
My stovetop has 10 (0 through 9) different settings of heat and a very odd way of cycling through them.

  • It always starts at 0

  • When I hit plus it increments the number, unless the number is 9 in which case it becomes 0, or the number is 0 in which case it becomes 9.

  • When I hit minus it decrements the number, unless the number is zero in which case it becomes 4.

There are no other temperature control buttons.

In this challenge you will take as input a string of commands and output which setting my stovetop ends up on after running that sequence.

Answers will be scored in bytes with fewer bytes being better.


You may take input in any of the following formats:

  • A list/array/vector/stream of booleans/1s or 0s/1s or -1s
  • A string (or list/array/vector/stream) of two different characters (which should be consistent for your program)

And you may output

  • An integer on the range 0-9.

  • A character on the range '0'-'9'.

  • A string of size 1 consisting of the above.


Input as a string - for decrement and + for increment.

 : 0
- : 4
+ : 9
-- : 3
-+ : 5
+- : 8
++ : 0
--- : 2
--+ : 4
-+- : 4
-++ : 6
+-- : 7
+-+ : 9
++- : 4
+++ : 9
---- : 1
---+ : 3
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ (I see that this is a relatively weird input format) Can I take input like this f(f(f(0,M),M),P)? (for the string MMP) What about (M)(M)(P)? \$\endgroup\$
    Commented Feb 1, 2021 at 10:26
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @user202729 No. \$\endgroup\$
    – Wheat Wizard
    Commented Feb 1, 2021 at 10:35
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @user202729 If it is a standard way of taking input you don't need to ask. If it is not then either it should be, in which case you should bring that up in the relevant place on meta, or it shouldn't be in which case I don't intend to permit it. \$\endgroup\$
    – Wheat Wizard
    Commented Feb 1, 2021 at 11:13
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ @Jonah Under the equivalence by temperature (+ = +++ because they both give 9), they certainly don't form a group. Something like 5+9 is not well defined (9 can be represented by any odd number of +s so 5+9 could be 6, 8 or 0). Under the equivalence of the sequences themselves, they also don't form a group. They are isomorphic binary strings under concatenation and thus don't have an inverse. You can relax the latter into a category, and try some other stuff but nothing really interesting come out of it. I don't think this corresponds to any mathematical structure of any note. \$\endgroup\$
    – Wheat Wizard
    Commented Feb 1, 2021 at 16:25
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ A related question could be "Take as input the initial temperature and the final temperature and output the necessary increment/decrement sequence." \$\endgroup\$
    – LorenDB
    Commented May 22, 2021 at 13:36

41 Answers 41


PowerShell, 58 54 bytes

-4 bytes thanks @Zaelin Goodman


Try it online!

Any version of PowerShell. See also the solution for PS7+

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ 54 bytes? :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 14:51
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ awesome! thanks! ٩(^‿^)۶ \$\endgroup\$
    – mazzy
    Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 16:21

naz, 152 bytes


Expects a null-terminated string of SOH and STX characters (U+0001 and U+0002), representing the minus and plus buttons respectively. Variable 3 stores the temperature.

Explanation (with 0x instructions removed)

2x0v2x3v                   # Set both variables 0 and 3 equal to 0
1a2x1v                     # Set variable 1 equal to 1
1a2x2v                     # Set variable 2 equal to 2
7a2x4v                     # Set variable 4 equal to 9
1x0f                       # Function 0
    3v1o                   # Output variable 3
1x1f                       # Function 1
    3v                     # Move variable 3 into the register
      3x0v2e               # Goto function 2 if it equals variable 0
            1s2x3v6f       # Otherwise, subtract 1, write to variable 3, & call function 6
1x2f                       # Function 2
    4a2x3v6f               # Add 4, write to variable 3, and call function 6
1x3f                       # Function 3
    3v                     # Move variable 3 into the register
      3x0v4e               # Goto function 4 if it equals variable 0
            3x4v5e         # Goto function 5 if it equals variable 4
                  1a2x3v6f # Otherwise, add 1, write to variable 3, and call function 6
1x4f                       # Function 4
    9a2x3v6f               # Add 9, write to variable 3, and call function 6
1x5f                       # Function 5
    9s2x3v6f               # Subtract 9, write to variable 3, and call function 6
1x6f                       # Function 6
    1r                     # Read a byte of input
      3x0v0e               # Goto function 0 if it equals variable 0 (NUL)
            3x1v1e         # Goto function 1 if it equals variable 1 (SOH)
                  3f       # Otherwise, call function 3
6f                         # Call function 6

