Meet my friend Jimmy:
Jimmy is a little character who likes to stand on platforms. Here's Jimmy safely standing on a platform:
Now, Jimmy has a good sense of balance, so he can safely stand with one leg off of the platform, like so:
Although if he stands with two or more body parts off of the platform, he will fall. Both of these are examples where Jimmy will fall:
/o\ /o\
---------- ----------------------
The challenge
Your challenge is to write a program to determine, given a string with Jimmy's platform and position, if Jimmy can stand on the platform without falling off.
- Input: Two lines showing Jimmy's position and the position of the platform under him. This can be from two separate inputs, a single input, or an array of some sort.
- You may take input through any reasonable form, includings functions and standard input. Only resort to hard-coding if your language does not support the other input methods.
- Output: The boolean values true and false, or the integers 1 or 0 to represent true/false respectively.
- The boolean value is based off of whether Jimmy can stay on the platform or not - true if Jimmy can stay on the platform, or false if he will fall off.
- The platform size is arbitrary and can be changed at will. Your program should account for that.
The platform cannot be a length of zero, and the platform must be complete (no holes in the platform).
Remember that Jimmy falls off when two of his body parts are hanging off the platform. A body part is one ASCII character of his body.
Trailing whitespace at the end of the platform is not required, but your program should account for both situations, where there is whitespace after the platform and where there is not.
- Be mindful of the standard loopholes that are forbidden.
Test cases
/o\ ✔️ TRUE
/o\ ✔️ TRUE
/o\ ❌ FALSE
/o\ ❌ FALSE
/o\ ❌ FALSE
This is code-golf, so lowest byte count wins.