A rhyming program you write
Attempting to win the fight
For winning the contest and vote
It must compute "Hello World"
Then print it very polite
The most popular poem will win.
The requirements are:
- The poem should be of 5 lines with rhymes AABBA
- It can print whatever you want, but the output should contain "hello world" (uppercase/lowercase does not matter, quotes not included in the output)
- Symbols are read aloud. For example, the fourth line above is read: It must compute quote hello world quote
- Post below your code, on another code preview, the "read-aloud" version of your code for disambiguation on special symbols.
Excluded are poems:
- including dead code, or characters which could be safely removed without changing the rhymes or the functionality
- Using comments as a way to rhyme (except if there is a good reason for that)
- using the same symbol as end of phrase for rhyme.
In case of a tie, programs outputting a poem will win. If there is still a tie, shorter programs will win.
New lines do not count. spaces, tabs and newlines are not read aloud. For example, "Hello, world!" would be read aloud "double-quote hello comma world exclamation point double-quote".