Given \$ i = \sqrt{-1} \$, a base-\$ (i - 1) \$ binary number \$ N \$ with \$ n \$ binary digits from \$ d_{0} \$ to \$ d_{n - 1} \$ satisfies the following equation.
$$ N = d_{n - 1} (i - 1) ^ {n - 1} + d_{n - 2} (i - 1) ^ {n - 2} + \cdots + d_{1} (i - 1) + d_{0} $$
For example, a decimal number \$ 15 \$ is \$ 100011101 \$ in base-\$ (i - 1) \$ since,
$$ (i - 1) ^ {9 - 1} + (i - 1) ^ {5 - 1} + (i - 1) ^ {4 - 1} + (i - 1) ^ {3 - 1} + (i - 1) ^ {1 - 1} $$
$$ = 16 + (-4) + (2 + 2i) + (-2i) + 1 = 15 $$
This is a list of \$ 0 \$ to \$ 9 \$ converted to base-\$ (i - 1) \$.
0 0
1 1
2 1100
3 1101
4 111010000
5 111010001
6 111011100
7 111011101
8 111000000
9 111000001
Given a decimal integer as input, convert the input to a base-\$ (i - 1) \$ binary number, which is then converted again to decimal as output.
For example,
15 -> 100011101 -> 285
(in) (out)
You may assume that the input is always \$ \ge 0 \$, and the output will fit in the range of \$ [0, 2^{31})\$.
Test cases
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
2 -> 12
3 -> 13
4 -> 464
5 -> 465
6 -> 476
7 -> 477
8 -> 448
9 -> 449
2007 -> 29367517
9831 -> 232644061
, for your number I get \$-2686+34477i\$ \$\endgroup\$1567356735
was the octal representation.. \$\endgroup\$