.

In any case, an input not fitting into your format falls into don't care situation.


For example, suppose you chose the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3 as the 4 items, and chose the string 0123 as the identity permutation.

  • The identity permuation 0123 is classified as the member of the trivial group \$\textbf{0}\$.

  • The permutations consisting of two non-overlapping swaps are classified as members of the Klein-four group \$K_4\$ minus the trivial group. Those are 1032, 2301, and 3210.

  • The permutations that fixes exactly one item are classified as members of the alternating group \$A_4\$ minus the Klein-four group. Those are 0231, 0312, 1203, 1320, 2013, 2130, 3021, and 3102.

  • The remaining permuations are classified as members of the symmetric group \$S_4\$ minus the alternating group.


Let's say you chose the string READ as the identity permutation, and chose to output the classes as numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively to the list above.

  • Given the string ADER, output 3.

  • Given the string ADRE, output 1.

  • Given the string RADE, output 2.

  • Given the string READ, output 0.

  • \$\begingroup\$ So 0132 is Undefined Behavior? \$\endgroup\$
    – l4m2
    Commented Dec 26, 2022 at 10:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ @l4m2 If you chose 0123 as the identity permutation, then no, it belongs to the last category in the list. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 26, 2022 at 10:13

18 Answers 18


JavaScript (ES6), 23 bytes

Expects a permutation of the string "4567" and returns 0 ... 3.


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Below is a view of the lookup bitmask and where each possible input is mapped once the expression \$(n \bmod 530)\bmod 13\$ is applied.

00 00 11 10 10 11 00 00 00 01 00 10
11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4     2  1  0
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  +--> 7654
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  +-----> 4657, 7564
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     +--------> 4567
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +--------------> 5746, 6754, 7645
 |  |  |  |  |  |  +-----------------> 4765, 6547
 |  |  |  |  |  +--------------------> 4675, 6457, 6574, 7465
 |  |  |  |  +-----------------------> 5476
 |  |  |  +--------------------------> 6745
 |  |  +-----------------------------> 4756, 5647, 5764, 7546
 |  +--------------------------------> 5674, 7456
 +-----------------------------------> 4576, 5467, 6475
  • \$\begingroup\$ What does 962578>>s do though? \$\endgroup\$
    – DialFrost
    Commented Jan 1, 2023 at 12:48
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ @DialFrost This should be read as (962578>>((s%530%13)*2))&3 : turn s into a value in 0..12, multiply it by 2, right-shift the bitmask by this amount, extract the 2 least significant bits. \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Jan 1, 2023 at 23:02

Python NumPy, 26 bytes

lambda A:(2*A-A@A).trace()

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Uses as the four distinct items the vectors [1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]. With this convention the input, conveniently, becomes a permutation matrix.

Outputs 2 x # fixed points A - # fixed points AA. This maps the identity to 4, the rest of the Klein four group to -4, the rest of the alternating group to 1 and everything else to 0.

Python, 48 bytes

lambda A:sum(2*(A[a]==a)-(A[A[a]]==a)for a in A)

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Same logic but uses items 0,1,2,3 and indexing instead of matrix operations.


J, 14 bytes


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Found while experimenting with the cycle decomposition of each permutation.

  • Category 1 (0 1 2 3) has four individual cycles of length 1.
  • Category 2 (e.g. 1 0 3 2) has two cycles of length 2.
  • Category 3 (e.g. 0 2 3 1) has one cycle of length 3 and another cycle of length 1.
  • Category 4 (e.g. 0 1 3 2 or 1 2 3 0) has either
    • three cycles of length 1, 1, 2, or
    • a single cycle of length 4.

By squaring and summing the cycle lengths, we get

  • Category 1: 4
  • Category 2: 8
  • Category 3: 10
  • Category 4: 6 or 16

Now we can take these values modulo 5 to get 4, 3, 0, 1 for each category.

