

In regulated horse-racing for gambling, bets called Quinella bets exist and in which a person bet on the first two places of a race. In racecourses, usually there is a display which shows the odds of a specific combination as below:

enter image description here

(This picture is a cropped picture from Hong Kong Jockey Club. QIN stands for Quinella)


Write a program or function, receiving either lines of strings or an array, print or return an ASCII Quinella table with the following format:

 QUINELLA  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  | 14  |     
     | 8\1 | 162 | 7.2 | 11  | 109 | 4.5 | 6.0 | 11  | 999 | 11  |     |     |     |     |  1  
  9  | 37  | 9\2 | 11  | 999 | 41  | 350 | 75  | 24  | 999 | 31  |     |     |     |     |  2  
 10  | 8.2 | 84  |10\3 | 75  | 999 | 85  | 48  | 8.1 | 138 | 191 |     |     |     |     |  3  
 11  |     |     |     |11\4 | 45  | 6.4 | 999 | 287 | 473 | 60  |     |     |     |     |  4  
 12  |     |     |     |     |12\5 | 15  | 8.9 | 40  | 175 | 378 |     |     |     |     |  5  
 13  |     |     |     |     |     |13\6 | 26  | 999 | 15  | 860 |     |     |     |     |  6  
 14  |     |     |     |     |     |     |14\7 | 727 | 100 | 37  |     |     |     |     |  7  
     |  8  |  9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  |     |  8  |  9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  | 14  |   

In this challenge, the numbers in the middle are calculated from the input by a specific algorithm, which will be explained later.


Input: Your program or function must receive one of the two formats as below:

  • Lines of Strings: The first line will be <number of horses> <number of bets>, following by <number of bets> lines of <horse 1> <horse 2> <amount of bet>.


10 100
1 2 100
3 4 500
5 6 100
7 8 2000
9 10 10
(... 95 more lines)
  • Array: An array or tuple, with 3 elements, [<number of horses>, <number of bets>, <bets>], where <bets> is a 2d array consisting of <number of bets> elements, each element consists of 3 elements, [<horse 1>, <horse 2>, <amount of bet>]. As a special rule for functions, passing the tuple as 3 arguments is allowed.


[10, 100, [
 [1, 2, 100],
 [3, 4, 500],
 [5, 6, 100],
 [7, 8, 2000],
 [9, 10, 10],
 ... 95 more elements
  • You may assume all inputs are valid.

  • You may assume 1 <= <horse 1> < <horse 2> <= <number of horses> in both cases.

  • You may assume 9 <= <number of horses> <= 14 in both cases.

Processing: The odds for each quinella pair <horse 1>, <horse 2> (unordered, i.e. 1,2 and 2,1 are considered identical) is calculated as follows:

Odds = <Total bet amount of all pairs> / <Total bet amount of the pair> / 2
Maximum Odds: 999, Minimum Odds: 1.1

In case you doubt, the odds will be 999 if <Total bet amount of the pair> == 0.

The result should be rounded to the nearest 0.1 if Odds < 9.95 (in this case, the .0 must be retained if necessary), and to the nearest integer if Odds >= 9.95.

Output: Replace each bold-and-italic number pair with the corresponding odds calculated in the previous step. Leave the cell blank if any of the number in the pair is larger than <number of horses>.

 QUINELLA  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  | 14  |     
     | 8\1 | 1,2 | 1,3 | 1,4 | 1,5 | 1,6 | 1,7 | 1,8 | 1,9 |1,10 |1,11 |1,12 |1,13 |1,14 |  1  
  9  | 8,9 | 9\2 | 2,3 | 2,4 | 2,5 | 2,6 | 2,7 | 2,8 | 2,9 |2,10 |2,11 |2,12 |2,13 |2,14 |  2  
 10  |8,10 |9,10 |10\3 | 3,4 | 3,5 | 3,6 | 3,7 | 3,8 | 3,9 |3,10 |3,11 |3,12 |3,13 |3,14 |  3  
 11  |8,11 |9,11 |10,11|11\4 | 4,5 | 4,6 | 4,7 | 4,8 | 4,9 |4,10 |4,11 |4,12 |4,13 |4,14 |  4  
 12  |8,12 |9,12 |10,12|11,12|12\5 | 5,6 | 5,7 | 5,8 | 5,9 |5,10 |5,11 |5,12 |5,13 |5,14 |  5  
 13  |8,13 |9,13 |10,13|11,13|12,13|13\6 | 6,7 | 6,8 | 6,9 |6,10 |6,11 |6,12 |6,13 |6,14 |  6  
 14  |8,14 |9,14 |10,14|11,14|12,14|13,14|14\7 | 7,8 | 7,9 |7,10 |7,11 |7,12 |7,13 |7,14 |  7  
     |  8  |  9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  |     |  8  |  9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13  | 14  |    
  • Each cell is 5 characters wide.
  • You must center the odds, and if you cannot balance the margins, make left margin 1 character less wider than right margin.

