
Gimbap(김밥) is Korean food, somewhat looks like sushi roll.

Here is Korean emoticon represent Gimbap : @))))))))))

Your quest is make ASCII Gimbap cutter.


Input is string made with only @ and ).

Output cuts every valid Gimbap with ), and then add @ between them. So for example @)) to @) @).

Valid Gimbap starts with @ and followed by any amount of ).

If there is no valid Gimbap, output is blank.

Input and output

Input | Output
@))))) | @) @) @) @) @)
@))))))) | @) @) @) @) @) @) @)
@))@))) | @) @) @) @) @)
@) | @)
)) | 
@ | 
@@)@@@))) | @) @) @) @)
@)@)@)) | @) @) @) @)
@@@)) | @) @)
))@) | @)

Winning condition

This is , so shortest code wins.

from sandbox

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Is the rule equivalent to "output one copy of @) for every ) in the input not counting those before any @? May our output include a trailing space, like "@) @) "? \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Jun 9, 2019 at 4:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ It is. And output can include a trailing space. \$\endgroup\$
    – LegenDUST
    Jun 9, 2019 at 4:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ Do we have to output a space delimited string or can we output an array of slices? Also, are we limited to those 2 characters or can we use any 2 characters of our choosing? \$\endgroup\$
    – Shaggy
    Jun 9, 2019 at 13:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ My first time trying to read the title, "Gimp-bat clutter? What?" \$\endgroup\$ Jun 9, 2019 at 17:13

24 Answers 24


Haskell, 32 bytes

f(')':s)=f s
f s=do ')'<-s;"@) "

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Recursion beats using span for removing the initial ('s.

Haskell, 33 bytes

f s=do ')'<-snd$span(<'@')s;"@) "

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JavaScript, 42 41 bytes

s=>s.split(/(?<=@.*)\)/).fill``.join`@) `

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C (gcc), 53 bytes

i;f(char*_){for(i=1;*_;!i&*_++&&printf("@) "))i&=*_;}

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i;f(char*_){for(    *_;                      )      }   //loop over the string:
                i=1;   !i&                    i&=*_;    //skip leading `)`s
                       !i&*_++&&printf("@) ")           //and print "@) "for each `)` thereafter

JavaScript (Node.js), 48 47 bytes

x=>"@) ".repeat(x.split(/(?<=@.*)\)/).length-1)

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JavaScript (Node.js), 53 49 bytes

x=>[...x].map(y=>y<"0"?m+=s&&"@) ":s=1,s=m="")&&m

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JavaScript (Node.js), 60 bytes

x=>x.replace(/(@?)(\)*)/g,(_,a,b)=>a&&b.replace(/./g,"@) "))

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Canvas, 10 9 bytes

@sj∑L@) ×

Try it here!


Retina 0.8.2, 14 bytes



Try it online! Link includes test cases. Explanation:


Delete leading )s and all @s.


Replace all )s with @)s. (Note: trailing space.)


Python 2, 39 bytes

lambda s:'@) '*s.lstrip(')').count(')')

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Jelly, 8 bytes


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-1 thanks to Jonathan Allan.


Perl 5 -p, 26 bytes

$_=s/^.*?@//&&'@) 'x y/)//

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  • \$\begingroup\$ 24 bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – wastl
    Jun 15, 2019 at 10:57

05AB1E, 12 bytes


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')Û            # trim leading ")"
   '@K         # remove all "@"
      S        # split to list of characters
       '@ì     # prepend "@" to each
          ðý   # join on spaces

Batch, 58 bytes

@set s=%1@
@set s=%s:*@=(%
@set s=%s:@=%
@echo%s:)=@) %

Takes input as a command-line parameter. Explanation:

@set s=%1@

Suffix an @ in case the input doesn't contain any.

@set s=%s:*@=(%

Delete up to the first @, replacing it with a ( to ensure that the string is not empty (because %:% doesn't work on empty strings). The ( also makes the echo work if the rest of the string is empty.

@set s=%s:@=%

Delete any remaining @s.

@echo%s:)=@) %

Expand any remaining )s.


05AB1E (legacy), 10 bytes


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This bug forces me to use the legacy version. This is the code for the current version of 05AB1E (11 bytes):


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Port of my Jelly answer.


