Winner found
It seems as if we have a winner! Unless anyone plans on contesting the world's current fastest Sudoku solver, user 53x15 wins with the staggeringly fast solver Tdoku. For anyone still working on their solvers, I'll still benchmark new submissions when I have time.
The challenge
The goal of a game of Sudoku is to fill the board with the numbers 1-9, one in each cell, in such a way that each row, column and box only contains each number once. A very important aspect of a Sudoku puzzle is that there should only be one valid solution.
The goal of this challenge is simple, you should solve a set of Sudoku puzzles as fast as possible. However, you won't just be solving any old Sudoku, you'll be solving the very hardest Sudoku puzzles in existence, the 17-clue Sudokus. Here's an example:
You're free to use any language. If I don't have a compiler installed for your language, you should be able to provide a set of command line instructions needed to install an environment where your script can be run on Linux.
Benchmark machine
The benchmark will be run on a Dell XPS 9560, 2.8GHz Intel Core i7-7700HQ (3.8GHz boost) 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM. GTX 1050 4GB. The machine runs Ubuntu 19.04. Here's the uname
output, for anyone interested.
Linux 5.0.0-25-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 1 12:04:58 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The input will be given as a file. It can be found here. The file contains 49151 Sudoku puzzles. The first line of the file is the number of puzzles, and every line after that is 81 characters long and represents a puzzle. The unknown cells are 0
, and the known cells are 1-9
Your program should be able to take the filename as an argument, or have the file input from STDIN, to facilitate manual checking of your solution. Please include an instruction for how your program takes input.
Timing / scoring
From discussions in the comments, and some reflection, the scoring criteria has been changed to be the time of your entire program. Your program should produce the output file with the correct hash even during official scoring. This doesn't interfere with any existing solution, and doesn't change the rankings as they stand now. Any thoughts on the scoring system are appreciated.
If two solutions have similar scores for individual runs, I will run multiple benchmarks, and the average time will be the final score. If the average scores differ by less than 2%, I will consider it a draw.
If your solution takes longer than an hour to run, it will not be officially scored. In those cases, you are responsible for reporting the machine on which it ran, and your score. For an optimized solver, this should not be an issue.
EDIT: It was brought to my attention that while difficult, the problem set at hand is not the most difficult there is. If time is available, I'll try to benchmark the solutions presented here against the harder puzzle set, and add the score to each submission. However, this will not be an official scoring, and is just for fun.
Your solution will be verified by a MD5/SHA256 checksum. Your script should be able to generate a file containing all puzzles and their solutions. However, the file will also be manually inspected, so don't try to get a hash collision. Your output file should match:
MD5: 41704fd7d8fd0723a45ffbb2dbbfa488
SHA256: 0bc8dda364db7b99f389b42383e37b411d9fa022204d124cb3c8959eba252f05
The file will be on the format:
with a single trailing newline.
What's not allowed
You are in no way allowed to hard-code solutions. Your algorithm should be applicable on any set of Sudoku puzzles, both easy and harder Sudokus. However, it is entirely fine if your solution is slow for easier puzzles.
You are not allowed to have a non-deterministic program. You are allowed to use a random number generator, but the seed of the generator should be fixed. This rule is to ensure that measurements are more precise, and have less variance. (Thanks to Peter Taylor for the tip)
You are not allowed to use any external resources or web requests during the runtime of your program. Everything should be self-contained. This does not apply to installed libraries and packages, which are allowed.
Other info
If you want another test set to check your solution, here are 10000 easier Sudokus. Here are their solutions.
MD5: 3cb465ef6077c4fcab5bd6ae3bc50d62
SHA256: 0bc8dda364db7b99f389b42383e37b411d9fa022204d124cb3c8959eba252f05
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll try to clarify any misunderstandings.