I crochet a lot, and lately I've started writing crochet patterns. However, while I work very well from notes such as rnds 2-6 (round number = x, original number of stitches = y): *dc x-2 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch* around (xy stitches), most published patterns spell out each row in more detail. I don't like writing out each individual row/round myself though, so I want to have a program do it for me.
The challenge is to write a program or function that takes three mandatory inputs (r, s, and y) and returns a string of the pattern.
The inputs can go in any appropriate order or format, just please point that out so others can run your code.
R is an integer corresponding to the number of rounds/rows (use whichever designation you want) to generate. S is a string corresponding to the type of stitch. This can be guaranteed to be one of the following strings: "tc", "dc", "hdc", "sc", or "ch". Y is the number of stitches in row/round 1, and the number of increases in each following row (for instance, if y=6, row 1 has 6 stitches, row 2 has 12 stitches, row 3 has 18 stitches, etc). In the general case: row x has xy stitches.
The output is a list of strings with length r, in the following pattern.
O N: \*s in next N-2 stitches, 2 s in next stitch\* y times (NY stitches).
To clarify: it should return r strings, in order from least row/rnd number to greatest row/rnd number. The first row/rnd should be row 1, and the last row should be row r. In the template, replace s and y with the matching inputs, and N is the row number of the current row (N isn’t an input, just an integer that represents the current row). O is used to denote one of the following strings, your choice: “Row”, “Round”, or “Rnd”.
Each line of output should be separated by a newline. The period is necessary and should follow the parentheses.
Edge Cases
You can assume s is one of the listed strings. R will always be a positive integer, as will y.
You don’t have to do anything fancy for row 1, it can be Row 1: \*s in next -1 stitches, 2 s in next stitch\* y times (y stitches).
Row 2 can also be outputted in the default format, as Row 2: \*s in next 0 stitches, 2 s in next stitch\* y times (2y stitches).
Thusly, it can be outputted with a for loop. But, if you output rows 1 and 2 as Row 1: s in next y stitches (y stitches).\nRow 2: 2 s in next y stitches (2y stitches).
, you can have -10% or -10 bytes, whichever is smaller, removed from your score.
This is code golf, so fewest bytes wins. If you output rows 1 and 2 as shown in the Output section above, your score is lowered by -10% or -10 bytes, whichever is smaller.
Example Input and Output
Input [the format doesn’t matter so much as the answer, so it could be any format the language supports]: (r,s,y)
- (5, “dc”, 6)
- (3, “sc”, 1)
- (6, “hdc”, 100)
- (0, “ch”, 1)
- (5, “tc”, 0)
Output [this format must be fairly exact, hyphens are used to show negative numbers]:
Row 1: \*dc in next -1 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch\* 6 times (6 stitches).\nRow 2: \*dc in next 0 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch\* 6 times (12 stitches).\nRow 3: \*dc in next 1 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch\* 6 times (18 stitches).\nRow 4: \*dc in next 2 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch\* 6 times (24 stitches).\nRow 5: \*dc in next 3 stitches, 2 dc in next stitch\* 6 times (30 stitches).
Rnd 1: \*sc in next -1 stitches, 2 sc in next stitch\* 1 times (1 stitches).\nRnd 2: \*sc in next 0 stitches, 2 sc in next stitch\* 1 times (2 stitches).\nRnd 3: \*sc in next 1 stitches, 2 sc in next stitch\* 1 times (3 stitches).\n
Rnd 1: \*hdc in next -1 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch\* 100 times (100 stitches).\nRnd 2: \*hdc in next 0 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch\* 100 times (200 stitches).\nRnd 3: \*hdc in next 1 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch\* 100 times (300 stitches).\nRnd 4: \*hdc in next 2 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch\* 100 times (400 stitches).\nRnd 5: \*hdc in next 3 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch\* 100 times (500 stitches).\nRnd 6: \*hdc in next 4 stitches, 2 hdc in next stitch\* 100 times (600 stitches).\n
- This can error, or not produce any output, or anything. R will always be positive and nonzero.
- This can either error OR produce
Rnd 1: \*tc in next -1 stitches, 2 tc in next stitch\* 0 times (0 stitches).\nRnd 2: \*tc in next 0 stitches, 2 tc in next stitch\* 0 times (0 stitches).\nRnd 3: \*tc in next 1 stitches, 2 tc in next stitch\* 0 times (0 stitches).\nRnd 4: \*tc in next 2 stitches, 2 tc in next stitch\* 0 times (0 stitches).\nRnd 5: \*tc in next 3 stitches, 2 tc in next stitch\* 0 times (0 stitches).
Suggestions for more test cases welcomed! Please let me know how to improve it. If you have an input/output that produces a pattern you like, add it to your answer and maybe I’ll crochet it when I have time.
Ungolfed solution in Python 2: Try it online
, and()
dispersed through-out the output - can this be optional or removed? \$\endgroup\$* ( )
characters I don’t think should be optional, they are part of the format of crochet patterns and show repeats and stitch count. \$\endgroup\$