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Accepts input as ASCII. outputs as binary. The header adds 48 (ASCII 0) to the count so that small outputs appear as ASCII digits.
This is a complete rewrite of my previous answer below, taking into account everything I could have done better. In particular, I set up a specific cell with a 1 in it to help with the IF operation instead of trying to use other nonzero cells to assist.
There are a few more bytes to save with this approach if I have time later. It's still the highest scoring answer, but it isn't the longest anymore, which is gnerally as good as it gets with Brainfuck.
+>> Put a 1 in cell 0 then move to cell 2
,[ take an input in cell 2 and loop until end of string marked by 0 encountered
<++++[----->>->+>+<<<<] Put 260 mod 256=4 in cell 1; iterate 260/5=52 times to subtract 52 from cell 3 and store 52 in cells 4 and 5
----[---->-<]>- Put minus 4 = 252 in cell 1; iterate 252/4=63 times to subtract 63 from the input; then reduce by one more
>+> add 1 to cell 3
[--<<-[<]<[>>>+<<]>>>] iterate 26 times UPPERCASE using 52 in cell 4; if not zero add 1 to cell 3
<<------>>> subtract 6 from the input
[--<<<-[<]<[>>>+<<]>>>>]iterate 26 times LOWERCASE using 52 in cell 5; if not zero add 1 to cell 3
<<< overall cell 3 has increased by 0 if input is a letter or 1 if not a letter
,] take more input into cell 2 until end of string marked by 0 encountered
>. output count from cell 3
I misread the question and assumed all characters except AZaz
and newline should be counted. I now realise newlines need to be counted like any other non AZaz
character which makes the code slightly shorter. If I had not considered newlines at all, the code might be shorter still, but the setup loop 260/5=52=2*26 is pretty efficient.
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Accepts input as ASCII. outputs as binary. The header adds 48 (ASCII 0) to the count so that small outputs appear as ASCII digits.
Commented code
,[ Take an input; If nonzero start looping
<++++ Move left and add 4 to make (256+4)=260 mod 5
[-----<-<+<+<+>>>>]> Loop 52 times to setup 3 cells with 52 and one with minus 52
----------< Subtract 10 from input
<<<<[->>>>>-<<<<<]>>>>>-- Subtract another 52+2=54 from the input
<<<<[-->>>>- Loop 52/2=26 times reducing the input by 1 each time for UPPERCASE
[<]<[+>] If the input is nonzero increment the cell that contained minus 52
<<<] Ultimately the cell with minus 52 will be incremented 51 times for AZaz 52 for other
>>->>------ Subtract 1 from cell that contained minus 52 to avoid it reaching 0; and 6 from input
<<<[-->>>- Loop 52/2=26 times reducing the input by 1 each time for LOWERCASE
[<]<[+>] If the input is nonzero increment the cell that contained minus 52
>++ Cell that contained minus 52 now has minus 2 for AZaz or minus 1 for other; increment by 2
[->>>+<<<] Copy the value 0 or 1 into the final total
>>,] Take the next input and if nonzero continue to loop
>. Output the final total