Conway's Game of Life is a well known cellular automaton "played" on an infinite grid, filled with cells that are either alive or dead. Once given an initial state, the board evolves according to rules indefinitely. Those rules are:
- Any live cell with 2 or 3 living neighbours (the 8 cells immediately around it) lives to the next state
- Any dead cell with exactly 3 living neighbours becomes a living cell
- Any other cell becomes a dead cell
Game of Life is known for having simple rules yet structures can quickly become chaotic with minimal change.
Consider the following initial state:
In 5 generations, this reaches this configuration, which is a period 2 oscillator. However, by adding in 8 live cells next to it:
we end up with a completely empty board after 54 generations.
Now, consider instead the following initial state:
That is, CGCC
made up of living cells. Each letter is in a \$4\times6\$ bounding box, with a single empty column of cells between boxes, for a total bounding box of \$19\times6\$. This is a zoomed-in version.
After 256 generations, the board looks like
From this point, no meaningful change will happen: there are 2 oscillators which do not interact with anything else, and the rest are still lifes.
Your task is to "destroy" this by adding in living cells around the initial configuration.
You will start with the CGCC
initial state, as shown above. You will add \$n\$ living cells to the board. Those cells must be outside of the \$19\times6\$ bounding box of the CGCC
(but may touch against the outside). When this new initial state (with your added cells) is run, it must eventually result in an empty board.
Note that the board is considered infinite, so if your configuration produces any spaceships, it is not a valid configuration.
Your score is equal to \$n\$. The lowest score wins, ties are broken by the fewest generations required to empty the board. Please provide either a testing environment to demonstrate your solution, or provide a video/gif of it running.
Here is a pre-filled CGCC
pattern in a GoL simulator