
You are given an array/list/vector of pairs of integers representing cartesian coordinates \$(x, y)\$ of points on a 2D Euclidean plane; all coordinates are between \$−10^4\$ and \$10^4\$, duplicates are allowed. Find the area of the convex hull of those points, rounded to the nearest integer; an exact midpoint should be rounded to the closest even integer. You may use floating-point numbers in intermediate computations, but only if you can guarantee that the final result will be always correct. This is , so the shortest correct program wins.

The convex hull of a set of points \$P\$ is the smallest convex set that contains \$P\$. On the Euclidean plane, for any single point \$(x,y)\$, it is the point itself; for two distinct points, it is the line containing them, for three non-collinear points, it is the triangle that they form, and so forth.

A good visual explanation of what a convex hulls, is best described as imagining all points as nails in a wooden board, and then stretching a rubber band around them to enclose all the points:
enter image description here

Some test cases:

Input: [[50, -13]]
Result: 0

Input: [[-25, -26], [34, -27]]
Result: 0

Input: [[-6, -14], [-48, -45], [21, 25]]
Result: 400

Input: [[4, 30], [5, 37], [-18, 49], [-9, -2]]
Result: 562

Input: [[0, 16], [24, 18], [-43, 36], [39, -29], [3, -38]]
Result: 2978

Input: [[19, -19], [15, 5], [-16, -41], [6, -25], [-42, 1], [12, 19]]
Result: 2118

Input: [[-23, 13], [-13, 13], [-6, -7], [22, 41], [-26, 50], [12, -12], [-23, -7]]
Result: 2307

Input: [[31, -19], [-41, -41], [25, 34], [29, -1], [42, -42], [-34, 32], [19, 33], [40, 39]]
Result: 6037

Input: [[47, 1], [-22, 24], [36, 38], [-17, 4], [41, -3], [-13, 15], [-36, -40], [-13, 35], [-25, 22]]
Result: 3908

Input: [[29, -19], [18, 9], [30, -46], [15, 20], [24, -4], [5, 19], [-44, 4], [-20, -8], [-16, 34], [17, -36]]
Result: 2905
  • 18
    \$\begingroup\$ Not counting whitespace in code golf is a bad idea, it leads to submissions with massive strings of whitespace plus generic code to convert the string to code and execute it. \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Apr 14, 2019 at 22:47
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ So if someone can just make a whitespace solution... \$\endgroup\$
    – att
    Commented Apr 15, 2019 at 0:08
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ an exact midpoint should be rounded to the closest even integer: just wondering what's the reasoning behind that? \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Apr 15, 2019 at 8:47
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ @nwellnhof True. But enforcing this rule is just an annoyance for languages that don't do it that way (and I think Python 2 doesn't round-to-even either). I don't think we should round at all anyway. The triangle [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] really should yield \$1/2\$ rather than \$0\$. \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Apr 15, 2019 at 11:49
  • 6
    \$\begingroup\$ Usually challenges are self-contained, but this one isn't. Could you explain what a convex hull is, and how to compute it? Or point to some reference online resource? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 15, 2019 at 12:04

6 Answers 6


SQL Server 2012+, 84 bytes

SELECT Round(Geometry::ConvexHullAggregate(Geometry::Point(x,y,0)).STArea(),0)FROM A

Makes use of the geometry functions and aggregates in SQL Server. Coordindates are from table A with columns x and y.


Java 10, 405 ...didn't fit anymore; see edit history.. 317 316 bytes

P->{int n=P.length,l=0,i=0,p,q,t[],h[][]=P.clone(),s=0;for(;++i<n;)l=P[i][0]<P[l][0]?i:l;p=l;do for(h[s++]=P[p],q=-~p%n,i=-1;++i<n;q=(t[1]-P[p][1])*(P[q][0]-t[0])<(t[0]-P[p][0])*(P[q][1]-t[1])?i:q)t=P[i];while((p=q)!=l);for(p=i=0;i<s;p-=(t[0]+h[++i%s][0])*(t[1]-h[i%s][1]))t=h[i];return Math.round(.5*p/~(p%=2))*~p;}

-52 bytes thanks to @OlivierGrégoire
-3 bytes thanks to @PeterTaylor
-7 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat

Try it online.

Or 299 bytes without rounding...


There are three steps to do:

  1. Calculate the points for the Convex Hull based on the input-coordinates (using Jarvis' Algorithm/Wrapping)
  2. Calculate the area of this Convex Hull
  3. Banker's rounding..