5|1#.2^~#@>@C.  Takes a permutation containing 0, 1, 2, 3
            C.  Cycle decomposition
        #@>@    Length of each cycle
     2^~        Square
  1#.           Sum
5|              Modulo 5

Jelly, 8 bytes


A monadic Link that accepts a permutation of [1, 2, 3, 4] and yields:

classification output
\$e\$ -2
rest of \$K_4\$ 2
rest of \$A_4\$ -1
rest of \$S_4\$ 0

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ỤƑḤ_=JSƊ - Link: list of integers from [1..4], P
 Ƒ       - is (P) invariant under the application of:
Ụ        -   grade-up -> 1-indexed indices sorted by value
  Ḥ      - double -> X = 2 or 0
       Ɗ - last three links as a monad - f(P):
     J   -   range of length -> [1,2,3,4]
    =    -   (P) equals (that) (vectorises)
      S  -   sum -> Y
   _     - (X) minus (Y)

PARI/GP, 33 bytes


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Takes input as a VecSmall of integers 1, 2, 3, 4.

If the input is an odd permutation, returns 0. Otherwise returns its order.


Charcoal, 22 19 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes input as a list of 4 integers 0..3 (+2 bytes to take input as a string of digits) and outputs a code letter 0KAS (-5 bytes to port @Albert.Lang's answer, and probably also the same length to port @JonathanAllan's answer). Explanation: Calculates the number of elements of cycle length 1 plus the number of elements of cycle length 1 or 2 (so elements of cycle length 1 get counted twice) and looks up the result.

 SAKS0              Literal string `SAKS0`
§                   Indexed by
         θ          Input list
        E           Map over elements
            ι       Current element
           ⁼        Equals
             κ      Current index
          ⁺         Plus
               ι    Current element
              ⁼     Equals
                ⌕   Index of
                  κ Current index in
                 θ  Input list
       Σ            Take the sum
      ⊘             Halved
                    Implicitly print
Cycles Order Sign Length 1 Length 2 Total Classification
1+1+1+1 1 + 4 0 8 0
2+1+1 2 - 2 2 6 S
2+2 2 + 0 4 4 K
3+1 3 + 1 0 2 A
4 4 - 0 0 0 S
  • My original answer counted the number of elements of cycle length 1 and then distinguished between 2+2 and 4 by checking for an element of cycle length 2 rather than counting the number of such elements.
  • @alephalpha's answer checks the sign of the permutation and returns 0 if it's - or the order if it's +.
  • @Albert.Lang's answer subtracts the number of elements of cycle length 2 from the number of elements of cycle length 1.
  • @JonathanAllan's answer subtracts the number of elements of cycle length 1 from 2 if the order is a factor of 2 or 0 if it is not.

K (ngn/k), 14 bytes


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Port of my own J solution.

The K code above executes the process a bit differently:

{5!#,/(x@)\'x}   Takes a permutation containing 0, 1, 2, 3
      (  )\'x    For each number in x, repeat and collect all values:
       x@          Index into x
   #,/           Length of flattened list
 5!              Modulo 5

Factor + math.combinatorics, 70 61 bytes

[ "READ"<permutations> index "0332233123322323133223313"nth ]

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-9 bytes by using the string from corvus_192's Scala 2 answer.


05AB1E, 18 11 bytes


-7 bytes by porting @JonathanAllan's Jelly answer, since I've been unable to find anything short myself.

[1,2,3,4] is the identity permutation. Outputs:

  • -2 for this identity permutation itself;
  • 2 for the three members of \$K_4\$;
  • -1 for the eight members of \$A_4\$;
  • 0 for the remaining twelve members of \$S_4\$.

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<      # Decrease each value in the (implicit) input-permutation by 1
 è     # 0-based index each into the (implicit) input-permutation
  ā    # Push a list in the range [1,length]: [1,2,3,4]
   Q   # Check if the two lists are equal
    ·  # Double this check (2 or 0)
I      # Push the input-permutation again: [z,y,x,w]
 ā     # Push list [1,2,3,4] again
  -    # Decrease the values at the same positions of the two lists: [z-1,y-2,x-3,w-4]
   0¢  # Count how many 0s are in the list (how many item were already at the correct
       # position)
-      # Subtract this amount from the earlier doubled check
       # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Original straight-forward approach (18 bytes):


"abcd" is the identity permutation. Outputs:

  • 1 for this identity permutation itself;
  • 3 for the three members of \$K_4\$;
  • 2 for the eight members of \$A_4\$;
  • 0 for the remaining twelve members of \$S_4\$.

