Given a large number (in base 10), such as 1234567891011121314151617, find prime "subnumbers" in it.
A prime "subnumber" is a consecutive sequence of digits (taken from the input), which represents a prime number (in base 10).
- Input: A number (either a string, a file, or whatever you like).
- Output: All prime subnumbers separated somehow (either in a list, a file, comma-separated strings...) If the result is empty, you can take any convention you like (hardcoded string, empty string, gibberish, but program should not crash.
- Example
1234 -> 2, 3, 23
6542 -> 5, 2
14 -> [.. empty output]
This is code-golf. The shortest program wins!
[edit] : additional rule, program must be explained! Not everybody is fluent in Jelly :)