To calculate the coordinates that are part of the Convex Hull, we use the following approach:

Set point \$l\$ and \$p\$ to the left-most coordinate. Then calculate the next point \$p\$ in a counterclockwise rotation; and continue doing so until we've reached back at the initial point \$l\$. Here a visual for this:

enter image description here

As for the code:

P->{                      // Method with 2D integer array as parameter & long return-type
  int n=P.length,         //  Integer `n`, the amount of points in the input
      l=0,                //  Integer `l`, to calculate the left-most point
      i=0,                //  Index-integer `i`
      p,                  //  Integer `p`, which will be every next counterclockwise point
      q,                  //  Temp integer `q`
      t[],                //  Temp integer-array/point
      h[][]=P.clone(),    //  Initialize an array of points `h` for the Convex Hull
      s=0;                //  And a size-integer for this Convex Hull array, starting at 0
  for(;++i<n;)            //  Loop `i` in the range [1, `n`):
    l=                    //   Change `l` to:
      P[i][0]<P[l][0]?    //   If i.x is smaller than l.x:
       i                  //    Replace `l` with the current `i`
      :l;                 //   Else: leave `l` unchanged
  p=l;                    //  Now set `p` to this left-most coordinate `l`
  do                      //  Do:
    for(h[s++]=P[p],      //   Add the `p`'th point to the 2D-array `h`
        q=-~p%n,          //   Set `q` to `(p+1)` modulo-`n`
        i=-1;++i<n;       //    Loop `i` in the range [0, `n`):
        ;q=               //      After every iteration: change `q` to:
                          //       We calculate: (i.y-p.y)*(q.x-i.x)-(i.x-p.x)*(q.y-i.y), 
                          //       which results in 0 if the three points are collinear;
                          //       a positive value if they are clockwise;
                          //       or a negative value if they are counterclockwise
                          //       So if the three points are counterclockwise:
            i             //        Replace `q` with `i`
           :q)            //       Else: leave `q` unchanged
      t=P[i];             //     Set `t` to the `i`'th Point (to save bytes)
  while((p=q)             //  And after every while-iteration: replace `p` with `q`
             !=l);        //  Continue the do-while as long as `p` is not back at the
                          //  left-most point `l` yet
  // Now step 1 is complete, and we have our Convex Hull points in the List `h`
  for(p=i=0;              //  Set `p` (the area) to 0
      i<s                 //  Loop `i` in the range [0, `s`):
      ;p-=                //    After every iteration: Decrease the area `p` by:
        (t[0]+h[++i%s][0])//     i.x+(i+1).x
        *(t[1]-h[i%s][1]))//     Multiplied by i.y-(i+1).y
    t=h[i];               //   Set `t` to the `i`'th point (to save bytes)
 return Math.round(.5*p/~(p%=2))*~p;}
                          //  And return `p/2` rounded to integer with half-even

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 27 bytes


Try it online!


JavaScript (ES6),  191  189 bytes

Implements the Jarvis march (aka gift wrapping algorithm).


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Or 170 bytes without the cumbersome rounding scheme.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Rounding was just a red herring because twice the area is always exactly integer. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 15, 2019 at 14:00
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ @VladimirReshetnikov Out of curiosity: if you knew rounding was a red herring, then why add it to distract from the otherwise good challenge?.. Not all languages have builtin Banker's rounding, not even well-known languages like JS and Java apparently. I like the challenge in general and enjoyed writing my Java answer, but the rounding and lack of explanation what Convex Hull is to make the challenge self-contained refrained me from upvoting it, tbh.. PS: Sorry @Arnauld to do this as a comment in your answer.. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 15, 2019 at 14:24

R, 85 81 78 bytes


Try it online!

Takes input as a 2-column matrix - first for x, second for y. R's round actually uses banker's rounding method, so we are quite lucky here.

The code uses a built-in function to determine, which points form the convex hull, and then applies the standard formula \$\sum_{i}{(x_{i-1}+x)\cdot(y_{i-1}-y_i)}/2\$ to get the polygon surface area.

Thanks to Giuseppe for -3 bytes.


[R + sp package], 55 bytes


Try it at RDRR

A function which takes a n x 2 matrix and returns the rounded area. This uses the sp package. The drop=F is needed to handle the one co-ordinate case. RDRR used for demo since TIO lacks the sp package.


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