Rust + Toki Pona
Any language is accepted, so I wrote a program in Rust that generates some sentences in Toki Pona.
Toki Pona is an attempt to create a minimal natural language, and it has a super simple and regular grammar. That's a very useful property for this contest!
use std::rand;
struct Phrase { a: Option<~GNominal>, b: ~Sujet, c: ~Predicat }
enum Sujet { A(~GNominal), B(~SCompose) }
enum Predicat { C(~GVerbal), D(~PCompose) }
struct SCompose { a: ~Sujet, b: ~Sujet }
struct PCompose { a: ~Predicat, b: ~Predicat }
struct GNominal { a: ~nom::Nom, b: Multi<~adjectif::Adjectif> }
struct GVerbal { a: ~verbe::Verbe, b: Multi<~adjectif::Adjectif>, c: Multi<~ODirect> }
struct ODirect { a: ~GNominal}
enum Multi<T> { Zero, One(T), Two((T,T)) }
mod nom {
pub enum Nom {akesi,ala,ale,anpa,ante,ijo,ike,ilo,insa,jaki,jan,jo,kala,kalama,kama,kasi,ken,kili,kiwen,ko,kon,kule,kulupu,lape,lawa,len,lete,linja,lipu,luka,lupa,ma,mama,mani,meli,mi,mije,moku,moli,monsi,mun,musi,mute,nanpa,nasin,nena,nimi,noka,oko,olin,ona,pakala,pali,palisa,pana,pilin,pimeja,pini,pipi,poka,poki,pona,seli,selo,sewi,sijelo,sike,sina,sinpin,sitelen,sona,soweli,suli,suno,supa,suwi,tan,tawa,telo,tenpo,toki,tomo,tu,unpa,uta,utala,walo,wan,waso,wawa,weka,wile}
mod verbe {
pub enum Verbe {ante,awen,ijo,ike,jaki,jan,jo,kalama,kama,ken,kepeken,kule,kute,lape,lawa,lete,lili,lon,lukin,moku,moli,musi,mute,nasa,olin,open,pakala,pali,pana,pilin,pimeja,pini,pona,seli,sin,sitelen,sona,suli,suwi,tawa,telo,toki,tu,unpa,utala,wan,wawa,weka,wile,}
mod adjectif {
pub enum Adjectif {ala,ale,anpa,ante,awen,ike,insa,jaki,jan,jelo,kama,kin,kiwen,kon,kule,kute,kulupu,lape,laso,lawa,lete,lili,linja,loje,luka,lukin,mama,meli,mi,mije,moli,monsi,mun,musi,mute,nasa,ni,olin,ona,pali,pimeja,pini,poka,pona,sama,seli,sewi,sike,sin,sina,suli,suwi,taso,tawa,toki,tomo,unpa,uta,walo,wan,wawa,weka,wile,}
impl ToStr for Phrase {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
self.a.as_ref().map_or(~"", |g| format!("{:s} la ", g.to_str()))
+ format!("{:s} li {:s}", self.b.to_str(), self.c.to_str())
impl ToStr for Sujet {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
match *self {
A(ref v) => v.to_str(),
B(ref v) => v.to_str(),
impl ToStr for Predicat {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
match *self {
C(ref v) => v.to_str(),
D(ref v) => v.to_str(),
impl ToStr for SCompose {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
format!("{:s} en {:s}", self.a.to_str(), self.b.to_str())
impl ToStr for PCompose {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
format!("{:s} li {:s}", self.a.to_str(), self.b.to_str())
impl ToStr for GNominal {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
format!("{:s} {:s}", self.a.to_str(), self.b.to_str())
impl ToStr for GVerbal {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
format!("{:s} {:s} {:s}", self.a.to_str(), self.b.to_str(), self.c.to_str())
impl ToStr for ODirect {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
format!("e {:s}", self.a.to_str())
impl<T: ToStr> ToStr for Multi<~T> {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
match *self {
Zero => ~"",
One(ref v) => v.to_str(),
Two((ref v,ref w)) => format!("{:s} {:s}", v.to_str(), w.to_str()),
fn main() {
let phrase = rand::random::<Phrase>();
println!("{:s}\n{:?}", phrase.to_str(), phrase);
I don't speak Toki Pona, but I found the syntax of Toki Pona as a set of BNF rules on Wikipedia. I created one struct or enum for each BNF rule, and I annotated them with deriving(Rand)
, which gives me a way to generate a random Phrase
struct for free! Then, I implemented ToStr
for each of these structs to convert them to a string.
I intentionnaly left the struct names in french, because the BNF rules I found are in french, and also because it reinfoces the multilingual nature of my submission!
Sample outputs
Some outputs and their translations, that I did based on the BNF rules and a Toki Pona dictionary. I'm sure these translations are mostly wrong, but Toki Pona actually leaves a lot of room for the interpretation of a sentence.
nasin mi tawa la jan li jaki
While on my trip, someone polluted
monsi li jaki li jan ike musi
The butt is dirty and is a funny bad person
sina li tawa ale jelo e kili tawa e insa
You moved the fruit and the center to the yellow universe
- I don't check if a verb is transitive or not, thus some sentences are grammatically incorrect.
- Some structs are recursive, and when a rule can be repeated I randomly choose to output 0, 1 or 2 elements. This can lead to veeeeeery long generated sentences, containing thousands of words...
- I cannot really verify the validity of the output, I rely entirely on the BNF syntax, the dictionary, and my own wild guesses :)
[Adjective] [pl. noun] [verb] [adjective] [pl. noun]
and pulls from a real dictionary (maybe using one of the Dictionary APIs available out there) to fill in the blanks? I'd write it myself if I had a few minutes to spare! :( After all...Lazy Developers Write Lousy Programs.