Japt v2.0a0 -S, 15 bytes

r/^\)+|@/ ¬mi'@

Try it

r/^\)+|@/ ¬mi'@     :Implicit input of string
r                   :Remove
 /^\)+|@/           :  "@"s and leading ")"s
          ¬         :Split
           m        :Map
            i'@     :  Prepend "@"
                    :Implicit output, joined with spaces


e/^\)/ è\) Æ"@)

Try it

e/^\)/ è\) Æ"@)     :Implicit input of string
e                   :Recursively remove
 /^\)/              :  Leading ")"
       è\)          :Count remaining ")"s
           Æ        :Map the range [0,Count)
            "@)     :  Literal string
                    :Implicit output, joined with spaces

brainfuck, 49 bytes


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Japt v2.0a0 -P, 15 bytes

f/@\)+/ ËÅç"@) 

Saved 2 bytes thanks to @Shaggy.

Try it

  • \$\begingroup\$ 15 bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – Shaggy
    Jun 9, 2019 at 8:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Shaggy Thanks, I haven't golfed in Japt recently \$\endgroup\$
    – Gymhgy
    Jun 9, 2019 at 17:07

Jelly, 12 bytes

œl”)ḟ”@⁾@ jⱮ

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Perl 6, 34 bytes

{~map {'@)'xx.chars-1},m:g/\@\)+/}

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Ruby -p, 28 bytes

$_= ~/@/&&'@) '*$'.count(?))

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                                # -p gets a line of STDIN
$_=                             # Set output to
    ~/@/                        # Find first '@' in input
                                # nil (falsey) if not found
        &&                      # If found, set output to
          '@) '                 # Sliced gimbap
               *                # Repeat
                $'              # In the string after the first '@',
                  .count(?))    # ... count the number of ')'
                                # -p outputs the contents of $_
                                # nil outputs as a blank string

Java 10, 49 bytes

s->s.replaceAll("^\\)+|@+","").replace(")","@) ")

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sed, 30 bytes

s/)\?@\()\?\)/\1/g; s/)/@) /gp

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  • \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to PPCG. Unfortunately, your code can't handle leading )s and multiple @ properly. And, how about using Try it online? \$\endgroup\$
    – LegenDUST
    Jun 11, 2019 at 13:00
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ As you can see in 5th or last example, leading )s have to be ignored. \$\endgroup\$
    – LegenDUST
    Jun 11, 2019 at 13:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ @LegenDUST, you are right! it was not that easy. I guess the working version is much uglier \$\endgroup\$ Jun 11, 2019 at 13:25
  • \$\begingroup\$ 28 chars: s/^)*//;s/[^)]//g;s/./@) /gp \$\endgroup\$
    – jnfnt
    Jun 13, 2019 at 2:22

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 91 90 85 71 70 59 57 bytes

StringReplace@{(StartOfString~~")"..)|"@"->"",")"->"@) "}

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Pyth, 20 bytes


Try it online! Note that there is a trailing space at the end of the program. This one is (or rather, started out as) a rather direct translation of the Python 2 answer (though the lstrip part was surprisingly difficult).


*            # repeat string
  ?          # repeat count: ternary
    }\@z     # condition: check whether input contains @
    /        # if condition is true: count occurrences of one string in another
      >      # array slice: all elements of array (or string) from a specific index and upwards
        z    # the thing to slice (input)
        xz\@ # the index first occurrence of \@ in z
      \)     # string to count occurrences of (\x is shorthand for "x")
    0        # value when ternary condition is false
  "@) "      # the string to be repeated (automatically terminated by end-of-line)

krrp, 63 bytes


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^":                   ~ take the string as a parameter named `"`
 \L                   ~ import the list module
 ,^*':                ~ apply a binary function
  ?#?E'               ~  if the string is empty,
   E                  ~   return the empty string; else
   !-@1#!r'           ~   define `-` as the cut Gimbap
   ?=#!f'$64.         ~    if an at sign is seen,
    -                 ~    return the cut Gimbap; else
    ?*                ~    if an at sign has been seen,
     L$64.L$41.L$32.- ~     return a Gimbap piece together
                      ~     with freshly cut Gimbap; else
     @0#!r'           ~     proceed to cut
 .0".                 ~ to zero and the above taken string

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PowerShell, 42 bytes

''+($args|sls '(?<=@.*)\)'-a|% m*|%{'@)'})

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$arrayOfCuttedGimbaps = $args|select-string '(?<=@.*)\)' -AllMatches|% Matches|%{'@)'}
''+($arrayOfCuttedGimbaps)    # toString and output

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