
The objective

Given the non-negative integer \$n\$, output the value of the hyperfactorial \$H(n)\$. You don't have to worry about outputs exceeding your language's integer limit.


The hyperfactorial is a variant of the factorial function. is defined as $$ H(n) = 1^{1} \cdot 2^{2} \cdot 3^{3} \cdot \: \cdots \: \cdot n^{n} $$

For example, \$H(4) = 1^{1} \cdot 2^{2} \cdot 3^{3} \cdot 4^{4} = 27648\$.

Test cases

n   H(n)
0   1
1   1
2   4
3   108
4   27648
5   86400000
6   4031078400000
7   3319766398771200000
8   55696437941726556979200000


  • \$\begingroup\$ I think one might be able to write a competitive 4 bit assembler (or even 8 bit assembler) answer which is a tiny LUT. \$\endgroup\$
    – abligh
    Commented Oct 5, 2021 at 2:40
  • \$\begingroup\$ oeis.org/A002109 \$\endgroup\$
    – bigyihsuan
    Commented Nov 14, 2022 at 19:32

85 Answers 85

1 2

F# (.NET Core), 46 bytes

(Only works up to n = 5, however.)

let rec h=function 0->1|n->(pown n n)*(h(n-1))

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PHP -F, 42 39 bytes


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No PHP yet, well this is The Answer! Unfortunately I had to resort to incrementing first, because of a weird operator precedence when using $n**$n-- ($n should decrement after the exponentiation if I RTM correctly, but actually it decrements first)

EDIT: nice improvement from Hydrazer, -3 bytes with a way to avoid using $n twice in the loop declaration

  • \$\begingroup\$ incrementing with $n is shorter 39 bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – scpchicken
    Commented Nov 1, 2021 at 14:39
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Hydrazer nice one! thanks \$\endgroup\$
    – Kaddath
    Commented Nov 2, 2021 at 9:51

Red, 40 bytes

func[n][a: 1 repeat i n[a: i ** i * a]a]

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Vyxal, 7 bytes


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Will add an explanation soon.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This can be ɾ:eΠ for 4 bytes - input is implicitly taken if there's nothing on the stack and e vectorises (applies to each item in each list) by default \$\endgroup\$
    – lyxal
    Commented Dec 30, 2021 at 10:19

Excel, 33 bytes


Link to Spreadsheet


Python + mpmath, 28 bytes

from mpmath import*

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Knight, 30 bytes

;=p=w 1;=qP;W<w q=p*p^=w+wTwOp

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Knight (v2.0-alpha), 27 bytes

;;=i^=n+0PnW=n-nT=i*i^n nOi

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J, 11 bytes


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[:          NB. enforce f (g x)
  */        NB. product reduce
         i. NB. range 0..x-1
    1   +   NB. add one
       @    NB. then
     ^~     NB. raise each item to itself

K (ngn/k), 15 bytes


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Another quick answer.


+/*/'{x#x}'1+!:  Main function. Takes implicit input with :
             !   Range from [0..input-1]
           1+    + 1 to turn it into [1..input]
          '      For each number...
     {   }       Execute a function that...
        x        Takes the number as implicit variable x
      x#         And duplicate them x amount of times
    '            For each of the lists inside...
  */             Fold and multiply them
+/               Sum

SageMath, 35 bytes

Without using NATIVE python module or syntax

Golfed vesrion. Run it on SageMathCell!

f=lambda n:prod(i^i for i in[1..n])

Lua, 38 bytes

a=1 for i=1,...do a=a*i^i end print(a)

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Rust, 40 bytes


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Staightforward functional approach. Follows the rules for type inference. As the program takes and returns a u32, only calls up to H(5) are supported. This is because {integer}::pow takes a u32, and casting would cost five bytes.


Japt, 6 5 bytes

ô*² ×

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Uiua, 12 bytes, 7 characters


Try it on Uiua Pad!


Uiua reads code from right to left, so this code will also be explained in that order.

+1⇡ // Make an array of numbers from 0 to n and increment each element 
.   // Create a copy of the array
ⁿ   // Raise each element to the power of itself
/×  // Reducing function: multiplicate each element by the next element on the array

Vyxal 3, 4 bytes


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Setanta, 48 bytes

gniomh f(n){toradh(n&cmhcht@mata(n,n)*f(n-1))|1}

Try on try-setanta.ie


Arn, 5 bytes

Uses the slightly older online version


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Unpacked: *{^}\~

         _    Implied variable, initialized to input
        ~    Range 1..
   *…\  fold with multiplication after mapping
  {   block with key of _, initialized to current number
 ^  raise _ to the power of _
} end block

Assembly (NASM, 32-bit, Linux), 85 bytes

H:mov ebx,eax
or ax,0
mov ax,1
je z
n:mov ecx,ebx
x:mul ebx
loop x
dec bx
jnz n

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The argument to the H function is passed in the eax register. The result is also in the eax register. The input has to be lower than 65,536.


Cognate, 36 bytes

(Let N;For Range 1 + 1 N(* ^ Twin)1)

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Pyt, 3 bytes


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ř            implicit input (n); push [1,2,3,...,n]
 Ṗ           raise each element to the power of itself
  Π          take the product of all of them; implicit print


a hyperfactorial function in POSIX-compliant awk syntax that bypasses any and all usage of the exponentiation operator, without sacrificing efficiency :

jot 20 | gawk -Mbe '

function _____(__, _, ___, ____) {

    if ((_ = ___ = __ = int(__)) <= (____ += ____ = !!_))

        return (_ = __ < ____) ? _ : __ + __
    while (____ < --_)___ *= (__ *= _) * (__ *= --_)

    return _ < ____ ? ___ *  __ \
                    : ___ * (__ *= _) * __

} $++NF = _____($!_)'

1 1
2 4
3 108
4 27648
5 86400000
6 4031078400000
7 3319766398771200000
8 55696437941726556979200000
9 21577941222941856209168026828800000
10 215779412229418562091680268288000000000000000
11 61564384586635053951550731889313964883968000000000000000
12 548914237009501581804104224704637116078267727827959808000000000000000
13 166252458044258018207674078620690924617735088270974773221032328167424000000000000000
14 1847398448553592782012673311296877599223436283900539192451554723195762806303473270784000000000000000


adding a functional programming style recursive function in awk (but this version using the exponentiation operator) :

func __(_) { return _^_--*(1<_?__(_):1) }

awk's syntax looks really modern for a 50-year old language


C#, 77 bytes


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Boring answer, but C# doesn't really have fancy ways of doing this. Even with the addition of the range operator (0..n+1), that produces a System.Range, which is not an IEnumerable and so can't be used as an iterator :(

1.0 in the call to Aggregate because it expects the start value and the return type of the predicate to be exactly equal, and Math.Pow returns doubles, not ints.


Clojure, 45 bytes

#(apply *(for[i(range 1(inc %))_(range i)]i))

TIO. With one extra byte (use *') you get arbitrary precision.


ARBLE, 18 bytes


Simply reduces the range of numbers [1,n] via the function (y,z)=>y*pow(z,z)

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1 2

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