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 40 bytes

Fold[+##/.-1->4/. 10|1/;#2>0->9-#&,0,#]&

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Java (JDK), 42 bytes


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Another port of Arnauld's JavaScript answer.

The input is an IntStream with - being represented by 1 and + being represented by 0.



Stax, 23 14 bytes


Run and debug it

Input as a list of 1s and -1s.

-9 bytes from Kevin's answer.


jq, 44 bytes


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with 1 for + and -1 for -


MathGolf, 17 bytes


Uses -1/1 for -/+ respectively.

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0                  # Start with a 0 (let's call this `r`)
                   #  STACK: 0
 ê                 # Push all inputs as integer-array
                   #  STACK: 0,[input-list]
  {                # Foreach over them (let's call these `n`):
                   #   STACK: r,n
   ∙               #  Triplicate the current integer
                   #   STACK: r,n,n,n
    85ß            #  Wrap it in a triplet-list with 8 and 5
                   #   STACK: r,n,n,[n,8,5]
       §           #  Use `n` to index into this list (0-based modulair, so 1→8; -1→5)
                   #  (let's call this `i`)
                   #   STACK: r,n,i
        ⌐          #  Rotate the stack
                   #   STACK: n,i,r
         _         #  Duplicate the top
                   #   STACK: n,i,r,r
          ¬        #  Rotate the stack back
                   #   STACK: r,n,i,r
           ┌       #  Check if the top is equal to 0
                   #   STACK: r,n,i,r==0
            *      #  Multiply the top two
                   #   STACK: r,i,n*(r==0)
             ß     #  Wrap the top three values into a list
                   #   STACK: [r,i,n*(r==0)]
              Σ    #  Sum them together
                   #   STACK: r+i+n*(r==0)
               ♂%  #  Modulo-10
                   #   STACK: (r+i+n*(r==0))%10
                   # (afterwards, the entire stack is output implicitly as result)

Charcoal, 23 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Start with heat setting 0.


Loop through the input string.


If the next character is a plus, then take the heat setting, or 8 if it was zero, and increment it modulo 10, otherwise take the heat setting, or 5 if it was zero, and decrement it.


Output the final heat setting.


Japt, 21 bytes

Port of @Arnauld's Answer to Japt.

Expects input to be a binary array where 0 represents increment and 1 represents decrement


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£              // Map input with func (X) {
 T=            //   update T:
   T°?         //     if T is not 0 (increment T afterwards)
      X?       //       if X is 1 ('-' case)
        T-2    //          subtract 2
      :        //       else      ('+' case)
        T%A    //          modulo 10
   :           //     else
     9ÁX       //       yield 4 if X is 1 ('-' case), or 9 if X is 0 ('+' case) 
ÃT             // End map; implicit output T

Raku, 49 46 41 bytes

{reduce {($^u%7-2,$^t+$u)[?$t]%10},0,|$_}

Takes input as a list where 1 represents + and -1 represents -.

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Racket, 81 bytes

(λ(a)(foldl(λ(x r)(match(list x r)['(1 0)9]['(1 9)0]['(-1 0)4][_(+ r x)]))0 a))

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Just simple but verbose pattern matching:

(define (f a)
  (foldl (λ (x r)
            (match (list x r)
                 ['( 1 0) 9]
                 ['( 1 9) 0]
                 ['(-1 0) 4]
                 [_ (+ r x)]))

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