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{             # Sort the characters of the (implicit) input-permutation string
 œ            # Pop and get all its permutations
  Ik          # Pop and get the index of the input-permutation
•Lû¾hΔ>¬o∊Ì•  # Push compressed integer 100220032002200230022003
 s            # Swap so the earlier index is at the top
  è           # Index it into the the earlier integer to get a digit
              # (which is output implicitly as result)

See this 05AB1E tip of mine (section How to compress large integers?) to understand why •Lû¾hΔ>¬o∊Ì• is 100220032002200230022003.


Scala 2, 61 60 bytes

s=>"033223312332232313322331"("abcd".permutations indexOf s)

Takes a permutation of "abcd" and returns an ascii digit by indexing into the given string.

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Haskell, 89 8 87 bytes

import Data.List
f s="033223312332232313322331"!!head(elemIndices s$permutations"abcd")

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A port of my scala answer.


JavaScript (Node.js), 91 bytes


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Input a string with letter "a", "b", "c", "d". Output 0~3.


Python 3, 84 bytes

lambda s:locals().get(s[1:],3)

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Essentially a port of tsh's JS answer.


Julia 1.0, 26 24 bytes


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Port of Arnuald's JS answer.

-2 thx to @Steffan

  • \$\begingroup\$ f(s) => !s using unary operators \$\endgroup\$
    – naffetS
    Commented Jan 1, 2023 at 23:19

Python 3, 31 bytes

lambda s:962578>>2*(s%530%13)&3

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Port of Arnuald's JS answer.


Python 3, 4 bytes

Modified as suggested by lyxal in the comments to get round the functions-as-constants loophole. Possibly still cheating, since quoted text of functions still sound a lot like "complete/partial functions".

Items in identity order, to be concatenated as strings and fed to the function (only difference between them is in the string literal at the end):

"(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'0')"

"(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'1')"

"(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'2')"

"(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'3')"

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Python 3, 0 bytes

Original version. Even more cheaty, for the reason pointed out by @emanresu A in the comment (perhaps among others). But I'll leave it here for entertainment!

Items in identity order, to be concatenated and fed to the interpreter:

(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'0')

(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'1')

(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'2')

(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'3')

Output: I, K, A, S for the four cases in order.

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  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You can't take complete/partial functions as consistent values \$\endgroup\$
    – emanresu A
    Commented Jul 28 at 1:18
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ To get around the loophole, you can treat each input as a string, add () at the end, and use exec as your answer. Sure it's 4 bytes more than 0, but it's the easiest and funniest way to have a valid answer \$\endgroup\$
    – lyxal
    Commented Jul 28 at 1:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ E.g. "(lambda x=0:(lambda y:lambda z:print((lambda p:'I'if p in'123'else'K'if p in'032 301 210'else'A'if p in'231 312 203 320 013 130 021 102'else'S')(x()+y()+z())))if isinstance(x,type(lambda:0))else'0')()" for the first lambda \$\endgroup\$
    – lyxal
    Commented Jul 28 at 1:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, I wondered about that, but are quoted functions another loophole? Also I don't think the () at the end is needed - I worked hard to avoid that! \$\endgroup\$
    – aeh5040
    Commented Jul 28 at 1:47

Python 3, 159 bytes

lambda x,y:{'1032':1,'2301':1,'3210':1,'0231':2,'0312':2,'1203':2,'1320':2,'2013':2,'2130':2,'3021':2,'3102':2,'0123':0}.get(''.join(map(str,map(x.find,y))),3)

I couldn't really interpret the logic. So I went with an overkill approach.

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Python 3, 105 bytes

def f(s):
 try:return eval(s[1:])
 except:return 3

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Port of tsh's JS answer. Input as a string with letters a, b, c, d. Output as a number, 0 to 3.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @KevinCruijssen thanks, I basically just copied his footer and replaced console.log with print. I didn't really check whether it was right. \$\endgroup\$
    – The Thonnu
    Commented Dec 29, 2022 at 8:47

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