There are a bunch of different casing conventions, like camelCase
, PascalCase
, snake_case
etc. It's annoying juggling all of these, so instead of choosing one like a sensible person, why not cursedly mix all of them together?
Your challenge is to, given a list of words (only containing lowercase letters), convert them to backwardS_hybriD-snakE_kebaB-cameL_case. To do so:
- The words are joined by alternating underscores and hyphens, starting with underscores.
- Capitalise the last letter of every word but the last.
This is code-golf, shortest wins!
These are formatted as space-separated words
hello world -> hellO_world
beans -> beans
one two three four -> onE_twO-threE_four
backwards hybrid snake kebab camel case -> backwardS_hybriD-snakE_kebaB-cameL_case
test three words -> tesT_threE-words
o n e l e t t e r -> O_N-E_L-E_T-T_E-r