Test Cases

Here is a TIO driver which generates random test cases. No hard-coded test cases will be provided.

Winning Criteria

Shortest code in each language wins as per the rules of code-golf challenges. No standard loopholes allowed.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I take it that 9 <= number of horses <= 14 based on the test generator, and the output format? Additionally, is input in the form of a tuple (number of horses, number of bets, [array of bets]) acceptable? \$\endgroup\$
    – Οurous
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 7:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Οurous I think yes. I'll modify to clarify this. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 8:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can the three-element sub-arrays be taken as tuples? And may the bet values be taken as floats-with-integer-value instead of integers? Eg: [[Int]] becomes [(Int,Int,Real)] \$\endgroup\$
    – Οurous
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 10:37
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Ourous of course yes (for both questions) (I'd say array and tuple are to be treated the same here but when I was building this challenge I was coding with JavaScript so...) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 10:52

3 Answers 3


JavaScript (ES8), 321 bytes

Takes input as (number_of_horses)(bets). The number of bets is not taken.

n=>b=>' QUINELLA  '+(y=e='',g=(x,y)=>b.map(([X,Y,b])=>k+=X-x|Y-y?0:b,k=-(x>n|y>n))|k,F=x=>y>16?e:`|+

Try it online!


Main part

n => b =>                       // n = number of horses; b[] = bet array
  ' QUINELLA  ' + (             // append header
    y = e = '',                 // e is the empty string; start with y = '', coerced to 0
    F = x =>                    // F = main recursive function, taking x
      y > 16 ?                  //   if y is greater than 16:
        e                       //     return an empty string and stop recursion
      :                         //   else:
        `|+\n`[x ? y & 1 : 2]   //     append a linefeed if we are at the beginning of a row
        + (                     //     or either '|' or '+' depending on the parity of y
          Y = y / 2,            //     define Y = y / 2
          s =                   //     define s:
            y & 1 ?             //       if y is odd:
              '-----'           //         s = 5 hyphens
            :                   //       else:
              [cell content]    //         s is set to the content of the cell
        )                       //
        .padStart(s[2] ? 4 : 3) //   prepend leading spaces
        .padEnd(5) +            //   append trailing spaces
        F(++x < 16 ? x : !++y)  //   append the result of a recursive call
  )(2)                          // initial call to F() with x = 2

Cell content

The cell content is computed with a huge cascade of ternary operators, which is neither easy nor very interesting to detail here.

One key part in there is the formatting of a bet:

~g(                             // invoke g():
  x > Y ? Y : x + 7,            //   first horse
  x > Y ? x : Y + 7             //   second horse
) ?                             // if g() didn't return -1:
  (k = .5 / k * g())            //   compute amount_of_all_pairs / amount_of_this_pair / 2
  < 999 ?                       //   if the result is less than 999:
    k.toFixed(k < 9.95)         //     output it with the proper number of decimal places
  :                             //   else:
    999                         //     force result to 999
:                               // else:
  e                             //   output an empty cell

Bet amount processing

The helper function \$g\$ computes the total bet amount for a given pair of horses, or the total bet amount of all pairs when invoked with no argument. If at least one of the horses is not valid, it returns \$-1\$ instead.

g = (x, y) =>                   // x = 1st horse, y = 2nd horse
  b.map(([X, Y, b]) =>          // for each bet of amount b on horses (X, Y):
    k +=                        //   update k:
      X - x | Y - y ?           //     if (x, y) is not matching (X, Y):
        0                       //       add 0 to k
      :                         //     else:
        b,                      //       add b to k
    k = -(x > n | y > n)        //   start with k = 0 if both x and y are valid horses
                                //   otherwise, start with k = -1
  ) | k                         // end of map(); return k
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Holy ternary Batman! o.Ô \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 11:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ @KevinCruijssen I actually gave up detailing all these ternary operators. :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 11:50

Python 2, 500 448 444 bytes

for i in R:
 if i<8:Q[i][i]=`7+i`+'\\'+`i`;Q[i][::15]=[['',7+i][i>1],i]
 for j in R:v=sum(v*((A,B)==(i,j))for A,B,v in b);x=min(999,0**v*999or.5*sum(zip(*b)[2])/v);X,Y=i<j<=h and[i,j-7,j,i-7][i>7::2]or(0,0);Q[X][Y]=x<10and round(x,1)or int(x+.5)
Q[0]=[' QUINELLA  ']+R[1:]+['']
for l in Q:print('-----+'*15+'-----\n')*(l<[' '])+'|'.join(map('{:^5}'.format,l))

Try it online!

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ I cannot test right now, but would x+.5 work over round(x)? \$\endgroup\$
    – Mr. Xcoder
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 10:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Mr.Xcoder Yeah, thanks :) \$\endgroup\$
    – TFeld
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 12:13

Clean, 498 ... 483 bbytes

Doesn't take the number of bets.

import StdEnv,Text
$h a=replaceSubString" 0""  "(" QUINELLA"+(j("\n"+j"+"(repeatn 16"-----")+"\n")[j"|"[q<+cjustify 5[c\\c<-: ?h a u v]\\v<-[0..15]]\\u<-[0..8]])%(9,9^9))
?h a u v|u<1=q<+v rem 15|v>14=q<+u rem 8|u>7|v>7=q<+v=q<+(v+7)*sign(v rem 7)
#p=sort[k+if(u>=v)7 0\\k<-[u,v]]
|r>0.0#r=sum(map thd3 a)/r/2E0
|r<9.95=snd(sort[(abs(e-r),e<+".0")\\e<-[1.1,1.2..1E1]]!!0)%(0,2)=q<+toInt r

Try it online!


q = ""                  // define `q` as the empty string
j = join                // define `j` as the join function
$ h a                   // function $ of horses `h` and array `a`
 = replaceSubString     // replace all
  " 0"                  // zeroes with spaces before them
  "  "                  // with two spaces
  (                     // (in the string)
   " QUINELLA" +        // " QUINELLA" prepended to
   (                    // (the string created by)
    j                   // joining arg2 with arg1
     (                  // (the separator string)
      "\n" +            // newline prepended to
      j "+"             // joining arg2 with plusses
       (repeatn 16      // a list with 16 of
        "-----")        // string with 5 dashes
      + "\n"            // prepended to a newline
     [                  // (a list made out of)
      j "|"             // joining arg2 with vertical pipes
       [                // (a list made out of)
        q <+            // stringifying
        cjustify 5 [    // center-aligning a list of
         c              // character `c`
         \\ c <-:       // for every `c` in the string
          ? h a u v     // (the thing that goes in the cell)
        \\ v <- [0..15] // for every `v` from 0 to 15
       \\ u <- [0..8]   // for every `u` from 0 to 8
   ) % (9, 9^9)         // drop 9 elements off the front
? h a u v               // function ? of `h` `a` `u` and `v`
 | u < 1                // if `u` is zero
  = q <+ v rem 15       // stringify `v` modulo 15
 | v > 14               // if `v` is 15
  = q <+ u rem 8        // stringify `u` modulo 8
 | u > 7                // if `u` is 8
  | v > 7               // if `v` is more than 7
   = q <+ v             // stringify `v`
  = q <+                // otherwise stringify
  (v+7) *               // `v` plus 7 unless
  sign(v rem 7)         // `v` is 7 or zero
 | u == v               // if `u` equals `v`
  = u + 7 <+            // stringify `u` plus 7 and append
  "\\" <+ v             // a slash and the stringification of v
 | v < 1                // if `v` is zero
  | u > 1               // if `u` is more than 1
   = q <+ u + 7         // stringify `u` + 7
  = q                   // empty string
 # p =                  // define `p` as
  sort                  // the sorted
   [                    // (list of horse numbers)
    k +                 // k plus
    if(u >= v)
     7                  // if u >= v, 7
     0                  // else zero
    \\ k <- [u, v]      // for every `k` in u and v
 # r =                  // define `r` as
  sum                   // the sum of
   [                    // (the bets on those horses)
    z                   // the bet `z`
    \\ (x, y, z) <- a   // for every subarray
    | [x, y] == p       // where the horse pair matches `p`
 | r > 0.0              // if `r` is greater than zero
  # r =                 // redefine `r` as
   sum                  // the sum of
    (map thd3 a)        // every bet
   / r                  // divided by the previous `r`
   / 2E0                // divided by two
  | r < 9.95            // if r is less than 9.95
   = snd                // the second element of
    (                   // (the tuple with the closest matching odd)
     sort               // sort the
      [                 // (list of potential odds)
       (                // (tuple with)
        abs(e - r)      // the difference between `r` and the odd `e`
        , e <+ ".0"     // and the stringification of `e`
       )                // for every `e` in the list of odds
       \\ e <- [1.1, 1.2..1E1] 
      ] !! 0            // the first element
    ) % (0, 2)          // "round" the number
  = q <+ toInt r        // otherwise stringify and round `r`
 | p!!1 < h             // if the bet was actually zero
  = "999"               // the odds are 999
 = q                    // otherwise there isn't a horse

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